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  1. lol some peoples kids
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. i'm going to go travel to kyrgzystan and frolic through the mountains on horses and learn to speak russian and chinese im going to ride a motorbike through viet nam and talk to all kinds of weird people and visit graveyards and take acid and drink iced green tea and take risks like possibly being kidnapped by islamic extremists or chinese organ harvesters and killed because we're all headed to the fucking dirt anyways and it's not that far away and i ruined everything else in my life because i was stupid and should not have taken opiates and stimulants and let it corrupt me to the core and make me such a shitty hateful person but i did and now my soul is cleaner but i have nothing left except for music and this strange exhilerating anxious feeling of being alone and totally free from being judged by the general opinions of your peers
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  3. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. get a hydroflask u lil bitch

    not many people know this but i have a green hydroflask that was the start of the name greenplastic. the bottle is not made out of plastic but i was just looking at it one night while stimmed out trying to think of a username. i still have the water bottle and it's been like 5 fucking years. it fell down the side of a mountain once while i was hiking and i thought it was gone for good but the trail ended up going down there and i retrieved it. at one point i gave it to some stupid girl i slept/worked with and she ended up getting fired and leaving it at work so i grabbed it back. then my ex who was jealous of that girl threw it away in the trash can outside because that other girl had drank out of it i guess and i was like fuck that and went and got it out of the trash. i've dropped it like 50 times probably on concrete and other various materials. also random mexicans attempted to steal it TWICE while i was running in the park before. AND I STILL HAVE IT. it was like 30 bucks but worth it for 5+ years of hydration
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  5. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. lol harm reduction guide and 3/4 of it is just about meth and how awesome it is
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  7. look for me lost in the world with 96 bonnie n clyde me and my girlfriend doing 85 trapped in this world of sin born as a ghetto child
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  8. what do you think of this song? i think it's pretty good especially if you're stoned. the harmoniez are the best.
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  9. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Humans are "allegedly" a social species…socializing isn't "codependency".

    i'm trying to figure out what part of what i wrote you interpret as simply "socializing" but i can't because you're an idiot and a boomer and should kys
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  13. my normie friend actually hit me up last night and asked me to go to thai food with him and his girlfriend. i've been bitching to him a lot in recent weeks about my life so he knows what's going on in my life kind of even though we never hung out outside work. like 5 minutes after we order their neighbor by "coincidence" shows up and orders her food and sits next to me and they kept going "oh what a COINCIDENCE" to see you here as she mentions like 3 times over an hour that she's single and is putting her hand on my shoulder and shit. shes kind of cute and i felt like my friend actually gives a shit about me enough to go out of his way for me but i don't even feel like i can do it. it feels weird, almost disrespectful to both me and her (and her) to even fuck around with someone else when i still have 5 years worth of lodged memories of my ex in memory

    people say you just need to see someone else or start dating again but i think that's pretty much just using codependency as a replacement. like you are literally just depending on someone else to replace those feelings and memories, without establishing a new self to share with them first. its stupid and selfish and gross and bound for failure because the basis of the entire relationship would be just to kill off those feelings with your ex. i wouldn't want to be either person in that relationship. i guess if all you want is a warm body to eat and sleep with you then it gets the job done. but maybe the problem is with me and it's unrealistic to expect much more than that.
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  14. We must call upon our bright darkness,
    Beliefs, they're the bullets of the wicked,
    One was written on the sword,
    For you must enter a room to destroy it,
    International security,
    Call of the righteous man,
    Needs a reason to kill man,
    History teaches us so,
    The reason he must attain,
    Must be approved by his god,
    His child, partisan brother of war
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  15. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Originally posted by Wariat her pussy felt so good it was like rubber stuck to my dick.

    so basically it was dry as fuck lol
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  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL If you kill yourself, you AUTOMATICALLY BECOME A MURDERER. A murder of yourself. Just because it's you doesn't mean you haven't murdered a human being. You have. You've murdered a human being who was given life, who had life, before you took it.

    and murderers should get the death penalty
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  18. i haven't been on 4chan in years but i actually also kind of agree with OP, porn is degenerate and disgusting. not because there's anything immoral about sex or pre-marital sex but because the more of it you consume the more it separates the idea of sex and companionship in your mind and the less motivated you are to find companionship (or do anything for that matter)
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  19. sometimes when i pull a fast one on a starcraft 2 match and totally sneak up on or destroy my enemy's sneak attack that they didn't think i knew about i say "tee hee hee" on the chat to taunt them
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  20. Originally posted by Wariat Hey dont want companionship, they just want to be popular and seem wanted and have their friends tslk less about them behind their backs oh yea and money and prestige thats what theyre sbout.

    are you just wasted all the time or retarded or what?
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