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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. A perfectly sane person understand money can be replaced...(but cant be if you kill yourself)
  2. What did your dad get from Tim Horton's
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock even worse is their website with their shit advertising. literally…a one paragraph news piece has five minutes of scrolling worth of advertisements.

    My god yes, it's been shit for fucking years...used to be even worse with those automatically playing embedded videos all over the place too.
  4. Originally posted by tee hee hee Better check for another source. CNN is fake newz.

    They are all calling it a "narrow" ruling, apparently that means it's only applicable to the case at hand and not the broader population etc.

    So if you are a baker you might still have to build faggot cakes or go to court yourself.
  5. If that card works I might try carrying a card around that says "you're very wealthy and lovable".
  6. Lol..fucking CNN

    The Supreme Court ruled ***narrowly*** in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake to celebrate the marriage of a same sex couple because of a religious objection.

    >>>>The ruling was 7-2.

    EDIT: Oh narrowly because they didn't change the law for everyone, just ruled in his favor...that's gay.
  7. ah
  8. Let them eat cake! unless they are faggots of course.

  9. Some perfectly sane people commit suicide when triggered…

    Um how is it determined they were "perfectly sane" before jumping off a bridge...Do they have mental health professionals on the way down to give a quick evaluation...lololol
  10. Originally posted by tee hee hee Which one is the thinner one tho?

    Um can't you see the pic, I'd say the one on the left

  12. Originally posted by Codebeta A lot more than that…even supposedly a family trust. He never really diversified and just listened to the corrupt broker wih promises of high gains. Years later the guy who conned the teacher tried to run for office doctoring all his documents and everything was exposed. It will also happen to a few people I know in the future…their company lists are not stable and profits are low. Some stocks in the US are not even worth looking at unless connected to Aero Tech types and yet some off shore in Ausralia and other markets are doing great. If the markets drop suddenly when another recession hits I can see a lot of individuals jumping….there is a correaltion.

    The only correlation it suicide is mental illness.
  13. 2 on 1 with her and Jill would be more acceptable.
  14. Back in my home town/country there used to be a topless barbers. I was getting my hair cut every couple of weeks.

    "Take a little more off the front please darlin"
  15. Who was driving?
  16. Well there was that guy who met a cannibal online and then agreed to be eaten by him.

    In March 2001 Meiwes advertised on the internet for a "young well-built man, who wanted to be eaten". Brandes replied.

    On the evening of March 9, the two men went up to the bedroom in Meiwes' rambling timbered farmhouse. Mr Brandes swallowed 20 sleeping tablets and half a bottle of schnapps before Meiwes cut off Brandes' penis, with his agreement, and fried it for both of them to eat.

    Brandes - by this stage bleeding heavily - then took a bath, while Meiwes read a Star Trek novel.

    In the early hours of the morning, he finished off his victim by stabbing him in the neck with a large kitchen knife, kissing him first.
  17. fruit cup
  18. Originally posted by Codebeta Total BS Mikey…we only defended against idiots like yourself and lies. We never bullied anyone…five bloody years you fought with StrawHat aka ScareCrow and never had the balls to meet him. You threatened him almost ever day and never stopped abusing women when drunk. Take some memory pills and move on.

    Well not wanting to waste one's time traveling to and meeting up with a sheep fucker from an internet forum doesn't equate to not having balls, it equates to having a bit of sense.
  19. Originally posted by Codebeta I remember this teacher who lost his whole life savings

    So $13.67 then.
  20. Originally posted by Item 9 *kill myself

    How many people in the history of humanity have commitied suicide? Like hundreds of millions? Of those, how many people have commited suicide for less good of reason(s) that I have (or soon will have)? Still like…millions. So…what are the chances I won't?

    How many people have done it twice?
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