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The R'tarded thread: The Shitfucking Edidtion 💩🖕

  1. Originally posted by Vitamin G Fiber is not going to help with that. Crouton is loaded with fiber. More fiber =/= perfect shits. More fiber = firmer shits. You're just compounding the issue, try taking magnesium citrate instead. It's what all the brainsmart opioid addicts do.

    Well it works for me so my observation >>> your hypothesis

  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Vitamin G Fiber is not going to help with that. Crouton is loaded with fiber. More fiber =/= perfect shits. More fiber = firmer shits. You're just compounding the issue, try taking magnesium citrate instead. It's what all the brainsmart opioid addicts do.

    pretty sure that only works on the lower end of your digestive tract, you'd need a stimulant of some sort to properly counteract the opioid gastric effects

    kra'tom is pretty mild though as far as opioids go so you probably don't need too much of a... push...
  3. Vitamin G African Astronaut
    Obviously not if your mom is still unclogging the toilet regularly because of your fat shits.
  4. I just started it again yesterday. Last time I did it it worked well. When I was taking fiber and drank 4 bottles of dollar store guafinesin cough syrup I had diahrrea 8 times in one day, I wiped my asshole raw and washed my hands until they cracked. Strangely it was also right when my "ex" cheated on me but before she informed me, like my body knew somehow

  5. Man i'd love to choke her out and cum in her dead mouth like that
  6. Daily an(nu)ally [dissolutely whisk the pantheon]
    sploo acts like a big boy but has trouble maintaining an erection during foreplay due to his excessive consumption of hardcore porn
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 No. Thats the point. I feel kind of embarassed making my mom spend a half hour unclogging the toilet every other day though (Crouton makes me constipated and shit out boulders) so Ive been eating fiber pills to try to not shit like a stone golem. Also I have OCD so doing unclean things makes me panic and my parents understand this. Im sure one day ill find a lovely woman willing to do basic things for me to support her babydaddy since Im like an endless source of free entertainment

    Eat raisin bran with milk, you desperately need a better diet.

    I never had a problem crapping on krato.m even when taking many heaping tablespoons every day. Fibre and magnesium helped me crap almost daily. I crapped even better actually probably because I wasn't eating enough fibre before I was on it. I don't take mag anymore because my doctor said it decreases gab absorption and I take it 4x a day now because my head hurts the most in the evenings and because the more gab I take the better my life feels in multiple respects.

    I did however have a severe bowel moving problem on black tar, but I was able to still shit daily before my morning tdap booster by taking 4 Colace at night. Wikipedia says Colace has little to no proven benefit, but I swear by it and it's a drug you can take every day your whole life basically and it won't hurt you in any way or change your digestive function.
  8. I eat basically 0 fruits or vegetables just carbs and meat like a carnivore
  9. Originally posted by Daily sploo acts like a big boy but has trouble maintaining an erection during foreplay due to his excessive consumption of hardcore porn

  10. Originally posted by WellHung Only a faggot would ask this question. It ain't a skirt…so why do u wanna get chummy with cock?

    It actually is a skirt and MDMA can be for fun too and not just fucking you fucking faggot.
  11. Originally posted by WellHung U ppl are pathetic lightweights. Y'all simply can't handle ur drugs.

    Says the homeless person who relies on hotels for free meals.
  12. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 I eat basically 0 fruits or vegetables just carbs and meat like a carnivore

    Damn you must not have satisfying shits.
  13. Damn this is a fucking good song

  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    my friend sent me this song before he had a psychotic episode from not taking his meds or taking a lot of drugs the other day. I love this song and the rangeless marilyn manson version is awesome too

  15. I took 5mg wheede gummy portion then the same 2 hours later, now it's 2 hours later again so I ate the rest of the 25mg gummy (which are delicious by the way).

    I read that no tolerance 5-10mg should be plenty, but maybe that's bogus advice or maybe I don't metabolize it well. I had an empty stomach the whole time though. I've always seemed to be underwhelmed by edibles, use to eat half or full 100mg suckers before going to bed in high school a few times and felt sleepy but not that high really. I remember still liking them a lot better than smoking though.

    I dunno, it's still a better value for the money I think and it doesn't trip my head like smoking wheede did the dozen or so times I tried it.I can still read my book with relatively little distraction.

    Also I stole a 99 cent 5-hour energy knock off from Aldri because I've wondered how they taste for years.
    The answer is not good.. I don't even like caffeine.
  16. Greenspam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano I took 5mg wheede gummy portion then the same 2 hours later, now it's 2 hours later again so I ate the rest of the 25mg gummy (which are delicious by the way).

    I read that no tolerance 5-10mg should be plenty, but maybe that's bogus advice or maybe I don't metabolize it well. I had an empty stomach the whole time though. I've always seemed to be underwhelmed by edibles, use to eat half or full 100mg suckers before going to bed in high school a few times and felt sleepy but not that high really. I remember still liking them a lot better than smoking though.

    I dunno, it's still a better value for the money I think and it doesn't trip my head like smoking wheede did the dozen or so times I tried it.I can still read my book with relatively little distraction.

    Also I stole a 99 cent 5-hour energy knock off from Aldri because I've wondered how they taste for years.
    The answer is not good.. I don't even like caffeine.

    I ate 2 candy coffee beans at 5mg each. I'm 230-40 pounds (this was last year) and I literally stared at the ceiling thinking of comical shit. Shit I thought would be great for stand up comedy. for 4 fucking hours almost.

    so weird how time went by. I never wrote any of it down and can't think of a damn thing that made sense that would be funny.
  17. Vitamin G African Astronaut
    10mg is nothing nigga
  18. Originally posted by Greenspam I ate 2 candy coffee beans at 5mg each. I'm 230-40 pounds (this was last year) and I literally stared at the ceiling thinking of comical shit. Shit I thought would be great for stand up comedy. for 4 fucking hours almost.

    so weird how time went by. I never wrote any of it down and can't think of a damn thing that made sense that would be funny.

    Yeah the only thing I really notice besides a minor body glow that I'm being a little shit and utterly ignoring because I want to be on track atm is how quickly time seems to be going. I not a quick reader though, my eyes bug me.

    I dunno, I looked on erowid and they laid out these low sounding dosages for non-tolerants, but psychonaut said the same thing. I didn't ask when I bought them, it seemed inappropriate. They both said 10mg+ is borderline heavy dose for naives.

    I'm used to nearly maxing out hard drugs though, so that might have something to do with it, but usually psychonaut is pretty close even if about 10-15% on the conservative side.
  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I can eat 200mg and I only puke sometimes

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