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Posts by arthur treacher

  1. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I don't know this 'RestStop' character, but what's so special about RestStop that everyone else is a piece of shit comparatively? Are you really the only competent, successful, accomplished human being in your life?

    I think I may have found the reason why people are calling you 'egotistical' behind your back.
  2. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Pseudo-medieval cubicles?
  3. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I don't remember what it was...could be that, I don't know.

    Also, wine is gross. It all tastes about the same to me.
  4. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    My dad is as white bread as they come brah, green eyes blondish hair, kinda looks like chuck norris. And he wouldn't call the school he would just show up because he knows how the libtard teachers would shit themselves at a parent that has money actually showing them up.

    [SIZE=14px]Bill Krozby's dad[/SIZE]:

  5. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    A long time ago,during a very bad snowstorm, me and my old lady ran out of weed and our dealer lived 35 minutes away. We jumped in our van and drove there, as the blizzard intensified, After picking up an oz, on the way home the conditions became near white-out. We passed an area where there was a deep ravine on one side of the road. As we passed the ravine, I glanced down inside and saw a van at the bottom, tilted awkwardly with its front embedded in a snowdrift. The passenger door was open, and that was all I could see before we were past.

    Couldn't stop, wanted to get home to fuck and smoke good weed all evening.

  6. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I always knew this, somewhere deep inside.
  7. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    My first MDMA experience was very unfortunate and it messed me up quite a bit. I can't really enjoy it at all even though everyone seems to love it.

    I have never tried it. Someone gave me a pill of it one time for free, it had some kind of car logo on it or something, and I put it in my freezer and never got around to taking it. A year later I found it in there and gave it to my brother in law, and he took it and said nothing happened.

    I thought about getting some through the darknet, but as an opiate addict, I probably won't go out of my way to buy non-opiate drugs very much.

    So what did the big, bad phenethylamine do to poor, vulnerable little RisiR?
  8. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I'd say that it is not only possible, it is probable.
  9. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    If that's what OD feels like then those euthanasia niggas who are like "you just drift off to blissful sleep" are full of shit.

    I don't know, it's wierd. A 'mild' overdose is painful and unpleasant, but IV users who overdose and survive report that it is painless and sometimes even very pleasant.

    So I guess if you are going to OD, make sure you OD with the needle.
  10. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    As I said, the seeds are so strong right now that more than a couple of people have actually died from them. I know for a fact of three of them, one was in the news, the other was on facebook, and another was reported on reddit; I have heard anecdotally of a couple more.

    I had a feeling you took too much as soon as I saw you type ' I just feel sedated as a motherfucker and a little nauseous'.

    I've been doing this seed tea thing for many, many years. A decade ago, I used to drive all over the state of Indiana shoplifting bottles of the seeds from stores as far away as South Bend (2 and a half hours north of me). I would hit a dozen stores or so and come home with my van literally half full of seeds and it would last me a month.

    The seeds vary so much in potency that if you aren't careful, you will OD like you just did. I remember the last time it happened to me; I had some weak seed that required at least 2 lbs to even feel it, so I was using fucking gallon milk jugs full of seeds. Then I got these new seeds, in 8 oz. containers. I was inexperienced, and did my usual 2 and a half lb. wash. The seeds had a wierd varnishy smell. The wash had sort of a nail-polish remover taste to it. Come to find out, that was the taste of opiate alkaloids and I had stumbled upon the strongest seeds I have ever seen in my life, even to this day. 8 oz would get me high as a kite all day long, but I had just done five times that amount. Luckily I had a decent tolerance, or I would definitely be dead.

    I had the worst headache of my life the next day, and I was nearly immobilized on the couch, so much so that I didn't even have the energy to lift my head up to vomit; All I could do is sort of curl my lip a certain way, to make a spout as best I could to direct the inevitable thin stream of stomach acids and bile in the vague direction of the trash can I had placed near the couch.

    After that I learned to slowly sip my tea, and to start very low with a new source.

    Next time take 1/4 of what you took this time. Start with that until you feel it, even if it takes a few times.

    How exactly are you washing the seeds?

    I just roll a piece of paper into a funnel and funnel some seeds into a two liter bottle, run the sink tap, put the mouth of the bottle under the tap for a count of seven or eight, place the lid on tight and shake the bottle back and forth for one minute, then loosen the lid a bit and invert the bottle over a cup with a wide mouth and squeeze. Repeat twice if the seeds are strong.
  11. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    your 'beBill Krozby' joke.
  12. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    when do you draw the line at fear interrupting freedom?.

    I draw the line at stuff like transferred intent, and complicity, and erosion of the very concept of concurrence and the nature of 'conspiracy' in a legal sense...

    Completely off topic, but the united states of America died the day they started letting lawyers hold government positions. Typing out those weasel words that they call 'legal terms' reminded me of that.
  13. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    thread is developing nicely.
  14. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I call it exhibiting bitch-like behavior
  15. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    We used to do this when I was a kid....we called it 'going out and stealing stuff from parked cars'.

    good times.
  16. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Also, I am barely in my 40's, I just turned 40 a few months ago.

    So fuck you, Bill are going to end up dying alone on a soiled mattress in an abandoned house.
  17. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    This is terrible advice crazy mike is in his 40's and basically lives like you roshambo. Try to get out a lil more.

    Yeah, except that I have raised two children already, one who has accomplished more in his life by age 20 than you have in your entire life, the other one with a nice scholarship already and isn't even a junior yet; and I also own a house that's entirely paid for.
  18. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Kill yourself. And by that I mean kill yourself. You fucking faggot.

    If you see one totse2 faggot, there are probably a hundred more inside the walls, breeding and fouling up the place.
  19. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Stand in front of a mirror and punch yourself in the face repeatedly, as hard as you possibly can, until you lose consciousness. Repeat as often as you can stand it.

    I bet you feel them mental alterations.
  20. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Also can confirm about faster onset of withdrawel i get mild withdrawel after a week of daily use

    The faster onset of withdrawal is, in itself, considered 'kindling'. I don't think that the severity of withdrawals is affected. Poppy pods or seed tea has some nasty withdrawals, though.
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