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Thanked Posts by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4

  1. Welcome to NIS where the new status-symbol is the paid off home mortgage and a gamer-chair
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  2. All the top mortgage companies suck my cock always saying hey man you want to get a 2 million dollar house bro weel loan you !

    I'm like first off I don't borrow money second off stop standing so close to me I'm a real ass self made man, so kick rocks lil wigga

    Ever since I can ever, I always wanted to be a gangster
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  3. That's messed up , weel get to the bottom of this even of we gonna have to go to the top, first, heard.

    Sparty you're on notice, you have been notofied
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  4. I'm personally tired of are community's going to shit with little hotshot whippersnappers going around late at night eating hamburgers in their parents old car which is now they're car . Little f*cker probably spilled his fries between the seats too
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  5. How are you going to get leads/customers? Just posting on craigslist , Facebook, flyers ,basically most of the free or cheap ways you should expect a ton of dipshits and poor/tight-ass people to try and waste your time on the phone and even in-person after you spent your gas to go look at their POS small engine.

    ( think of some of the tight-asses on here who would call 10 different mower shops and try to flex on all of them about "oh I could totally do it myself I'm a genius, I just don't have time right now" and trying to beat you up on price " I'll have you know, you better EARN my business by giving me a really good price because I'll be wasting 9other people's time with the same crap after I'm thru talking to you" yep , who ever wants to make the least money I will consider BLESSING with my business.

    And yet then they would come brag on here about how smart they are for not letting some conman mower guy get over on them and literally not even get it fixed because they would rather spend the money on something fun like a new DVD player.

    Anyway on-site repair sounds like a premium service to me ( it's pretty convenient not having to put your mower in your car driving to a shop ) if you're hoping to make more than poverty wages I'd try something like charging a dispatch fee charging say $50 or whatever you need to charge to come over and look at their busted crap, if you want to take that off the bill if they have you do the work you could do that, or not. But then you know they are somewhat qualified customers they're already willing to pay you money to come over , good chance they are ready to have you do the job and not some b******* time waster
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  6. Originally posted by AngryOnion Simple machines without computers.
    I figure I could buy a van or a pickup with a cap and do onsite service to do basic stuff and maybe a trailer to bring things back home to do more extensive repairs.
    I have the tools ,I have the knowledge what could go wrong?

    Sounds cool, how many hours do you wanna work? Idk if you've worked out of a service truck before but I think a van is WAY more practical than a truck topper, unless you like crawling in the back of a truck on your hands and knees all the time for the stuff you can't reach from the sides. I feel like people get stuck on the idea of using pickups because they are cooler or more macho than a van. Only way I see a truck winning is if you think you need 4x4 and/or need to tow extremely heavy.
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  7. The policeman was brave I'd like to nominate him for a medal. SUPPORT YOURE LOCAL BLUE LINE
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  8. FONA I literary highly urge you to wait for rates to settle park you're assets into internet tokens where you can wait out this horse market. Or invest in fine art that's what Oprah wifey did and it went up up up
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    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Literally tried to do a NIS tiny chat chug competition a couple weeks ago and what do you know, NIS was ALL BITCHES and not a single space wigger showed up for the live chug absolutely pathetic
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  11. I was Laughing my reatarded AO at the jet ski deal thinking of u being like OH YEAH I MEED ONE OF THESE. THIS IE WHY UR POOR FONA, BUT YUR DISH WASHER HOSE IS GOOD FOR 200PSI I TELL YU WHUT

    That's cool man I hope you can get some coin for your junk maybe you can be a full time junk arbitrage guy.

    THAT rich jedi YouTube guru Gary "the billionaire" Vaynerchuk always says in his videos people who want to try some new entrepreneurial Hussle should go do that, like buying good crap at garage sales then haggling about 25cents like your in the old country and sell it on Jedi bay.
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  12. Damn, heard
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  13. Originally posted by cigreting If a woman is able to raise a child herself with NO government or other family assistance then I have no problem with that.
    The problem is 99.9% of these bitches get pregnant then rely on big daddy gubbermint to provide for their poor choices, which equates to tax payers footing the bill for ashtrayneisha and her poor choices. Responsibility is a word women have no idea about. In the old days you were shunned by society & family and rightfully so if you werent married and got pregnant.

    LMAO about you thinking men try to trap women. Try the other way around retard

    If you see having a child outside of marriage as problematic , I don't see why Women would deserve the blame. When literally it takes two to tango and a man decided to put sperm in her. You don't see Women running around putting eggs into men, if anything the man is MORE culpable not that I know what that word means.

    You don't think there's men who trap Women? I reject your hypothesis.
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  14. John Brennan says Russia is the most likely culprit behind breaking the pipes,maybe flexing on Europe showing he's a real pipe hitter and signalling he can act out beyond his borders and GET THE OTHER PIPES.

    Everyone I suggest to getting very big bags and filling them up with natural gas because we live in a global economy so somehow this will make our natural gas more expensive too so I suggest piling it up all that s*** up n****
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  15. Originally posted by blaster master yeah in the processes of jumping off his bed trying to break his collar bone he burst his gall bladder.

    Reminds me of the time k r o z got his poop bent in half
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  16. I'm happy that you got the dope that you wanted without having to hurt yourself on purpose. Isn't that weird how things work out sometimes .

    Weel send you a Hallmark card were all rooting for your gall bladder.

    What I always wondered was when something is removed from your insides... What happens to the extra space? Does all your other organs smoosh around and your ribs tighten up and you basically get thinner??
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  17. Originally posted by Meikai femcels exist too, the poor things.

    Hmmm 🤔 what if the incels got together with the FEMcels 🤔🤔🤔. HMMMMM
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  18. Free Abbott free constello and keep TRUTH MATTERS FREE

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  19. I've been waiting for this day for like a month now and I'm thinking about asking for them to give me a Bruce Lee haircut .

    I'm kind of afraid it will look like ass but literally hair is an abundant resource and it will grow back even if it gets tarded out and buzzed

    That's what I always say.

    But what do I know? I'm just a Cancerous zodiac we be like Eeee EEEE
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  20. I was driving the hearse for a funeral -it was an honorary thing like being a Paul bear- .. I had to gas it up, the fuel filler was inside the cab. The gas pump had two settings , spray the gas forward or shoot it backwards back towards the handle and I picked the wrong setting and sprayed gas all over the interior I was worried I'd stink up the casket and my suit.

    Well I went to the house of the deceased and they were a hoarder with a bunch of shit including gas grills so I just put a gas grill with propane tank in all of the neighbors backyards to try to get rid of some junk.

    One of the relatives knew or highly suspected I had done this and they were pissed.they felt they had a claim to the grills so they pretended like all the neighbors must have each come and stolen a
    Grill so I was like wow dude it was me I'll go indian take them back if your worried about it, and I did too.

    That's a bout it then I went to a friend's place in the neighborhood and they were building a underground facility with a makeshift elevator and using a shovel and weel barrel to get the dirt out
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