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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock your 'other factors' are directly related to the price of oil/the oil industry making them irrelevant to my point as well as their relevance in the overall economy.

    the fact is fossil fuels used in transportation are an expense, the cost of which is not of benefit to anyone but a small, limited industry

    Um well the point was the US economy right now it doing great...if you think otherwise you're clueless.
  2. Get a real job then instead of twitch steaming/ebegging.
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock that means the gas prices during the early 70s were indicative of a healthy economy.

    makes sense.

    You're missing this bit..

    "when added to the many other economic factors I listed."

    (and an actual crisis verses slightly higher prices isn't quite the same situation.lolol)
  4. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Says he was stuck in traffic. Maybe he couldn't move.

    Plenty of room to run the fucker over....reverse, then run over said nigger.
  5. Originally posted by Fonaplats She already said she likes my hair cut.

    Take a creep photo of her and post it here for our enjoyment
  6. Report: Darryl is a nice quiet lad who often contributes positively to the class, after lunch though he tends to look a little disheveled.
  7. That knife looks new and way has that gutted anyone.
  8. Originally posted by jedi_darryl I wanna play with you but I just can't right now Johnson. Stop moving around down there already. Ugh😑

    Sure thing.
  9. Originally posted by infinityshock that makes no sense

    Meaning any extra money in the pockets of the masses saved from low gas prices is spent not on American products but shit from China..helping their economy.

    Again higher gas prices (re: oil prices) is indicative of a healthy economy when added to the many other economic factors I listed.
  10. who needs a gun when you are sitting in a 4000lb weapon...driver is an idiot.
  11. People trying to blame everything and everyone but the fucked up shooter.
  12. Those are horrendous.
  13. The pink looks good.
  14. Originally posted by Madman I know this gal who's brother is a cop and she deals meth. Everybody knows that he knows and there really aren't any busts anymore. Should I just be glad that the cops are crooked or call the fbi or dea or the secret service or something? In this other county where i knew people the sherriffs office were meth kingpins and eventually got fucked up and who knows how rotten the cops are where I am at. But they are definitely screwy and I'm having a hard time not trying to fuck them over, especially because idgaf about meth and only do opiates.

    What would you do in this situation?

  15. Originally posted by Kinks

    That's a good one.
  16. Originally posted by POLECAT just built another shelf in the fruiting room and I'm about to load it with mushroom blocks

    The fruiting room...sounds like a gay bar.
  17. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t I think she has the perfect face for the short cut and darker hair. She looks younger and still sophisticated.


    1. having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience

    ...I think she just called you "well worn and used"
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock your point is the same one shilled by the oil-companies.

    youre describing a single, small, portion of the overall aggregate economy. yes, directly-related businesses would be adversely affected but they are a minuscule portion of the economy as a whole and their loss is an exponential gain everywhere else.

    China thanks the US consumers for spending the money they save on gas on their tat.
  19. "anemic" springs to mind for the blonde one.
  20. Originally posted by stl1 It is painfully clear that not one person on this site has a sense of humor!

    Self realization is a good thing!
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