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Posts by Mahmoud

  1. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed Complex systems require judgements. If you aren't prepared to make judgements, then genetics don't define anything - human, dog, cat, etc. You can't define a company, or a house, or a computer, etc.

    It obviously matters deeply to you that people not judge you.

    No, complex systems require abstractions.

    If you're walking down the street and there's a black guy walking past you, and you're scared because he is black, and people with black skin are overrepresented in crime stats, then we can have a conversation about that abstraction.

    I just don't see why you tards so badly need to say that the same divisions can be clearly defined along genetic lines as well.

    If that's true, show me the evidence.

    But why would you need to be true?
  2. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed I genuinely want to understand this position.

    So is your thesis that humans that evolve to live in different environments will wind up identical?

    Mentally or physically or both?

    Do you believe in evolution?

    Do you believe that DNA encodes the brain?

    Do you believe that the brain is the origin of the mind?

    Do you believe two people can have different brain structures, but be the same mentally?

    If you genuinely wanted to understand the position, you would close your cockholster and read my previous posts.

    I've never once taken an issue with genetics, evolution, nor claimed some sort of immaterial will.

    My "thesis" is that genetics don't and will never validate categorization that remotely resembles anything like the concept of black, white, asian, jedi etc.

    It's not a tough concept to grasp.
  3. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Number13 I dunno, different nose, different coat, different average muscular and skeletal structure, sounds like a big difference to me.

    Nope. There are millions of blacks (and whites, and azns) that form the phenotypic averages, who aren't accurately described by them. You could probably parse average differences in similar results by sorting for height, for example.
  4. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Mahmoud Please refute this totally legit journal by reputable scientist who was ousted by "the man":
  5. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Number13 Yeah exactly niggers aren't sapiens, they're negroidus.

    Niggers are humans with a black skin phenotype. I don't have a technical problem with that categorization. Just don't try to extend it beyond that, because you will lose.
  6. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by omn5;pvl what facts? the only ones that matter are those directly relevant to his scientific claims. maybe he's an ethnonationalist, maybe he has indeed harassed jedis on twitter, doesn't change the fact that his arguments are substantive

    So substantive that he has never been published anywhere but on a blog where there are a grand total of 31 "papers", 60% of which are authored by the guy who owns the site.

    my post is the only openpsych citation returned by the search function, but nice lie, it's okay to admit that you googled the author's name and followed the first link hoping to find some way to weasel out of having to address the paper itself

    Lots of things don't come up in the search. Pretty much everything before the switch to ISS is gone AFAIK.

    you refuse to even give the paper a cursory glance so it's not surprising that you don't want to discuss it on here

    It is a 100 page paper. Again, I have presented my arguments and you claim to have read the paper. If that's the case, quote exactly what is in the paper that objects to anything that I said. This is basic burden of proof on your side. That's why citations have page numbers.

    literally all of them, it's 100 pages long and covers every nuance and permutation of the race argument i've ever come across. i'm not going to spoonfeed you any further, i already pointed you to the resource which you can use to learn about something you obviously haven't researched beyond looking at irrational wiki pages. i know you have the iq of a toddler so it might be hard, but even a 3 year old can use a spoon

    If it's everything then it a be pretty easy to pick out a couple and destroy me, right?

    Wait, have YOU read the paper?

    already familiar with it, in my experience it's often cited to handwave away detailed and potentially legitimate critiques of a position by someone who doesn't want to bother with stress testing their worldview, as you appear to be doing now

    It's more that nobody is going to attack a 100 page blog just because you don't have any actual science.
  7. Mahmoud Houston
    Please refute this totally legit journal by reputable scientist who was ousted by "the man":
  8. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ Who's him?

    We all know the Trump defense ar this point.

    "Hes the man that says what he means and means what he says."

    Fucking whatever. Haha.

    I dont care how edgy and ironic everything Trump does, you're still dumb as shit if you like the guy. :)

    He's the man who says what he means and means what he says

    Except when he's frequently wrong, in which case it was all part of the plan to mean something else.
  9. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed Tear my ass into pieces, this is my last retard

    Shut up faggot. It's obvious you have nothing to contribute to this conversation.

    Go back to jerking off at anime futa on 4chan.
  10. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by omn5;pvl lmfao i just realized that you didn't actually know who he was beforehand and pulled your criticisms straight off his irrational wiki smear page

    Nope, but you sound real desperate to downplay the facts. If I tell you a dog is a mammal and it's corroborated by Wikipedia, doesn't mean I got it off Wikipedia. I've been cited openpsych papers on NIS, including this one.

    I'll put it another way: I'm not going to get into a forum argument with some neckbeard who isn't here, because openpsych is literally no different than posting something here.

    I'll put it a third way: which of my statements in this thread does the paper specifically address? Cite them and quote them. It's not my job to refute every aspect of every dogshit blog you pinch out. If you disagree with something I said, throw it at me.

    Get familiar with this concept:
  11. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Number13 Coydogs and coywolves are able to reproduce, wolfdogs too though that's different, so not in this case, nigger.

    I already said there are better classifications under discussion that will get rid of edge cases. We consider a platypus a mammal even though it lays eggs.
  12. Mahmoud Houston
    I made one for Tampermonkey specifically to block TDR a long time ago. Thank goodness he's fucked off.
  13. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by omn5;pvl true, but it's also possible for the academic establishment to leverage its hegemony and the blind trust laymen place in the peer review process to thwart researchers who can legitimately challenge the orthodoxy, labeling them crackpots and pseudoscientists and discrediting them in the public view

    this is ostensibly what happened with fuerst given that all the attacks against him are focused on his politics and views on unrelated topics rather than his methodology

    A lot of things are "possible".

    Until you establish that it is the case, the null hypothesis is that they are rejected from science journals because... they aren't contributing legitimate scientific output, just like every other fucking crank.

    The same reason why perpetual motion machines are denied patents, and it's not because the jedis and NWO want to keep free energy from the public.

    The same reason why creationism isn't published, and it's not because "science" hates Christ.

    John Fuerst is a nrckbeard who cannot get published so he posts on a forum. Just out of curiousity, what do you think his credentials are?
  14. Mahmoud Houston
    You have to build up your tolerance by applying progressively higher levels of capsaicin to your anus. Start with Tabasco and work up.
  15. Mahmoud Houston
    We should do a poll of how many Americans know that HPV and HIV aren't the same disease.
  16. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by omn5;pvl yes yes, don't even read the paper or consider its arguments, handwave it away because muh peer review and muh evil white nationalists

    revel in your ignorance and toe the progressive social science establishment's line as they work to suppress open empirical study of race issues, but better hope you don't live long enough to see the consequences flawed egalitarian thinking will have on the future viability of civilization

    That's what every crackpot who gets rejected by the people who know their shit says.
  17. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Number13 Isn't it funny how wolves/dogs and coyotes can reproduce even though they're different species?

    The offspring's reproductive viability is built into the definition of species.

    Offspring from such interspecies breeding are called hybrids and are usually infertile.

    Or how dogs can differ only in their nose or coat and be considered a different breed?

    Breeds are a categorization based on how humans artificially selected for certain phenotypes. This argument is circular.
  18. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by omn5;pvl

    Openpsych is not a reputable scientific source or journal and nothing published from the website represents any sort of peer reviewed science.

    In fact it is a completely dogshit source, quite literally started because reputable publications refused to publish the founders' papers and rejected them as pseudoscience.

    The founders are both actual white ethnonationalists, one of them is a parapsychologist (AKA insane fraud). The author of the linked paper is literally a fat nerd who harasses jedis on twitter all day.

    So no, nobody is going to give this any credence.
  19. Mahmoud Houston
    pretending like being being spawn from potato farmers with the appropriate skin color makes us fallen nobility.

    Literally white people's "we wuz kangs n shit".
  20. Mahmoud Houston
    Donkey punch solves both problems
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