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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ That sounds exactly like what you do.

    The only information you have offered to this discussion is a political cartoon. That's actually kind of poetic when you think about it. All you have to offer is a joke. In your feeble and twisted mind collapse is a political issue, and something that you don't have to think about or care about much more than whether or not you think "your team" is winning. And that’s where you're mistaken. They don't consider you a part of the team. Just a useful pawn, ready to be sacrificed for the end game.
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  2. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Kev that is in the same ballpark as thinking you can will things to happen, its irrational. but if its consoling, so be it.

    It is indeed irrational but that doesn't stop it from, maybe, being true. There's a bunch of stuff in physics that is completely irrational. Retrocausality for example that tells us that the future influences the past. The quantum zeno effect that tells us that an observer influences the decay of a particle. Human senses and perception are far from being the end all be all. Life on earth barely makes any sense what so ever yet here we are. The fact that we developed intelligence and can have this discussion is far far far more unlikely than us controlling the climate with that intelligence.

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  3. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Kevin Anderson went through the IPCC's report that centered around a prediction of 1.5C by 2050, replete with all sorts of fantastical assumptions, such as every single country in the world developing effective NET's in the early 90's, with each subsequent year exponentially increasing the NET's ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

    That's simply a farcical assumption made by the IPCC. Here's the talk where he walks through every single caveat and assumption, contrasting them to reality:

    Even the world's most powerful corporations, the oil barons such as ExxonMobil researched into climate change, and what the effects would be, of not mounting a global effort of biblical proportions to avert it.

    Here's a PDF that consolidates the current trajectory whilst staying within reality. Page 8 has the sobering statistics:

    There is also a satirical video, where a group researched into the effects of climate change and the reality we face, said in a no-holds-barred manner to a TV presenter:

    The claims were fact-checked, and they're completely factual:

    We're facing societal collapse by 2030 due to a 1.5C rise. We're currently at around 1.2C rise in global temperatures, which is affected by the temperatures of the oceans (focus on just land temperatures and it's much higher):

    And everything is dying. Insects, for instance, have cratered, with the global biomass of insects having declined by 80%:

    Insect populations are declining by 1-2% a year, which is directly correlated to reductions in biomass:

    Abundant evidence demonstrates that the principal stressors—land-use change (especially deforestation), climate change, agriculture, introduced species, nitrification, and pollution—underlying insect declines are those also affecting other organisms. Locally and regionally, insects are challenged by additional stressors, such as insecticides, herbicides, urbanization, and light pollution. In areas of high human activity, where insect declines are most conspicuous, multiple stressors occur simultaneously

    There is no longer any meaningful amount of permanent sea ice in the Arctic:

    The photos clearly underline how several recent climate studies, predicting ice-free Arctic summers by 2035, is not a theoretical scenario but rather an unavoidable fact

    This was predicted several decades ago, by looking at the current trajectory of year-round ice loss:

    All the green technologies that we've developed are to supplement existing oil and coal energy sources, both of which are also increasing:

    Due to the increased temperatures of the oceans, fish are now suffocating to death as there are now vast, growing swathes of ocean where there's not enough oxygen for them to survive:

    The current extinction event we're experiencing is the worst in all of Earth's history, by at least 10x:

    The current rate of extinction is 10 to 100 times higher than in any of the previous mass extinctions in the history of Earth.

    As an example for how much faster the current extinction event is, the previous record holder took 20,000 years to decimate 90% of all of the Earth's species:

    The end-Permian extinction occurred 252.2 million years ago, decimating 90 percent of marine and terrestrial species, from snails and small crustaceans to early forms of liserds and amphibians. “The Great Dying,” as it’s now known, was the most severe mass extinction in Earth’s history, and is probably the closest life has come to being completely extinguished. Possible causes include immense volcanic eruptions, rapid depletion of oxygen in the oceans, and — an unlikely option — an asteroid collision.

    While the causes of this global catastrophe are unknown, an MIT-led team of researchers has now established that the end-Permian extinction was extremely rapid, triggering massive die-outs both in the oceans and on land in less than 20,000 years — the blink of an eye in geologic time. The researchers also found that this time period coincides with a massive buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which likely triggered the simultaneous collapse of species in the oceans and on land.

    With further calculations, the group found that the average rate at which carbon dioxide entered the atmosphere during the end-Permian extinction was slightly below today’s rate of carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere due to fossil fuel emissions. Over tens of thousands of years, increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide during the Permian period likely triggered severe global warming, accelerating species extinctions.

    Contrast that to the decline of wildlife populations in just the past 40 years:

    On average, we’ve seen an astonishing 60% decline in the size of populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians in just over 40 years, according to WWF’s Living Planet Report 2018. The top threats to species identified in the report link directly to human activities, including habitat loss and degradation and the excessive use of wildlife such as overfishing and overhunting.

    The latest statistics, which go from 1970-2016, shows that four years ago it had risen to a 68% reduction in wildlife population:

    The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Living Planet Report 2020, published today, sounds the alarm for global biodiversity, showing an average 68% decline in animal population sizes tracked over 46 years (1970-2016).

    The polar vortex has collapsed:

    A Polar Vortex collapse sequence has begun in late December 2020, with a major Sudden Stratospheric Warming event on January 5th, 2021. We will look at the sequence of these events, and how they can change the weather in Europe and the United States in the coming weeks.

    Due to the increased water temperatures, it was discovered that arctic rivers are accelerating sea ice loss in a positive (i.e, BAD) feedback loop:

    As the arctic's temperature increases, the melting ice releases trapped methane in a positive feedback loop, with the arctic ice containing 1/4 of all of the Earth's methane. Higher temperatures = Ice melts faster = Faster release of methane = Higher temperatures = Ice melts faster:

    For the first time in human history, the arctic can be navigated through by ships without ice breakers:

    The little year-round Arctic sea ice that is left, is now host to algae:
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  4. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Over one year after The Great Insect Dying series and Insect Apocalpyse media coverage, insects still are in peril:

    Animal populations declined by 70% in just a few decades:

    Vegetation Biomass 70% lower than it would be (and therefor was) without humans:

    Fish population declined up to 50% since 1990:

    Fungal Biomass which is critical for forests to thrive faces catastrophe:!po=0.458716

    Phytoplankton, the stuff that makes the oxygen we breath, biomass dropped by 40% since 1950:

    Microbial biomass declined by 30%:

    Bird population declined by 30% since 1970:,of%2029%20percent%20from%201970.
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  5. Originally posted by aldra fiddler on the whitehouse roof

    Cat on a tin White House roof.
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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    fiddler on the whitehouse roof
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  7. Swap that glock for a bicycle with a shopping basket on the a leader not a follower.

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  8. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    imagine being afraid of women like kevin who is only called that by his mother
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  9. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    shut up faggot. Anything will prove anything to you because you're a fucking retard

    i dont get interogated because i'm not a jailbird tard that gets caught hows that prison food, wouldn't know.

    also i have having a manic episode so fucking killyourself bullying a mentally ill person wow post your home address
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  10. CandyRein Black Hole
    Come on people now!


    Shine on your brother!
    Everybody get together

    Try to love one another right meow...

    *waves cell phone light in the air*
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  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I don't see why that is so special in everyone's heart when it doesn't even make the top 20 list of retarded things that have happened to me.


    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man One time I lived with a bunch of retarded people and got them all hooked on weed.

    They were all retarded and because of my weed they started eating like crazy and the girls would get horny and not know what being aroused is so they would freak out and be like "IT TINGLES! MY FLOWERS TINGLES!" and some retarded guy would take them into a room and they would have retard sex (which lasts like 10 hours and makes a huge mess btw)

    They would fuck in the bathroom for hours. They would use entire boxes of condoms in one session and destroy any bedroom is was fucked up animalistic drug fueled retard hedonism.

    One time after a long afternoon sex session that started around 11am and ended in the late afternoon in the bedroom of a friend of mine, he went in and there was shit all over the bed. He put a bunch of newspaper and garbage bags over it and we dragged it into the alley and left it there.

    The tard girls also would get violent and pretty much only existed to get high and fuck. I was the one who supplied all the weed and made my living off trying to get as much of the tards disability money as possible. None of them ever bought weed before so I sold eighths for $30, grams were solid $10, quarters were $60 an ounces $200. I paid like 400 a QP for indoor and mostly sold them outdoor because they would flip out and act crazy on the good stuff.

    I gave a girl dabs once and she kept trying to dial an ambulance or police, she didn't know what one and she was fine just freaking out and really wanted to dial 911.

    One of the girls, Amanda (see above pic) would wake up, walk into the living room and yell "I WANT WEED NOW!" and punch her boyfriend Jessie (See above pic, 40 year old jedi guy that didn't know she was retarded) as hard as she can in the arm and he would not even be mad or upset even though it was a really good punch and look like it hurt he just goes "OW! AMANDA!" in his nasally jedi voice, then he gets some money from his wallet, gives it to me and I give him some weed.

    One time she punched him so hard she broke his glasses and cut his face, another time knocked a plate of food out of his hand and he just smiled and cleaned it up.

    He also got her pregnant when I was there (they had been together a few months, i was there less than a month)

    They have a retard baby together now.

    My best friend (spacepantz) and I both endured this for 3-4 weeks one Spring while we were selling weed and working, made LOTS of money but at the cost of our sanity. Spacepantz is now in a mental hospital, and I'm a recovering meth addict.

    I like to think we were good kids and that the evils of society and lack of eugenics is why our lives are so fucked.

    That is the story of the Retard Rodeo.
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  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You people haven't read a word i wrote.
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  13. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    In her time on NIS, she has far beyond proven exactly how much she belongs in our community.

    If you don't think CandyRein is a too quality poster, you are gay.
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  14. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    I'm not sure I agree with it either.

    On traditions and cultural heritage: I genuinely miss Malice. We never really spoke about much to each other, I'm sure he considered me as a sort of insect, but I very much enjoyed reading about his life and experiences. I hope those posts are documented somewhere, so someone else can enjoy reading them as well. But to enshrine him? That is a little much. He was depressed and he killed himself. Some might consider that to be inspiring but it just makes me sad. He had a place here, and when he left here he left us with a void that will never be filled and eventually even that will be forgotten.
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  15. Cly African Astronaut [foredate your moneyless friar's-cowl]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood both are rituals of homosexuality

    When you combine like terms, the denominators cancel.
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I heard he tried to molest Luciano's daughter so Luciano wrestled him to the ground but had to call the police in disgust when Wario became visibly erect
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  17. Originally posted by Wariat and what about the dog fucker should she be shamed for fucking a dog?

    I'd have to see the dog first.
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    there's a rumour she can take many fists
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  19. Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Youd just be fighting another version of yourself.

    Possibly a more retarded version, but youd still be attacking yourself. We're all one consciousness. We are all one and all is mind.

    To say an entire group of people were inherently a burden or worthy of any kind of hatred or scorn is missing the bigger picture.
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  20. Prarie Dog Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Sudo Was "poop halfway out your sphincter" taken as a username?

    Yeah, after I made my account it dawned on me that some might refer to such an act as "prarie dogging". But what can I do but laugh at the silly unintended double meaning of my username? I am happy that you all are so warm and welcoming 🥲
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