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Posts by Mahmoud

  1. Mahmoud Houston
    Sarranid* knights knock out even in Vanilla, but the money isn't super worth it compared to being an industry don and shitting on village peasants for their butter and silk. I mostly like the knockout because it allows me to easily gather higher level troops if I want them.

    I always spec my companions for Training so my dudes grow into top units real fast.
  2. Mahmoud Houston
    Is your gay brain incapable of piecing one conversation together?

    You were proposing significantly cutting the military budget because we don't need to defend against aliens. I told you why that is massively retarded.

    PS: You're welcome for mathematics.

    Sincerely, handsome and well tanned individuals.
  3. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed I live in Europe.

    What does America need such a big military to defend themselves from? Aliens?

    And there isn't much social mobility in America either.

    The real reason Europe can have a decent welfare state and America can't is because Europe doesn't have big useless ethnic populations yet.

    The reason you don't have a big military... is because we have a big military.

    The global Atlantic hegemony exists because of the US military. The US military also leads the world in R&D. Thank DARPA for the internet and Tor network you jack off to child porn with.
  4. Mahmoud Houston
    I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 because I didn't want to vote for either Cunt or Vitamin Cunt.

    But in 2020 if it's Sanders or Harris, I would vote Democrat because I'd rather choose the NWO over greedtarded babby's first white supremacy.
  5. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by Archer513 Does Mahmoud shit in a hole?

    Don't be silly, we have designated streets for that.
  6. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed What's a Paki? I thought you were American.

    A Paki is a race, isn't it?

    Race isn't real.

    National background = race confirmed

    You heard it here boys, Americans are all one race.
  7. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed Isn't 86 the average IQ of Pakistan?

    Oh no wait it's 84.

    Among UK immigrants it's 86 - even blacks score higher.


    Mad white kid loses argument to apex intellect Paki, retreats to racial averages to make himself feel better.

    Yeah, totally not exactly what I predicted.
  8. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny one day hes going to shave his head and then youll know just how beta he is.

    He'd definitely look like way less of a dildo with a shaved head and a beard.

  9. Mahmoud Houston
    jack* shit
  10. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by ohfralala This is always my excuse too.

    "Oh you don't like the way I look today? Too fucking bad, I'm getting shit done."

    To be fair, you look like shit all the time.
  11. Mahmoud Houston
    I'm just hoping for weed on the 2020 ballot in Florida tbh. Put it on the ballot and it will win, simple as that.
  12. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by BummyMofo If Trump legalizes marijuana, I'll ride or die for him.

    Won't happen on the Republican platform, ever.
  13. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny again, what should 'race' define ?

    Porn categories.
  14. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by omn5;pvl yep

    people can ignore it at their peril and trot out the tired old pseudoscience lines but with all the new genomic data becoming available and new analytic techniques we're starting to gather good evidence of genetic mediation of trait differences in human populations

    this analysis using intelligence related alleles identified through GWAS to compare jedis with non-jedis and test greg cochran's ashkenazi intelligence hypothesis was published a month ago and i've yet to see any valid critiques of it:

    there are also lots of admixture studies coming out which demonstrate that cognitive ability can be predicted by percentage european ancestry:

    fascinating stuff, the ability to follow the latest developments in pop genetics and differential psychology almost in real time is pretty much the only thing i like about the world in 2019

    The question is whether or not they preserve any old intuition of race categorization, of the kind black and white.

    You can't just change the subject, then expect that to establish a point.
  15. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by omn5;pvl you suggested several times that the concept isn't supported by biological science, but a substantial chunk of scientists with relevant expertise disagree

    Are the jedis suppressing those scientists too or does that only work against OpenPsych?
  16. Mahmoud Houston
    The simple explanation for race realism is that 86 IQ Cletus feels real good when it says white people have an average IQ of 103, cuz he's white and pretty average so that must mean he ain't as dumb as they say.
  17. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by omn5;pvl not enough data available to determine a trend like that, only to suggest that there's no consensus

    Where did I say there was a consensus?
  18. Mahmoud Houston
    Originally posted by omn5;pvl let's take your most basic claim and see if it holds up

    oops, turns out the scientific consensus is only in your mind



    - In 1984, the split was 73/15/12 amongst biologists.

    - In 2001, the split was 45/55

    Sick burn my man.

    Right click > Google Image Search > John Fuerst

    I guess the jedis only suppress the big brains at OpenPsych

    Edit: wonder what a current poll would say, and if it will be administered by the jedis.
  19. Mahmoud Houston
    What America needs is a pit. Just make a pit along the border.

    If they can clear the pit, clearly they are great athletes, in which case: welcome.
  20. Mahmoud Houston
    Oh I looked up the coyote Vs dog Vs wolf thing.

    They are all considered the species canis lupus.

    Dogs are just a subspecies categorizes as canis lupus familiaris (before it was just canis familiarise).

    So coyotes and dogs are considered one species.
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