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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Here in Texas for example when the bottom fell out of the oil market all kinds of industries were hit negatively as well of course as job losses.

    A friend of mine for example has a metal fabrication business and a lot of his business was from the oil industry...pipes, valves etc etc...when the oil industry gets hit hard, all the ancillary companies/businesses etc get hit hard too...and it follows the businesses to those ancillary companies also suffer...shit rolls downhill etc.

    Lots of businesses suffer or fold when the price of gas (maybe I should have said oil) falls.

    As another example...public transport usage goes up when gas prices climb.
  2. Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover How can higher gas prices be good for the economy?

    Google it.
  3. Originally posted by Red_Woman I downloaded Thor. I think I'm jumping straight to that one tonight.

    If you didn't like Ironman you wont like Thor..I only watched the first Thor and found that duller than a dull day in dullsville, dullardland.
  4. Another great comeback Code! thumbsup
  5. Originally posted by Codebeta Having dinner with your family before ending up at the bridge is actually evidence that the teacher was sane and didn't commit suicide. Maybe he met the broker there and was pushed. Tracing incoming calls before his death would have been helpful and understanding why he drove there late at night. Autopsy reports are really not that perfect and I'm sure mistakes were made. No booze or drugs either and a car nicely parked. Bottom line…again no proof of mental illness.

    You need a mental help professional... lololol
  6. Same...Wahl hair clippers on #2 setting $10.
  7. Originally posted by Codebeta His brain wasn't sick

    Again, how do you know? all evidence (having dinner with family and then throwing himself of a bridge) suggests otherwise to anyone with a "sane" and logical way of thinking...

    No one drove him to the bridge and pushed him over it...he chose to end his life himself over some money, even though he had a family apparently relying on him. That's insane.
  8. Originally posted by Codebeta Sounds like he's mentally ill…no confirmation needed.

    So in your world deleting profiles = mental illness but throwing yourself of a bridge doesn't...lolol don't give up your day job Doctor...
  9. Originally posted by Codebeta Actually, you made my point…temporary depression once doesn't make it an official mental illness if no insanity was present before or illness to trigger this.

    According to who?

    The brain gets sick just like the body....a temporary illness of the body is still an illness, a cold for example. The brain can be temporarily sick's still illness, mental illness.

    Insert rotating eyes emote here.

    oh and...ummm it's not temporary if you kill yourself...lololol

    Your teacher friend was nuts when he killed himself...again perfectly sane people don't kill themselves over the loss of money or items which can be replaced.
  10. Originally posted by infinityshock i would have hit it if it hadnt been hit by a nigger

    Uh oh, that's an instant no-no then.
  11. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Celebrate by having them make you a cunt cake. Suits you.

    Better than a cock cake I suppose!
  12. Originally posted by stl1 Oh, I forgot Beanz…but he died, didn't he?


  13. Originally posted by ohfralala Kinks, JJ wanted your fat pics to fap to. He acts like he hates fat women but it’s really his bread and butter. You know, sorta how homophobes are the biggest queers.

    Well that's all men, hell we fap into socks, a fat bitch is still a step up from a sock.
  14. Ok chunky calm down, just pullin yer plonker.
  15. Originally posted by Codebeta Momentary depression is not RBD, Bipolarity or DSM-IV and ICD-10) since it does not exceed 14 days…pretty hard to claim this is 100% mental illness and to me it's not.

    Um people can have all kinds of mental illness and be undiagnosed and or unknown to people around them...a sure fire indication that they do/DID have mental illness is having dinner with your family and then throwing yourself of a bridge lololol

    "Perfectly sane" people don't do that...
  16. Originally posted by Codebeta Not me…you'd be surprised how many boxers can dance and are not Gay.

    How many have you danced with and asked if they are gay?
  17. I'm sure your dad would love a bite of your muffin.

    I bet those two fatties get hit on all day long working that job.
  18. Originally posted by Codebeta We weren't talking about everyone…just the teacher. I know he wasn't mentally ill and a momentary lapse in judgement doesn't make him one.

    Is that your qualified opinion Doctor? lololol

    Again sane people don't kill themselves on the spur of the moment...and mental illness (temporary insanity) can take over you at unless you were there and qualified to evaluate him...all indications point to the guy was fucking nuts.
  19. Jeez you should have bought him the same as a thank you for taking you to get your head felt up by a moderately large chick.
  20. Originally posted by Codebeta You don't need health professionals all the way down to understand it's not really mental illness in some cases.

    Well yes you do...otherwise it's an assumption they are perfectly sane...perfectly sane people don't kill themselves over money.

    Originally posted by Codebeta A depressed feeling or fear does not consitute a mental illness…not even close

    lololol depression most definitely IS a mental illness.
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