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Posts by arthur treacher

  1. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    What in the serious fuck made those people so demented that they'd to that to kitties and animals? I wish I could torture them

    Just the usual neighborhood gang of kids, my cousin was like a ringleader, and they would go around torturing animals or vandalizing shit. Sometimes I would meet up with them and hang out, but usually I stayed around my own area and did my own thing.

  2. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Probably U and Lanny

    Yeah, can't argue with this....
  3. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Yeah, no shit...



  4. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Next week at around this time I'm going to be starting my vacation...sitting on a beach for 9 days straight, getting high, getting laid, and eating until I puke....while Bill Krozby will be waking up all unshaved with crazy hair next to some morbidly obese middle aged pill head, wondering if he can muster the willpower not to kill himself rather than go to another shift at his dishwashing job.

    I will post some vacation pictures, don't worry...
  5. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    some animals are fucking assholes, though.

    This one right here needs killed ^^.
  6. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    so you would be horrified at the thought of animals being tortured, but not so bothered by a human being tortured.


  7. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    wait, what? how long has it been since I was laid? A long time?

    you mean like yesterday? I am at her house right now using her computer. Lanny can probably tell you her name and everything by the IP I am using, the internet here is paid for under her name.

    you lose again, Bill Krozby, just like every other day of your 'life'.

  8. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I was saying Y to two different things, not combining the sentences.

    Is your cousin OK? Where is he now?

    He is alive, other than that I haven't heard from him in decades.

    Sometimes, things just have to be killed, to mitigate further suffering.
  9. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    fuck mark 311

    I am glad he died, and I hope he burns in hell

    If he were alive, I would tell him that to his face, too.
  10. arthur treacher African Astronaut


    I didn't do that, my cousin did. Apparently you didn't actually read my posts, instead you just skim them and note the keywords, which gives you an entirely different impression than the actual truth that I am attempting to convey to you.

    I only ever kill animals when hunting, or to euthanize them.
  11. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I'm not denying it. But he does it on a constant basis with just one.. and he denies it…

    Just tellin' it like it is fam. I get hotter pussy more than most people on here (most people here are over 40 and can't get laid anymore or are virgins)

    I've never once seen you with anything even close to 'hot'. The only 'heat' you get from pussy is the heat rising off the herpes sores from your next cross-infected victim/host.

    Nothing but an endless series of dressed hogs, and pictures of you in various states of undress and dissolution, and your fucking cat.

    If I had your life, I would have blown my head off with a 12 gauge years ago.

  12. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I think roshambo is trying to tell us something.....too garbled to FUCK YOUtell whether it really means anything or not. Probably just gibberish.
  13. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    ^you're justification makes you seem like even a bigger piece of shit. Show a picture of yourself , I bet you look like a total creeper. What did you do for "work" anyways?

    Ok we have found the biggest piece of shit on the site, here he is now ^^^

    Ok Bill Krozby, since you don't pay attention, I will answer all of your questions, even though I have already posted this a thousand times: In a moment of poor judgement and drug intoxication, I have actually posted a picture of myself before, on zoklet. I have a baby face and look even younger than you do, you weathered pizzaro-looking spic....and as far as what I do for a living, I do lots of stuff. Lots of none of your fucking business. Lets just say that I have to work a stupid regular job to justify my middle class lifestyle, and that job is a do-nothing no-show job. I am a respectable member of my community, that's all you need to know, julio.
  14. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    ITT: Capt' Falcon on damage control duty

    Who is this capt falcon anyway? I never heard of him before. As far as being a poster, he just seems like an inferior Zanick clone, except without the humor or cleverness.
  15. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    ^sploo's not rationalizing anything except the fact that your gf is pretty gnarly looking.


    You've harpooned some big nasties yourself, Ahab.
  16. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Oh yeah, I did do some of that stuff.

    Ok, fair enough.

    If its any consolation, it bothers me very deeply that I did that stuff.

    But what I did was inconsequential. I never tortured any living thing, and I only ever kill animals for a good reason. When I was a kid I hung out with some people who were really sick in the head, who actually tortured animals for fun, I seen some shit that makes what I did look like sunday school, and luckily I missed most of the worst parts of what they did. The little bit I did see, feeding cats to rottweilers,a beagle nailed to a board while it was still alive, hamsters beaten for months with pencils with heavy pencil-top erasers, until they were quivering traumatised shells in the corner, then one night taken outside and doused in lighter fluid and lit on fire...was bad enough, but the stuff I heard about, I am glad I stayed home.

  17. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I agree with you, and with the premise of this thread, there sure are a lot of people in this world who cannot accept responsibility for themselves.

    That 'we are all equal' garbage is just to make inferior people feel a bit better.
  18. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Going on vacation next week...gonna be sitting on a beach, nodding off like ray charles. got a box of 25 lbs of high-potency poppy seeds today, packed 10lbs of them in my my phenibut and etizolam supplies replenished too. Now all I need is about a half oz. of good weed and I will be set.
  19. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    you wish
  20. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Crazy Mike

    I don't see how I am even on anyone's list...

    Besides being an opiate addict and refusing to pay my license reinstatement fees, how am I a piece of shit? I own my own home, I make more money than 2/3 of the members here doing half as much work, I raised my children to be successful, productive human beings, and I give you losers a lot of really excellent advice and ideas.

    You have me on a list with a bunch of child molesters, an admittedly very intelligent and personable recluse, and yourself....I think you must be mistaking me with someone else.
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