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Posts by Big League Jew

  1. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DietPiano do you have a job? like i havent heard about it if yes

    Mostly I just manage my investments, write during the day and get paid to do standup at local bars because why not.
  2. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    I might kill myself on Christmas Eve. Haven't quite decided yet.
  3. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian This is an oldschool profession and is being replaced with CNC machining in the U.S. Just so you know. Lots of machinists are salty that they are losing their worth on the job market right now.

    Makes sense, CNC is basically a straight upgrade if you can afford it now. That would be fun to learn at some point too, actually. But I wanna shave metal with a spinny thing and H A R D E N E D T O O L S :(
  4. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 true, but the Mass of the Sun is the the attraction to the Planets, Stars, Moons of this Galaxy.

    Just for our solar system. Our solar system is part of the galaxy, all of which is swirling around the supermassive black hole at the center.

    it's how Galaxies formed after the Big Bang Blast. smaller objects being vacuumed to bigger Mass objects.

    Well let's say it's just masses coming together, to be technically correct, rather than a larger mass attracting a smaller mass. So like if there is a planet and a moon, both are significantly pulling at one another. That's why we have tides!
  5. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    I want to learn machining because it is cool as hell and something about the extreme precision turns me on.
  6. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 sounds good, you seem like a good sport. busting balls is what this is all about :)

    You too Mr Asiam :)
  7. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 Gravity is based off of MASS moron.
    the Earth spins around the Sun because it is the BIGGEST MASS in our Galaxy.
    so Gravity as MASS does act like a vacuum in the way a single magnet attracts components of metallurgy.

    you are copy/pasting baloney because you are a clueless douche.

    instead of copy/pasting try doing this yourself in a setting designed for it. this way you can get a CLUE!!

    Also the Earth doesn't spin around the Sun. Both the Earth and Sun revolve around the center of gravity of the Earth-Sun-system.
  8. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 or, you can come to my Shop in Colorado and see for yourself just how RETARDED you truthfully are.

    i will literally break you down in front of everyone :)

    That's actually a kind invitation in a shell. I'm sorry for insulting you, we should have a coffee together and discuss it sometime.
  9. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i see you lack the innate ability to take info and apply it based upon how it is delivered to you.

    obviously, gravity is not magnetic, but it still acts like it since when we fall, we are falling to the biggest object that acts like our magnetic field.

    falling is similar to a piece of metal being attracted to a magnet and then succumbs to that magnetic pull. falling in gravity is due to being forced and pulled back to the Earth.

    Are you dense?

    No, magnetism doesn't act anything like gravity. It doesn't even pull, it is just a vector field, put together the same polarity and they repel, put something non ferrous and they don't do shit at all.

    Gravity is a matter of spacetime curvature. It doesn't push or pull. More paths just point in one direction than the other due to warping of the metric tensor field.

    You are brain damaged and it's clear you don't know what the fuck you're talking about so I'm going to disengage and save myself some brain cells. Phony engineer.
  10. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo this is one of my favorite standup bits of all time

    Zooks should have gone out like this but instead he just whined about cyberbullying and I'm kinda like "yeah dude, I kinda see why you're a lil cucky now bruh, do you want to work on that? No? Ok bruh your loss imu bby"

    Stanhope can tell a fuckin joke.
  11. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ Still on the bus just complimented a girl on her eyebrow piercing and she said thanks and then I got her number. Oops

    Pimp daddy incorporated ^
  12. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Again, you're an idiot. Not my fault you can't read before opening your yapper

    I did in fact read it and you are still a retard. Something 70 years after Tesla's death based on a field he explicitly admitted total ignorance of, is not related to him no.
  13. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman

    Originally posted by gadzooks

    I was actually considering taking a bit of an extended break from NiS, but you've effectively convinced me to postpone my travel arrangements.

    Let's see how many posts I can make that have nothing to do with you whatsoever that will still somehow have you runnin' my way like you missed the bus for retard school.

    Keep glancing at wikipedia pages between your Minecraft sessions, tho, so you can step up to your usual C- game in the event of any worthwhile debates.

    Boy that lasted long
  14. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    If you are too weak for a kys then you are too weak for the &T community.
  15. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Vitamin G I have gad's info and I want to text him to tell him to come back

    but is that too intrusive

    I miss him already

    fuck you falco

    Just admit it, watching me dominate another man turns you on.
  16. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood falcon was the first one to bitch about rattex posting

    now he's being frothy in PM's oh how the time have changed. This forum needs at least one raving lunatic at all times

    I ain't changed shit faggot, I have always bullied weaklings like Fatzooks.
  17. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    My man, you are mentally defective.

    Tesla is literally never mentioned and has absolutely zero pertinence to these patents.

    Tesla didn't know shit about Quantum Mechanics and was primarily an engineer. And none of these patents have any relationship to his work other than the fact that they use electricity.

    The inertial mass reduction device based on microwave resonance to achieve an accelerated vibrational mode. Tesla did not know jack dick about microwaves as nobody built a magnetron till WW2 even though they were known to exist, let alone generating a quantum vacuum. Tesla did not know jack dick about superconductivity. Tesla did not know jack dick about gravitational waves, which we only even confirmed s couple of years ago. Tesla did not know jack dick about nuclear anything let alone plasma fusion.

    Basically the only relationship is that you are a retard and think tic tacs look like flying saucers.
  18. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    We make all our pots from millet
  19. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Paul Mooney is a straight up monster comedian.

  20. Big League Jew Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DietPiano "I'm a dualistic retard who can't comprehend beginning and eternity being able to be intertwined"

    The definition of eternity precludes a beginning. It is just a contradiction and your brain don't work gud.
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