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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Poor grandpa...
  2. Originally posted by jer3552 what do u use to circumcise a negro fellow……..jig saw…………like jigaboo actually held a job before coming to the land of milk and honey…

    Land of milk and honey...lmao...shame shit different place..except here I have to buy health insurance.
  3. Originally posted by cupocheer (rolling eyes upward)

    and his mother is a trashy, crack & meth ate up, white, female prostitute while daddy was a black businessman who failed his child's upbringing.

    So now what do you have? An adult that is versed in both sides of the street and chooses _________the correct road or _________the wrong riad?

    Whom is to blame?

  4. Originally posted by cupocheer They are still in the cave. Storm coming. Cave water may get higher.
    Trying to pump water out of cave.
    All doing fairly well. Doctor down there with them. They are learning diving in order to get out. What an experience but they are still smiling.

    It's pretty amusing when you think about it, a soccer team (dressed in their soccer kits) and their coach stuck 2km in a cave...the obvious question is what the fuck were a soccer team...DRESSED IN THE SOCCER OUTFIT...doing in the fucking cave in the first place.

    Natural selection at work.
  5. I've pooped in England I've pooped in France
    I've pooped in Germany and I've pooped my pants
  6. And E: what happened to D:
  7. Yup, per the definition.
  8. Originally posted by cupocheer It isn't a right for you to attend, OP, its a priviledge.

    Well a privilege is a right.
  9. It's a great place for chick spotting though...I don't mind the wait if I'm sat opposite someone who's skirt I can see up.
  10. Well what personal information have you submitted? I don't recall submitting any.
  11. Originally posted by mikeyagain She a good girl…. What's ya got against pigs??

    Nothing....they are good eggs.

    ...I mean they are good with eggs.
  12. Originally posted by Red_Woman We have 2 days too. But we call it Santo Stefano

    You can call me Santa Stefano because when you become my sex slave you'll think it's Christmas everyday.
  13. Originally posted by WellHung Lolol… come on now dad… How Could You Slaughter ur pig after keeping it as a pet for all this time?

    Lets leave my ex wife out of this...
  14. Mikey doesn't seem to like anything, including BLTs
  15. no one cares
  16. Dumb enough to have a pig as a pet instead of making sandwiches with it.
  17. Originally posted by Red_Woman What do you expect? Some morons are also convinced that USA saved USSR from the Nazi.

  18. Originally posted by NARCassist you gotta realize that was quite a feat to do 5000 miles from home across an ocean back in them days when it took 3 months just to cross the ocean.


  19. Originally posted by tee hee hee My lover.

    oh Freddy feces.
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