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Posts by Mahmoud

  1. Mahmoud Houston
    1. "Multi billionaire", lol.

    2. Here's Bill Gates:
  2. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box i, too, play mount & blade

    In my case, "play" = get 100 swagian knights and charge
  3. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny if donald is an idiot then why is he so rich ?

    Forrest Trump
  4. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Archer513 “I tried,the Dems did everything to stop me from honoring all my campaign promises”

    That’s what the emergency thing is. He knows some libtard judge is gonna shut it down.

    Politics 101. Pretty smart.

    Can't lose at anything if you just say everything is 4D chess

  5. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed I'm sure there's active debate over what one is.

    If you're so sure about the claim, provide evidence, like I did.
  6. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed You fairly pwned that strawman you just made.

    You do not understand what a strawman is.
  7. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed So what does DNA do?

    It doesn't define speciation yet, that's for sure.

    DNA encodes everything about an animal. Without DNA you don't have anything at all. You can't even divide a cell without DNA.

    Animals, including people, are just chemical reactions, and the reaction is planned and controlled by DNA.

    If you notice that this chemical reaction has certain characteristics that another doesn't, all else being equal, then it is logical to assume that DNA is responsible, as there is no other method of causation.

    Race is just a clump of chemical reactions who all breed together and all behave the same way. Behaviour is far more fundamental to race than appearance.

    DNA isn't just a pseudointellectual fashion accessory.

    But it's strange how you people always act all scientific and rationalistic, yet seem fully convinced that humans are divine creatures that are all somehow the same, especially mentally, despite there being no possible reason for assuming that.

    Nothing in this babble establishes anything that would remotely qualify a classification like "white" beyond exactly what it implies, i.e. skin colour.

    Nothing I said remotely implies I believe human beings are divine creatures that are all the same, are you legit mentally challenged?

    Genetics have a pretty good grasp on ethnic lineage for example, and I don't challenge that at all. Different groups of people may well have differences in their collective genetic statistics. That's not the problem you stupid cunt.

    The problem is that you're talking about races, you're talking about justifying or preserving categorizations of the type "white, black, Asian, jedi" beyond apparent skin colour.

    Sorry faggot, it simply doesn't work. There's more genetic diversity within the African continent than the rest of the world combined. A black person and a white person can have more in common genetically that that black person and another black person for example. It's just a shit categorization.

    Just admit it's based on the one phenotype and it's cultural context, it will be so much easier.

    Science doesn't support your stupid faggotry. Don't bring science into this, this is 100% about your feelings.
  8. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box you're basically trying to make race into a completely cultural subject, that is entirely subjective and almost make believe, in the same way radical perverts are trying to turn gender and sex into a spectrum of culturally defined labels instead of obvious shit anyone can see for themselves.

    literacy was a mistake

    You're not making any arguments, just crying about your feels falling apart when confronted by the reals.
  9. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed Say how it establishes species.

    Nobody claimed DNA has established species as a genetic concept, that's just your failure to understand the concept.

    Say how DNA establishes races or fuck your mother.

    Other than claiming that species isn't a real thing, as if a cat and a dog are the same thing.

    ^^^ iIIiterate.
  10. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed If race isn't real how does affirmative action work?

    How do your parents qualify for minority business loans?

    Learn to read, I didn't say race isn't real. Social policies address social issues. It is a social concept. This isn't difficult, you dimbulb.
  11. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed Not true.

    Say how DNA establishes races or fuck your mother.
  12. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box lol. pedantic

    Not pedantic at all. People use the word "race" actively in a social context, for example to model their intuitions regarding skin colours. You walk by black people expecting them to behave a certain way, and we can work with that.

    But stop pretending it's anything else, you're just rationalising how you feel.

    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box skin color is literally the most shallow part of race & ethnicity.
  13. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed That was proposed as a criteria a long time ago, but there are too many exceptions, so they kinda go by ecological niches now.

    Not really. The definition of species still isn't well defined and the subject of ongoing debate. It still centers around reproductive viability.

    Pity you're too dumb to participate.

    Oh right, you just babbled some shit you don't understand. That's coo'.
  14. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box "there are no races, just the human races"

    "there are no dog breeds, just canines"

    I didn't say there are no races. They're just not a biological concept.
  15. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by aldra he actually admitted the whole 'drain the swamp' thing was just a catchy slogan and that he was surprised it caught on

    Yup, i.e. people who voted for him on that basis are retarded.

    Haplogroups do not preserve anything resembling the classic idea of races, as informed by intuitions based on skin colour.

    By haplogroups, Thomas Jefferson was a haplogroup T nigger, and many pure Europeans are J1 Arabs.
  16. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box lol yeah you're right, I should have voted for Hillary clinton, or maybe jeb bush. do you have any other hot takes?

    btw, fuck the political order, the people want revolution!

    Either one would have been significantly less retarded than Tangelo, so why not?
  17. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed What about DNA establishes species?

    Species is defined by another non-arbitrary characteristic, the ability to breed and produce fertile offspring. The debate about genetic species is an ongoing one.

    Your turn, cunt.
  18. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed What is dna?

    What about DNA establishes races?
  19. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box the whole point was "fuck politics", we wanted a Ceasar to overthrow the republic. or at least a Nero. instead the senate is running everything and they're all a bunch of gay niggers.

    1. Anyone who voted on that basis should be checked for severe donkey brains, and doesn't understand how our political process works and is explicitly distinct form an autocracy for this specific reason.

    2. Look at his appointments. Every single one. There was never going to be a "swamp drainage".

    Just admit it, you made a dumb ass mistake voting for a dumbass, who is indeed a dumbass. The healing process with go faster this way.

    Don't vote on the basis of memes next time.
  20. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed You going to change your skin colour bro?

    Further proof that you never go outside and don't know what the sun is.
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