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Posts by arthur treacher

  1. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    MQ isn't as funny as he used to be. Now he is always so serious and posts stuff that is meaningful. Maybe he just needs someone to tell him a few stories.....
  2. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Fanglekai's leaving gives me that same feeling that I imagine people get from the doctor telling them that their cancer is in remission.

    Because, make no mistake, those guys were nothing but a cancer to this community.

    Me? I am more like the spongiform encephalopathy of this community.
  3. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    There are tons of 'deep web' sites that are set up by solo vendors to sell their product, independent of the 'darknet market' type sites.

    The trick is to find one with a good reputation that handles their business right.
  4. arthur treacher African Astronaut
  5. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I tried to look up old newspaper articles online about the old lady thing, but didn't find anything. This was circa 1988 in Boardman, Ohio, so I might have to go find microfiche files in a local library 400 miles from where I live, to find any articles about this.

  6. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    You disgust me, you fucking obsequious little bitch.

    (I meant Bill Krozby, not the person above me.)
  7. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I already told my stories at sanctuary.

    The one with the image of the deceased old ladies face in the screen, with other figures suggestive of jesus and some more vague image of a face, and the local news crew and crowds of onlookers that filled the neighborhood....

    And that time in the graveyard with the clown/monk/grave rubber/sasquatch 'thing'
  8. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I quit using the chimney when santa got stuck in it and fucking died. I don't even go near it now, the decomposition smell is horrendous.
  9. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    afaik, you would have to genetically engineer the yeast to get it to do that
  10. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Sweet mother of Jesus Mike are you seriously using Windows 98 or some shit? Please tell me you just have the old theme selected.

    Yeah, I am still using XP.

    I (used to) play games on this computer, and you need Windows to play any of the good ones.

    I know, I should know better....I made all these big lofty plans to start using openSUSE, but I just never got around to screwing with it.

    I thought about using a virtual machine to run windows just for gaming, but again, I just haven't got around to it.

    I actually have windows 8 installed on a virtual machine that I run off of XP, I was using it for some specific purpose.

    Pretty much all I have to do is see if I can run DVD's in the virtual machine, and if I can get that going, there is no reason for me to use windows anymore on my main PC.

    But I am a lazy fuck, who's interaction with his computer consists of sitting down for five minute shitposting sessions, then getting restless and going to do something else.

  11. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Well, fuck, I probably won't be posting here very much after all.

    Seems that 'IAM' or some other fuckface 'hacker' is starting to target my site.

    I could just say 'fuck it' and let my site go down, and just post here from now on.....

    But I never back down from a fight, and I sure as fuck am not going to let this motherfucker think that he is going to have an easy win.

    So, I guess I should probably spend my time over there,

    Or else my forum will end up like llz, with a big 'hacked' sign showing how much of a victim I am.

    I will still post here from time to time, just so none of you get too comfortable in your faggotry.

    See you around.
  12. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Ok, I guess that '9' isn't the number of replies, it is the number of topics in spurious.

    Also, MQ did reply, but it took like 10 minutes to show up even if I closed and re-opened firefox.

    Guess it is probably on my end?


    Ah, well, at least I got to say 'shuck n jive'. That's always a treat.

    -edit- actually it took 5 minutes, I was exaggerating. I better go to bed and forget about it, I got a lot of drugs to do in the morning.
  13. arthur treacher African Astronaut

    Look at the dumb clone thread I made....see the 9 replies, and MQ as the last user to reply?

    But in all actuality, there are no replies at all:

    I tried refreshing, logging in, logging out...I would try deleting cookies and trying again, but, I don't fucking want to.

    Nigger rig this shit, or something, because it is all niggered up.
  14. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    what the fuck are you looking at, get outta here.
  15. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    hehe lanny has a ridiculous ballsack
  16. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I've never seen woman farms, but I see woman gardens all the time. They seem to grow on certain street corners, for some reason.
  17. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Yeah, fuck you mark311. Go have another nervous breakdown because no one likes you online, you fragile little bitch.
  18. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Or....and this is just a wild theory....maybe redfern was a fed op all along, and they finally got what they were after, so they closed up shop. Who knows, though? Totse2 faggots are such notorious liars, we may never know the truth.
  19. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Look at me, I said I wasn't going to do it, but here I am, ass-kissing and shitposting.
  20. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    From my understanding, metaphorically, he left his front door unlocked and standing wide open, while the security system was on and fully functioning.

    Like, my impression is that some playlist he posted, on his own site, led to further information about his identity. Can't get much more sloppy and incompetent than that.

    I mean, the guy can post whatever he wants, it's his site, but you would think that someone who wanted to keep his identity secret would know better.

    Am I wrong about the facts and the events of the last few days? Honest question, I haven't been paying real close attention.

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