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Posts by arthur treacher

  1. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Don't you have a shift at your dishwashing job to get to, Bill Krozby ?
  2. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    First you tell him
    Get a job

    And then you lay this on him
    Pursue a passion or hobby along with work you like making beats/music right? Take it and run with it.

    Are you just trolling the poor guy or what?
  3. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    mbrp........whassat.....match book red phosphorus?

  4. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Vitamin F for Fuck you
  5. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    You just didn't understand me, as usual. You have a really hard time with comprehension, apparently because your IQ is so miniscule.

    It's called sarcasm, Bill Krozby. We look so different, that I made a smart ass comment about it. I am quite different than you, except maybe in that we are both male and have dark hair.

    Actually we are almost total mirror opposites. You are thin, I am stocky. You have crazy greasy spic hair, I have close-cropped neat hair. You have hollow cheeks and a peanut-shaped head, my cheeks are wide and my head is roundish. You take pictures of yourself with your fucking cat, I only posted one picture ever and no one paid attention to it and it disappeared into history.

    Everything is always about Bill Krozby. You took an offhanded comment I made weeks ago, and probably made this whole mythology about it where I think I look like you, and where I never get laid and that I have this sad life, when in reality, I have it pretty good right now and things are actually looking up for me lately, for once. Sorry to disappoint you, but not everything is about you, Bill Krozby.
  6. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    the beagle wasn't really 'crucified', it was laid on its side, and this was after it had been beaten nearly to death, so it didn't really move much or complain, and the nails were driven through the upper parts of its legs, into the board. It died soon after. I saw it while it was still alive, and then later after it was dead they threw it in the woods, board and all.
  7. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    The funny thing about Arthur is how he continually calls me a spic yet has claimed to look similar to me except fatter. Go figure.

    where the fuck do you get this shit from?

    When have I ever said that?

    You have been doing this a lot lately, just making shit up, I guess.

    Everyone: does that seem like something I would EVER type, even in jest?

    Bill Krozby is either going insane, or is just fucking outright lying.

    I think Bill Krozby just wants attention.
  8. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    The above testimony simply reinforces my insistence that Australia is fucking stupid. The people, the country, the land, the very concept of 'Australia''s all just so fucking stupid.
  9. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Also, not to pull a Lanny but Arthur is shitting on Bill Krozby right now and you can see how flustered Bill Krozby is. Keep it up, and come at me too bro.

    I haven't even really started in on Bill Krozby yet. He truly isn't worth the effort.

    Plus I don't want to get in the way of the fine disagreement that you gentlemen are having.

  10. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    wierd, it doubles the euphoria for me. but I am very careful, becaused death lies that way.

    Nothing ruins a good buzz like death.
  11. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I'll antagonize your god gene, you fucks.
  12. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Iam actually owns a mask just like this.

    All the more reason to doubt.
  13. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Actually you care a lot.

    I don't, and you are either a fucking liar, or you are an idiot.

    That's right, I said [SIZE=16px]you are a fucking liar, Bill Krozby. [/SIZE]

    You act like you are somebody, but you are nothing but a sniveling little puke.

    You didn't even have the guts to talk shit about my site.

    Never once did you say anything about it, except 'I didn't post there, guys!'

    You approval-seeking little follower. You fucking disgust me.

    You come here and act all hard and shit now. We all know you ain't shit, Bill Krozby.

    You weren't shit then, and you ain't shit now, no matter how hard you try.

  14. arthur treacher African Astronaut
  15. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    You told me you don't like me because I told you your site sucked and quit posting in it almost a t Year ago.

    Meant for crazy bitch mike

    waaaahh wahhh wahhhh keep crying

    nobody cares, Bill Krozby

  16. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Agreed on the meth + opiates combo, @Mike.

    Oral dose methamphetamine. I am dying to try it. Why did I say no....I am dumb.

    Opiates + benzos can be quite sedating, a nice little pick me up late in the afternoon would be perfect.
  17. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    what's this about a metaphor? I missed it, apparently.... I was just saying some of the stuff that us kids did when we used to roam around unsupervised.

    nowadays kids all got their noses in their phones

    but we were wild and free, raping and killing and....well I usually just stayed home and smoked weed that I stole off my stepdad. That is the main thing that kept me off the streets, if I went to hang out, they would beg for weed and expect me to share and shit, so usually I just stayed home.
  18. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    etizolam, phenibut, super-strong poppy seed wash, and high-grade marijuana.

    I could use some meth, actually. Nothing's better than speed mixed with opiates. Massive poly-drug admiration, not abuse.

    I was offered some recently and turned it down. My friend that lives a hundred miles north of me offered to mail me some and I stupidly said no, kind of to be polite. You know, like 'Ah, it's probably a pain in the ass, don't worry about it' and he was like 'Ok'....I should have said 'wait....'
  19. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    I was a ringleader of my group of friends and we pretended sticks we found were weapons with magic powers and we'd battle imaginary monsters in the forest on quests :(

    Then I smoked weed. Once. I didn't even inhale.

    When we got a bit older, I still didn't hang around them as much. I was around 13 or so, this one time, I stayed home, they were hanging around a bunch of older kids (16-18 years old) who were drinking, and the lone female among them passed out and the older kids all took turns on her, and some of the younger kids fucked her too, or at least felt her tits or fingered her. I missed out on that one. She was really nasty anyway, and plus passed out drunk whore is really not my style. Not really into the gang rape scene.
  20. arthur treacher African Astronaut
    ^I'm not worried, I hope your pictures make you feel better about your petty vendetta against me, just because I wouldn't join your stupid website almost 2 years ago.

    I don't have any sort of vendetta against you, I just don't like you, that's all. Those pictures aren't for you though, they are going to go in the retarded thread. Sorry.

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