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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by mikeyagain If you feel the need to run with an internet troll crew, to bully people, then you're a special kind of wimp, and you deserve that crew.. thumbs up..

    What does that say about people who fail the application process?
  2. Millenials...
  3. Originally posted by jillvalentine I'd sue whoever built that basement.

    Anything can be fixed though.

    ..and the kitkats?
  4. Originally posted by aldra here's a primer if you want to learn something. There are much better articles on the matter (and far beyond).

    no, if you reread that carefully, in the past the rate of long-term unemployed has been significantly higher than recently unemployed, which is why the statistic is often hidden.

    Dow is at 24,000+, unemployment is at 3.8% with job growth every month, Wages are up, house prices are up, gas prices are up (good for the economy), interest rates are finally increasing, ...pretty much everything is on the up...

    ...anyone who sees all that as the US economy being in trouble..doesn't understand economics.
  5. Originally posted by Archer513 Kinks seems to think she is sarcastic and has some superior trolling ability.

    She doesn’t

    She had a vagina in a sea of cocks. Reality check bish. There are many more vaginas now…time to get a fucking personality and a bit of wit. 👍🏻

    Or just cave and buy some cakes.
  6. Who the fuck buys a didgeridoo...
  7. Originally posted by tee hee hee I was on vacay and gained 2kgs!!!! TWO!!!!! Omg. I'm so hungry but can't eat.

    Maybe it was muscle you gained from all that walking

    ...or maybe the copious amounts of food you shoved in your fucking pie hole.
  8. 2.2
  9. Like a rusty brillo pad
  10. Originally posted by jillvalentine That's why ya fix the leak for god sakes 🤦‍♀️

    Well the problem is the water is all around, the basement is below the water table line...any fix is just temporary. You fix one and two more spring up...

    Likewise you can eat salads for 10yrs but sooner or later you're going to find a box of 244 kitkats left on your doorstep by mistake...then what?
  11. Originally posted by A College Professor yes its like .. a basement wants to be wet. u can put a pump in it and make all the fat go away but 1day the pump will break down

    then u will maybe call a plumbr or let your basement flood.

    something something something 100 year flood plain

    Exactly...I think...
  12. deep fried twinkies...
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock you should have just said youre a bitch. less typing

    Thumbs up.
  14. Most former fatties end up fat again sooner or later...It's just a matter of time and twinkies.
  15. Originally posted by xox_LJ_xox And in her defense….if she’s not overweight anymore, why would anyone wanna see an old picture. We all bitch about wanting current pics. JS 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Entertainment obviously!

    A fatty is always a fatty..just like an alcoholic is always an alcoholic.
  16. Originally posted by jillvalentine Y'all dogging but you fat fucks won't even post one yourselves.

    Posting my own photo isn't going to amuse me anymore than looking in the mirror does and so is quite pointless!
  17. Originally posted by Codebeta Yes you are.

    Great comeback...thumbs up.

  18. When the US is able to restrict oil trade to the US dollar, being able to manipulate the value of the USD allows them to control oil prices. That's completely ignoring the deep ties between KSA and the other gulf states and the US treasury.

    But none of that is irrelevant. Even so, that is not "direct control"...

    The reason I ask is because that's a trick that's often been used to generate favourable unemployment numbers. If you exclude the long-term unemployed and people who have given up looking for work, your employment numbers go up because you're completely ignoring people who are, for all intents and purposes unemployed but cannot find work… Often because their industries have dried up or general employment has become extremely difficult in specific areas.

    Again, the same "trick" is in play regardless of the unemployment level being 10% or 1%..there is always a % of people who are not's logical the higher the official figure is the higher the "not counted" % is too...
  19. Originally posted by Codebeta Lol…you're an idiot.

  20. Originally posted by Codebeta Fucking a Nigga…38 minute ban.

    Jeez, you really are butthurt...
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