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Thanked Posts by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4

  1. That's how they got k r o z too. Just tell them to F off
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  2. Originally posted by Sudo I thought u weighed less than that but given all your food threads I should have guessed. Doesn't really matter your size, I don't know why someone would be legitimately racist towards blackpipo unless they were a fake moralfag "omg all da crime!" Which is usually fear and faggotry based. Must be hardwired into your British COLONialist DNA

    He hates us because our music , clothes, and vernacular are better
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  3. Short ribs are the ones that tone's crew knocked off the truck and they called short because when the truck shows up they're going to be short that many but anyway like I said that his guys only pull off the best ribs on the truck so short ribs are some good eating I highly recommend it next time you're down at saturelli's
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Bump
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  5. Yeah what a lot of people don't understand is all this new technology the blockchain will revolutionize banking so instead of like when you have to go to your go to the ATM to get your money out and only the bank knows how much money you have instead we will tell everyone how much money you have and if you need money they can just give it to you instead of if you go to the ATM like you can just ask me hey man how much money do I have again and then I'll tell you and if you want some I'll just give it to you all peer reviewed and using CPU cycles to audit everything always auditing everybody making sure that we know how much money they have so we don't give them too much no one person will have too much money because we'll only be able to give him how much they actually deserve equality

    Here's how it works First you need to have a gamer computer with a big fat graphic card step 2 Don't use it to play games this thing makes money step 3 plug it in at your parent's house and put it up on high and make sure the fans keep blowing all that hot air around and what we'll do is we'll give you a math problem it's like you have to add all these numbers together and then if we if you do it right you'll get a little cookie and you can get enough of these little cookies you'll get a cookie jar
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Guys buy xrp ripple tokens when they go up and then safe moon
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  7. Lower your tone, Tite-sack
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  8. I'm happy for them that was nice.of our president to do that
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  9. Originally posted by Murk Lore I found a photo of Bill Krozby laying in a bath like it was a photo shoot of gay porn

    cant remember which tens of thousands of fucking directories and 20 terabytes they exist in

    That's collectible only a few people literally ever got to see that
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  10. Admin priorities sure seem sus.

    Things you get banned for even though they aren't in violation with any published rules;

    *Suspected of being a Scrawnaldo account

    *Posting a meme too many times

    *Asking people to join the bastard factory

    vindictive Vinny posts child porn but we gotta root out the scron alts guys
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  11. New California law could raise fast-food minimum wage to $22 an hour

    Like okay you know these stupid burger fuckers all got bailed out on Joe brandons free 20k college party money and his fake.covid hyperinflator checks.

    Now there gonna price themselves out of the market. NEWS FLASH a burger would have to cost like 15 dollars and a Pepsi would be 8 dollars and the 10 condiments will cost 2 dollars per ketchup packet ( we ALREADY had to deal with ketchup packet scarcity due to the panic and taxes will go up soon mark my words )

    But guess what you stupid minimal wage ducks, they literally already invented a robot who's going to fire you and cook the burger and mop the toilets out with a smile

    Have fun getting fired and getting more Joe Brandon money his new is Honda Asimov there gonna literally cover the whole store in solar panels and Tesla wonderwalls

    Thank goodness don't live in that shit hole I want my guy my MAN to lower the wages we gotta compete on the global market these days
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  12. Heard
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  13. When the femboys sperg out at Candy Wayne and she just puts on her sunglasses sips the hatorade and gets a milk mustache.

    All of my favorite posters are resilient and they don't just fall in line and there's literally tons of good posters here even though there's a lot of annoying dumb asses too

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  14. I don't see whats so GREAT about it am I right guys
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  15. Adult diaper makes me think of the horned up NASA psycho-Billie lady who put on her space diaper so she could drive 15 hours ,juicing her shorts the whole way, to hunt down her ex boyfriend and put a silk hose on his balls and yank
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Hey Steven wanna go watch the new transformers
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  17. I hear the bc buds are very dank
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  18. Originally posted by lockedin What's happening to the GOP is hard to parse, how they've gone from kinda dull, mostly generic 20th century style neocons to the party of overt crazy and retarded in less than 10 years. I guess it's what happens when you introduce boomers to facebook and throw in a little Trump.

    Little bit of weed mix in some hard liquor
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  19. Originally posted by Sudo IVE LEARNED SO MUCH FROM THIS THREAD

    Yeah man I hear you because sometimes I just feel like sad because the forum is not inspiring me but then we get a gym like this and damn son if that ain't inspiring I don't know what it is. It just goes to show you the resolve of the modern space wigger and what he's capable of when he wants to make a play.

    Reminds me of another thing last night or well really probably early early morning swim was browsing the NIS and it was just overcome with joy because he saw ghost in the process of a front page flush and if that's not dedication to still be flushing that front page after all these years and still doing it up you can take that to the bank

    It's something marvelous to see and only less than about 1% of people will ever get to see front page actually being flushed it's kind of like in Dennis the menace when they had that rare flower which only opens like I don't know very rarely and literally they saw it happen basically like a sunset or a sunrise but way way more rare

    Have a good example of what I mean is for instance Haley's comet you know what I mean only a few people ever literally will get to see that cuz it's like hella rare and think of all the energy it takes to be moving around like a comet that's power
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  20. Originally posted by Donald Trump No one who posts this picture deserves to be taken seriously. Sorry.

    You should see the other guys. Speedy dark rodent is to this day still sitting on heavy machinery burying the corpses of his barfight opponents out on his desert compound ( where he's BETTTTAAAA ) and sits down on things all day
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