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Posts by Big League Jew

  1. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
  2. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Call njggers "inwards"
  3. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Flea to safety
  4. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    They should make toxic blood bags for fleas to bite and die. With CO2 and motion to attract them.
  5. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Only way to completely get rid of fleas is to eliminate the host.

    Shoot the cat.

    You are a fool if you think getting rid of the cat would work.
  6. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist Oh, ok. But I was flea free after bombing my house, washing all linens, and sweeping the carpet.

    Done just like that.

    Yeah the sweeping and cleaning probably helped a lot. Bug foggers are still ok as a total "fuck this shit" but they're a huge pain in the ass and often treated like a one and done solution.

    My girlfriend is white and small and I'm brown and massive, so my legs were giant flea food silos and beacons to fleas, so I suffered alone with the cat. I couldn't sit still without these fuckers all over me. Called an exterminator, fogged out the whole place, ~3 weeks later and I'm itching again.

    The baking soda + salt stuff worked for me but I'm pretty sure they key factor was simply vacuuming every day nonstop for like a month. I took the vacuum hose to everything, couches, shelves, everything.
  7. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist I guess we’ve had different experiences. The flea bombs I bought killed the larvae in all stages.

    No product on the market can kill the larvae when they enter cocoon phase. The bug poison just sits on the cocoon, it never reaches the bug. It should kill the grubs but the cocooned larvae can hang out in their cocoon for months no problem. It's possible you could do 2 bombings though, since it takes ~2 weeks from hatching to cocoon phase.
  8. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist I haven’t had a flea infestation in over 29 years. I make sure my dogs are treated. IDC what you do, I want every last one gone. Bombing the house, gets rid of all of them if you do it right.

    No it doesn't. The hard part isn't killing the fleas, the hard part is that they have insanely durable larval stages that can lay dormant for literal months. Bug bombing them will certainly kill all your fleas but you have to remove the eggs and dormant larva or else they'll just come back, and that's the hard part. And that isn't possible without thorough cleaning, there's no easy solution, a powerful vacuum with a hose is the #1 most important tool.

    I had a flea infestation a couple years ago because my girlfriend's cat caught some while hanging out on the balcony, tried everything, including bug foggers, only thing that truly works is vacuuming the shit out of the house. Bug foggers +vacuuming is probably a good idea together. But you NEED to clean.
  9. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Don't get your cat a dip. Dips are dangerous. I used salt + baking soda all over my carpet and vacuumed it up regularly, pretty much solved my flea problem in a couple weeks.
  10. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CASPER Yeah as soon as it hits the water, it's got rights. Give that lil nigger free healthcare and a voter registration card, asap.

    When the fuck did citizens get free healthcare?
  11. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
  12. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Fucking Mexican food
  13. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    like invisible submission boxes that lead nowhere.
  14. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DietPiano OF ALL THE THREADS HE CHOOSE MEAT


    It's the most pop
  15. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Super fast minecart network up. Grab a book. There are like 4+ minute rides available.

    Grab tracks from the chests at any station and build to your base! Note the pattern of rails to keep your cart powered and at top speed most efficiently.
  16. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DietPiano I can but it clicking around the site doesn't work well and takes a long time. Coincidentally, can I buy 10 bucks btc off someone?

    With what, 10 bucks?
  17. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
  18. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Obbe Nothing should be hate speech. At the same time people shouldn't be cruel to other people.

    Are you retarded? Maybe you think hate speech shouldn't be punished, what's wrong with the classification? Speech that's hateful.

    I bet the only response that comes to your retarded mind is something like "durr what is 'hateful'?" when nobody even disputed that it's subjectively defined. I mean shit that's part of the prerequisite assumptions for even discussing this thread's topic.
  19. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman

    An English speaker looks at a spider web and says "this web is for catching flies".

    A Frenchman looks at the spider web and says "cette toile est pour attraper les mouches".

    Are they talking about the same thing?
  20. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Just lose weight and get in shape and ur peepee will be fine, your body is naturally set to the right aesthetic proportions and people ruin it by being fat. Worse case scenario start fucking Asian chicks.
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