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Posts by arthur treacher

  1. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I still got a couple years left until I hit 40.

    I am also pretty immature (no big secret), I always hung around younger people, I even look 10 years younger than I really am.
  2. arthur treacher African Astronaut
  3. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    What's up blah? crazy mike here, it's been a while.
  4. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I'm kinda sad I missed the early days of RC trading, too busy being a square. I sorta remember it being mostly JHW-whatever so maybe it was no big loss, but there was probably some good shit as well if I had kept an ear to the ground.

    Oh well, I can hardly complain, I can order pretty much any classical recreational drug and a lot of new ones without even leaving my home, wave of the future mang.

    I used to buy grams of 2ct7 and all kinds of shit. I ordered dried trichocereus peruvianus chips out of mail-order catalogs, made out of actual paper. JLF poisonous non-consumables....Wildflowers of Heaven.....You kids these days, I almost feel sorry for you.
  5. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I love old-school hex-based wargames, eating pussy....ah fuck you said no sex...I play a little guitar, and have owned dogs my entire life....a bit of pheasant hunting....I like to fight, but I kind of suck at it....I like babies, and I have always had custody of both of my kids over their whore mothers, and I changed diapers and was a stay at home dad for a year or so....Hate toddlers, though, and went back to work so I could avoid mine until they got older....and I cook pretty good but I don't like to cook, I actually get enraged when I mess up food and then I ruin everyones day with my bad mood.

    Right now, since my kids are grown and I have no responsibilities, my main focus in life is finding a way to do opiates every day for the rest of my life, and all the other hobbies and goals come second, so I guess currently nothing.
  6. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    High school aged

    I got two kids, though, my son is in college
  7. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    It may be quick and use easily available household items, but the way I described gives you the best hits and lets you get the most out of your crack.
  8. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    No, I wasn't aware of that.

    Thanks, michael myers.
  9. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Poor Snoopy. Once a great legacy, now not even named or remembered.

    *shakes head sadly*

    fuck snoopy
  10. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Lol, I'll admit that fang made some bad decisions for sure, now that he can't ban me I'm fully willing to some of them were straight stupid. BUT I still think he was good as a poster (as distinct from being a mod), posted helpful shit in cooking related threads at least.

    I don't think jelsoft has given a shit about their IP in years. Worst case I can just shell out for a license or switch software.

    Well fuck I wish I had known that before I used SMF, I hate that shit. It's the best of a bad lot, though...all the free ones suck. I tried some of them but I am too embarrassed to talk about it.

    the dishonest way those guys sunk sanctuary, I don't trust any of them.
  11. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I guess the police were called there by some lady who heard a knock at her door. Maybe this guy just heard a banging noise and then claimed it was a gunshot after the fact? There are no pictures of any bullet holes in the camper. I don't believe him.
  12. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    At first I was hoping these guys get away, as I do by default in any cases of bad guy vs. good guy, but after a cursory examination of their histories and personalities, these guys are fucking morons. They were the type of guys that, if they weren't already lifers, would be in and out of prison anyway because they are so fucking dumb.

    I also noticed an anomaly in the official story of how they killed Richard Matt. It is said that he fired shots at a camper, and the guy just drove along, humming some fucking dopey song to himself, in an area in close proximity to where the escaped prisoners could have made it to on foot. I know it's hundreds of miles of area, but if there were two escaped murderers within two hundred miles of you, and their faces were being shown in news headlines and breaking stories, don't you think you might, I don't know, keep an ear out for 'banging' noises, or maybe pay attention to your surroundings when you are alone in the woods? He is camping, after all.....maybe this guy never watches TV or reads newspapers, or...listens to the radio.....or has a phone.....

    I barely skimmed two articles of this story, and then read another article in the mainstream media about their histories and profiles, and already see a questionable aspect of the story. I wonder how many more there would be if someone did a little actual work? I mean, I'm not fucking gonna do it. I'm just saying, the news, most if not all of it, is probably mostly fake, and I mean, totally fake, not just 'they are lying to us' fake.......
  13. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    It could be and was worse already. Looking for a new job but I'm smoking a lot of syncans lately and they fry my brain a bit.

    I'm going to bed now fellas. Have a good one.

    What sort of syncans, if I may ask?
  14. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Yeah, I'm not ok with the feces aspect, though I have stuck my thumb in there when I'm hitting it from behind. Its a convenient handle.
  15. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Fuck both sides, but fuck the arabs just a little bit more.
  16. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    get an assortment of allen wrenches

    I suck at fixing stuff, so that is the extent of my advice to you.
  17. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Ah, after rereading your post, does the screen sort of serve as an 'ad-hoc' brillo? I was just thinking itobacco on some foil with holes poked in it.

  18. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Sploo was going to move into the spare room of my house....until he started asking about my daughter......little fucker
  19. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    A fair amount of business went down behind the scenes at zoklet.
  20. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I have seen people use 'pop can bowls' with tobacco or whatever on them, but fuck, it wastes a lot of crack that way. I seen niggers openly smoking on their pop cans at the bus station, sitting inside those glass bus bench things to get away from the wind.
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