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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Mother nature disagrees, it is a laboratory.
  2. Or San Fransisco trying to keep from being transexualized.
  3. Nice photoshopped pics R&R...
  4. Originally posted by Something Squirrel I never heard of the NSA in my life before Snowden

  5. "best music video ever In 100 years "

    Music videos haven't' been around 100yrs...
  6. It's amusing to think people were so naive and unaware about the "powers that be " spying on them before Snowden. Of course government agencies monitor people...duhhhh.
  7. Originally posted by Bill Krozby not wanting to go outside because I won't have the love of my life next to my side.

    Life isn't a romance novel, they'll be other pussy.
  8. Originally posted by apt nobody cares

  9. Originally posted by mikeyagain Yeah, we're stupid enough to stomp Hitler and Japan in the ball sack.. Ya sure you want us to wise up??

    You might want to check you history re: who stomped Hitler....stupid American
  10. Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover Beats the fuck outta MSNBC, CNN and FOX.

    Um no it doesn't... lololol
  11. Originally posted by Kinks I’m thinking I got 4 packages and can’t be fucked to open them and I don’t want to take a shower or take jobs because I hate everything and I got a stomach ache and nothing to eat but popcorn which I’m not supposed to be eating ugh

    So post nudes then
  12. Starbucks isn't what it used to be, 10yrs ago it was full of young tottie and short skirted business it's fat middle aged Asians and niggers.
  13. HI Dazza
  14. I only drink it when I'm given a starbucks gift card...I still have $21 left on my current one.
  15. Nucking futs.
  16. "some Italian dude"

    Well I'm convinced.
  17. Taking a long hard look at yourself in the mirror is more effective.
  18. Originally posted by Archer513 I ain’t scared of no Muslims

    if there's somethin strange
    in your neighborhood
    who you gonna call?
    Allah Akbar!
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