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Posts That Were Thanked by Sudo

  1. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by cigreting Why? The only thing that could possibly drain your finances and time more than children would be a woman who divorces you and takes all your shit while courts force you to pay alimony to some stupid bitch or youll end up in jail. Sounds like a good deal right?

    I think it’s so interesting that you can’t manage to balance it all.

    You do realize you can tell a woman no, right? If you don’t want her to spend your money then the answer is no. That’s exactly what Lanny does with me. Sometimes I get a yes if it’s within our budget and sometimes I get a no.

    And I mean as far as kids go, they can be a financial burden, but if you have invested your money you should be ok and you can also set boundaries there as well.

    So really, all I’m hearing is either you’re extremely bad with your money, you’re extremely obsessed with your money, or you just have really fucked up commitment issues.

    Oh and alimony. I didn’t read that part. Get a prenup. Lol.
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  3. “A snail walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender takes one look at it and says, “Get out! We don’t serve snails here!” He picks up the snail and throws it down the street. One year later, the snail shows up on the bar and says, ‘What did you do that for?’”
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley I'm making peace with the fact I'm a terrible human being that wishes bad things on even friends I have fell out with for the smallest of slights.

    you should work to correct your faults, not accept them
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  5. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Sudo What did she do to hurt you?

    You went from busting in her to being an angsty incel petrified of any woman manipulating you. I'm genuinely curious not trying to rip on you, it's just there's clearly a story there and I'm sure it would be marginally cathartic to tell it

    She was going for some bullshit bachelors degree that would make her no money and leave her with a ton of debt so if i stayed with her id be supporting 2 people at the minimum.

    I was honest and let her know i didnt want kids ever and she agreed at first for almost a year and lied to my face like a typical woman, then it came out later she wanted kids so i was extremely afraid she would stop taking birth control and get pregnant on prupose so i told her i wanted to concentrate on myself and my goals and that we should go our seperate ways. This was back in 2013. Last i heard she married some hillbilly redneck we used to go to school with.
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  6. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Like I said, make SURE you get a good dehumidifier. If you can keep it 50-55% in the winter and <50% in the summer you'll be fine. You aren't doing wall treatments so don't worry about moisture barriers.

    If you're still concerned beyond that use a good mold blocking primer like Killz, then paint the floor and walls with a good latex paint. It will stop the block walls and concrete floor from leaking (concrete is porous), and the dehumidifier will help with the stuff the falls down from the upper levels.

    Like, bro, all bullshit aside, I do consistently try to give you good advice, and normally what you do only effects you, but you're mucking around with the lives of children so it's important you don't do something that's going to create a biohazard for them.

    Also, I don't know your overall plan but just in case you don't already know DO NOT USE GREEN TREATED LUMBER. IT WILL KILL EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE. IT IS FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY.

    I started looking at sub floors to lay down last night.
    You are probably right about getting some kilz paint though too.
    The paint shows clear signs that moisture is getting in through a window and it may be coming up through the floor.
    It is too cold outside to go out and caulk the window up and probably too cold to paint right now too.
    Every time I get psyched up about starting on it I realize the weather is horrible to be doing any of this.
    The walls need scraped and painted again and the floor might too although most of it looks pretty dry.

    I reached out to a flooring installer friend of mine but his only reply was "Do you know any prostitutes I can call?"

    I've got a feeling that once I do get it cleaned out so that I can start work I will opt to spend a little more money on something nicer than the absolute cheapest carpet squares I can find. Would prefer something easier to repair because I know this is not going to look amazing anyways.
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  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I’d like to hear it.

    Originally posted by Incessant I mean sure. I'm trying to figure out if I'm a sociopath so it'll be research.

    Alright. My father's a sociopath, and i'm not just saying that because i dislike him. He was diagnosed with ASPD with narcissistic traits. Dark triad kind of stuff. Not that he was particularly Machiavellian. He's composed enough to not go threaten people or commit crimes, he's more like the business man kinda sociopath. Ran his own company. Generally composed when stuff was going the way he wanted to but when it wasn't which was pretty often with kids in the house he'd explode in rage. he never was a big man or anything, but when you're smol explosive fucking rge to the point of violence is pretty damn scary. he didn't much appreciate his own medicine when i got bigger. But i taught him what it means to feel small and helpless. He tried to kill himself twice afterward, didn't even manage to do that right. What a fucking loser.
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  8. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Man honestly smoking weed with a girl who tells me how they lost a limb while I tell them why I'm emotionally fucked before we cry then have rough sex is worth more than the buttloads I be dumping on therapy

    Also would wife hard

    Having a partner you can be vulnerable with doesn't replace therapy. You'll end up hating each other for carrying the burden. But yeah do that with your wife and also have a therapist. I believe in you.
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  9. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie I don't know guise. I feel like there's a lot of undercover simping going around in general.

    There is. Simping is fine. But Oct is just fucking rerarded and a rat if he's encouraging people to do that.
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  10. BHC my niggas bang hot cripples

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  11. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Have sex with him then when he busts a nut in you, go police station and cry rape.

    If he has previous he'll be out your lives for at least 5 years.

    Wtf is this bull shit. Every user here loves to bitch and moan about women crying rape... And now you want to tell a women to do it on purpose? Just cuz you think she might have dead eyes like her avatar and might let your loser ass put it in her bunghole. Really that's how desperate you fuck holes are? You abandon all your morals for some pelt. Fucking embarassing.
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  12. Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Have sex with him then when he busts a nut in you, go police station and cry rape.

    If he has previous he'll be out your lives for at least 5 years.

    how many enemies have you got rid of with this m.o.
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  13. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Really, don't. Either they'll tell you or you'll get comfortable enough with each other that you will not need an internet Pakistani's help to navigate the conversation. You can talk about it the same way you talk about a shirt at that point because they are usually not super hung up on being a disabled person.
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  14. Tyrant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo The only thing I can think of left on my sexual bucket list that interests me is fucking a girl who's missing appendages. How come you never see missing a leg and an arm either either one or the other? I never see people who are missing limbs on dating sites or perhaps they just don't advertise it. I'm gonna make it happen though, just you see. I thought about it and the best way is to know someone at the hospital who can feed you info about hawt decappys and they'll have their name, address other info etc. There's nothing weird about this at all YOURE WEIRD

    1. There are lots of them in dating sites and yes it's exactly just that little bit weird without actually being THAT "weird" that makes it sexually exciting. You WILL find yourself fondling near stumps, don't do it too much but don't be afraid to be curious.

    2. It's because they usually either lost it due to an accident or some sort of birth defect. Most people don't lose 1 digit let alone a whole limb in their whole lives, let alone 2, and when it happens it usually happens for the same reason to both for example one girl worked at a printer and got her hands stuck in the paper cutter thus she had no hands.
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  15. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    one eye, one arm, one tit and ALL LADY AWOOOOGA

    Originally posted by Ghost She lost a quarter of her face to an accident including parts of her brain so now she kind of talks slow and if you stare at the eye long enough you can tell the eyebrow is painted on.

    Still pretty cute though and after the accident she became a pothead, gained a lot of weight and became a huge slut also

    She's also pretty cool and will make jokes about her eye or threaten to stab You. .

    I think I'm gonna exclusively chase one eyed girls now
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  16. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by mmQ Apparently you haven't seen the videos of what people can do with one arm.

    They can do all the things yih just said and more!

    People born with 1 arm are probably going to be functional people that don't abuse drugs. It's weird how that works how if you ever meet a disabled person they usually have their shit together and have a normal life and overcome the odds compared to someone that isn't disabled and is depressed and abuses drugs and loses a limb through fault of their own and now they can't be arsed to wipe their own ass

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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by mmQ I can't tell, do you like Donald Trump?

    he's like a girl who constantly talks about how abusive her ex was (even though nobody ever asks) but keeps getting drunk and banging him anyway
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  18. Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo I have issues with chronic pain so when I don't have opiates in my system I'm angry, irritable, unfocused and unable to function at the level I am required to. I could taper down hard and do a Lotta gay ass core exercises and not do anything strenuous but that's not very realistic.

    Rn it's just box, gabbies and weed which are pretty shitty for pain. All that really works is hydromorphone so I really just need to change my lifestyle big time, then try to come up with a program with literally a team of professionals. I make it sound alot worse than it appears but it's just one of the many facets of the hell that I inhabit

    Tl Dr I have a 3 wheeled wheelchair and am saving up for a mobility scooter

    Damn that sounds rough, hope you find some sembleance of pain free life at some point.
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  19. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Measured that basement today...
    Even the cheapo self-stick is 99cents a square foot.
    That's like a shit ton of money.
    But damn, I gotta do this so I can let my cats scratch it to hell.
    I wish I could just snap my fingers and make it happen.

    The woman I'm dating goes hard AF and I can barely keep up sometimes.
    Today we went out to eat breakfast and then took the kid to run around a playground and after that all I remember is sitting down for 1 second to catch my breath and 3 hours later I'm waking up dazed and confused.

    Living in 2 places at once is definitely taking extra out of me that I don't need to be losing right now.
    She went to church so I took the chance to run back to my apartment to feed my cats and play with them some but I am going back later tonight.
    It takes me about 30 minutes to get there.

    If I had 1 thing I could be doing right now it would be laying carpet tiles so that my kitty cats could come with me and have their own safe place to get away too and chill with me.
    Moving more of my stuff in is completely pointless right now because there is no room for it and I'll just end up moving it again and again until I get something set up livable.
    Her place is fine as is and I don't want to fuck it up. All I need is a place to do computer stuff late at night while she is sleeping.

    Tomorrow we are going to a museum in the morning and probably a couple other stops but my goal is to get to the store and buy some friggin carpet squares and get fucking started.
    I don't know what I'm doing anyways and yes it will probably look like shit but whatever.
    I gotta try damn it.
    Going to buy 1 or 2 boxes and see how they stick and if they don't stick then I guess I'll get some glue...
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  20. Forced memes.
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