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Posts That Were Thanked by CountBlah

  1. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by CountBlah There's good money in antiques and memorabilia, no shame in knowing about it and thriving off that knowledge.

    Yeah average restaurant lasts 1-3 years down here. There's a big issue right now with no one being able to find workers. There's a serious fucking housing bubble here at the moment. That apartment I had about 9 years ago for 650 is now close to 1500 a month. Houses that would be like 150k are going for 250-300 now. Ass of Yankees have moved down here to work at Boeing and Volvo. My housing costs is under 500 a month so I'm straight with that for now. I'm mostly trying to eliminate debt and be ready to strike when housing bubble pops. We're maybe 3-4 years into it.

    Apparently in booming markets like that, the best lower end investment is trailer parks. John Oliver did a segment on it the other night, and it was depressing. Of course he could be full of shit, but still...

    1500? Fuuuck. Yeah shit dude you may as well move to LA now. That's California prices. Years ago you almost had me convinced to move somewhere in the Midwest when you told me how little you paid in rent, and my little shithole apartment in Inglewood was 1400. Damn dude.
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  2. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by CountBlah I just thought it was real odd the guy brought it up in the middle of conversations about cars and pussy.

    He started thinkin bout that axe wound
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  3. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by CountBlah Casper u still working a straight job?

    Yup. Started an ebay store. Looking at different options. Not as enriching, but a lot less stress. Plus me getting sober with $10,000 worth of drugs in a sock under my refrigerator was never likely.

    Its retarded to have been putting in serious work for 7 or 8 of the last 15 years, and have less than $20k to my name, living at home.

    I can always go back to work later, but it'll mean jack shit if im pissing it all away, and without a solid foundation and a regular trickle of income to show on paper.

    Been talking with my boss about letting me buy in on the next franchise they buy. The store im at makes between $50k-70k a month profit. Thats AFTER 3000 lease and wages for 6 employees, materials, etc. Franchise license cost them $150k Even 5% stake of a store doing half the business would be good enough for me.

    That Pollos Hermanos life, rofl.
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  4. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by CountBlah I had a friend ask me very seriously out of nowhere the other day if I'd ever considered a job in assasin/hitman type shit. Dude was stone cold serious. His land lord is someone who I am quite sure has cartel connections. I was like, "oh yeah they would hire a redneck who could hunt" trying to play it off but dude didn't laugh.

    What kind of money would it take theoretically for ya'll to off a stranger?

    I wouldn't have any problems, believe me i'd sleep just fine a few G's richer.

    People talk real grimy about knowing crackheads whod do it for $200, but ive never heard anyone talk seriously for less than a few thousand. Well the actual offer was 2 glock 22s, a beretta cougar, and $3K- so thats about 5 grand.

    I wouldnt just be able to kill anyone. Id have to know more about them. And even then, I always think about all the people connected to that person, whod be hurt tangentially. But considering all the planning and complications and disposal, etc...i wouldnt even consider it for less than 30 or 40k. Of course ive never been paid to kill someone, but it seems like considerably more work and headache than a normal self defense killing or something.
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  5. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by aldra

    Time to resurrect General Buttnaked?
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  6. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Narc Are you serious? Thats dumb as fuck.


    I mean it is what it is. Worked for me. Maybe oily gym rats are a bigger deterrent where people dont routinely shoot each other and shit, but like i said- in my experience not really. I mean assuming i have FIVE dudes my size with me. I show dude some product, he opens the bag, stirs it around, pinches some between his fingers, smells it. Then pulls out a gun. Says "give me everything". Are my guys going to rush him or something? Theyre certainly not going to risk getting shot over $100. And the last thing i would want is stranersa- especially strangers who i see routinely and who could figure out my real name easily- knowing my business and that I commit felonies. They could just as easily extort me for a few hundred more not to drop an anonymous tip and make my life super inconvenient.
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  7. God bless I hope this nigga is gettin some right now
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  8. Ghost Black Hole
    Best way to break the ice is complimenting them. Say stuff like "your ass looks nice in those shorts", then slap it while she gets up to make you another drink.
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  9. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Casper - Has always remained free

    Narc- Spent time locked up for drugs

    Casper >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> british pond scum
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  10. Octavian motherfucker
    Stop paying for sex faggit. I relapsed the other day and was horny as fuck. I just snorted more cocaine and beat my dick
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  11. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    If I had my own country, I would name it Homoslavia
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  12. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    ITT: Niggas who don't know about paper bags at the park
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    only one way to find out
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  14. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    postin from bed on my new compooter
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  15. Ghost Black Hole
    The best drug dealers I knew never had a driver's license.

    Make the deal at the top of a hill and bike there for an easy escape
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  16. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator Hmm I suppose it would depend on the specific variables involved.

    I'd bring a friend but I'd pick a somewhat populated public place to feel them out initially, which also works for making everything feel safe.

    I arrive 30 minutes early to scope out the spot, make sure they arrive after I do and I have control of the field exactly as I want. I'd probably plan out a driving route so as to remove them from the planned spot and take them somewhere else while feeling them out.

    They get into my car in the passenger seat, my friend sits behind them while we talk.

    I don't bring the product with me if this is just an introduction, or if I need to provide a sample then I might bring a small amount of product, place it in advance and do the ol' "you can find treasure behind that bush" thing, but only after they're out of my car and the meeting is concluding. If the expectation/plan is for me to sell them the goods at that meeting then I'd probably hide it in my wheel well or something and figure out a dropoff. But they don't touch the product until they're out of my car either way, and I don't drop it off in sight of them. I get the money, then they pick up the product. If they don't like the way I conduct business then too bad.

    Nice. Yeah you pretty much passed. Of course I'm not ex expert by any means.

    I went from getting shorted and robbed more then I would've liked- to being pretty much problem free by putting them in the passengers seat. When people don't know what's going on behind them, they're WAY less likely to do anything sketchy. By that same token, I always jump in the back. Even if something does go down and there's another dude in the back row with me, it's a hell of a lot easier to deal with one person to your side than one to your side and one behind you. One time I didn't even need a gun to subdue a guy. Being in the back seat, you can use something as simple as a belt to pull around their neck in between the headrest. Granted, he broke the dashboard and fucked up the reclining thing on the seat, but it's better than getting stabbed or robbed, or taken for $2000 worth of product.

    The main reason I'd drive someone around is to watch the rear view. Cops don't work alone. And generally they don't want to be out of sight for too long. I've had people say "why are you driving so far?" You got someplace you need to be dude? And then of course the samples can be anywhere. Like I said before- a good one is a particular garage sale sign or Missing animal taped to a telephone pole. It's easy to spot and take with you, and you don't have to look sketchy and dig around for it.

    But yeah- you done good.

    A lot of times, you just have to acknowledge that your not dealing with very smart people. And if you want to get paid, sometimes you have to compromise. The assist I gave the other night was some of the stupidest shit I've seen in a long time. I recommended going to an all right burger spot down the block. It's on a corner. It's bright. There's always people around. You have plausible reason he be there. The guy my friend was meeting wanted to meet at the abandoned car wash a couple miles down. Not fucking kidding. Dark. Razor wire everywhere. One gate in/out. Just absolute dogshit. I told him to tell the guy change of venue, but the guy said there were "too many people and cops" by the burger spot. I mean you can do a drug deal in a car NEXT to a police officer. As long as you're laughing and talking and comfortable and not looking all weird and sketched out, flashing money.,'re cool. If 3 cars are parked in an abandoned car wash with lights off, map light on, when a cruiser rolls're getting searched. End of story.

    Obviously it turned out well, but I've had situations like that a bunch of times where I just had to create some plausible deniability and then bite the bullet.

    E: Buying some cheap dollar menu shit to have in a bag next to you in a car, so you can say you just pulled over to eat....has worked more times then a care to admit. And not even the most seasoned officer is likely to paw through the cold, wadded up remnants of a beef and been burrito looking for heroin.
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  17. You can suck my Russian balls if you think you're getting reparations. Shit was 300 yrs ago, get over it.
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    > want to make instant pudding but don't have an electric mixer
    > force spoon into chuck of powerdrill, use that
    > powerdrill is too powerful, have to hold trigger super lightly or pudding goes everywhere
    > forget to turn off hammer function, touch spoon to bottom of bowl, fuckin' bang, crack/hole in bottom of bowl now
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  19. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Didn't he also dress up in a kkk robe and go out in public to some rally
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  20. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    I feel like being immortalized by a shitty megathread in a shitty little scumpond forum in the endless expanse of empty space and gossip columns and staged stepsibling porn that is the internet- is a fitting tribute to Mal.

    Bukowski would've gotten along fine here, I think, Just started reading Ham on Rye. Chuck doesnt seem like a genius by any stretch of the imagination, but he had an uncanny ability to condense a fucktons of meaning into everyday, very utilitarian, terse diction.

    I always got very pissed off that I spent a decade plus of scumfuckery with no art to show for it. I assumed living in cars and shooting dope and living with tweakers and whores, and then moving back home and eating acid and snorting fentanyl and planning to kill myself....somewhere along the way I'd manufacture some earthshaking, serious literary explosive. But all it does it makes you angry and mean and jaded. An animal doesn't have time for art.

    I lel''d at a joke I kinda wrote in my head today.

    "I always relished being the bad guy. Always exceptional, but not enough to excel, I always found it easier to do the things other people were too afraid to do. It cost you a lot of opportunities, but it afforded you a strange sort of respect. If you couldn't win them over with good looks or wit, or athleticism, or a cock big enough to scare off the most ambitious of least the fear was nice.

    So I made it my business to take note of just about everything I was supposed to do, and make an honest effort of doing the very opposite."

    School advisor: "....and if nothing else, you're going to want to just keep a couple thousand dollars in a high yield savings account, and just never touch it. Build credit early. Finish a degree in anything..."

    Me: *sitting naked in a stolen Oldsmobile, covered in blood and broken glass, smoking bufo toad venom with a blowtorch* PLEASE CONTINUE, MR. SHEVLIN...
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