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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by HTS The government took my blood/DNA. I'm pretty much fucked. I might as well have a facebook account.

    Well you insist on leaving your DNA everywhere you it's your fault if they now monitor how many cat videos you watch on youtube and what your "mood" is currently.
  2. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 my answers reflect those who are paid to observe. my position is to rely upon their methods and findings, not to be the one doing the observation. I have only observed specimens from someone else's work. so none of my data is from my own research.

    Yup, that's what I figured.

    Pro tip:

    Maybe try to have your own thoughts and experiences going forward rather than living through others.
  3. Originally posted by apt You don't seem to because you keep talking about this at an individual level when it's really a structural/societal problem

    How is it a structural/societal problem? The masses need to be controlled (and monitored), without control anarchy exists.
  4. Originally posted by cupocheer Beauty is only skin deep while ugly goes all the way to the bone.

    What a stupid saying that is.

    Better to be beautiful then rather than ugly...
  5. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 science [biologists] have observed billions of single celled specimens in the past 150+ years using high powered microscopes. they have reported interesting findings only to back track later because another scientists proved them wrong [or proved they were lying]. but much of what science thought they knew they have now retracted since they now can confirm the laws, singularity, energy did not cause the Bang, but rather became into existence because of the Bang. the latest findings disproves the entire previous ideas. and biologists are conceiving that because of the complexities of DNA, it's impossible to suggest it was an accident/mutation/random process due to the coding within DNA by which DNA exists. it's quite interesting watching the staples we thought of as truths within science now being rethought and rewritten.

    kind of makes sense why they have now began this new path towards simulated universe.

    I asked how many YOU had observed...and for how long? It's a pretty simple line of questioning...try again.
  6. Originally posted by apt Maybe not directly, and maybe not right now, but a few private companies and government organizations having gigantic stores of behavioural data on most of the population is dangerous and unprecedented in history, people like you who handwave away all concerns because you don't personally care about having your privacy violated and can't grasp the higher order effects of this paradigm are why it continues to accelerate

    Yeah I get the paranoia, I just don't buy it.

    Ultimately the "user" controls their data. Idiots who have facebook accounts have only themselves to blame etc, put your whole fucking life online and then act surprised when your data is "mishandled"...give me a break. lolol
  7. Originally posted by mmQ Tell me of your fecal hues.
    The blacks, the blues, the rare chartreuse.
    Corns and shells and pools of blood.
    Your sopping heap of soured mud.

    I've seen shades of shit you couldn't perceive
    A cacophony of color hard to believe
    Every color within the spectrum
    Has emanated from my rectum.
  8. Google and governments don't really care what 99.99999% of the population had for dinner, or what they are wearing while they watch soap operas. I couldn't care less if Alexa is listening in to the frequency (in both senses) of my farts.

    There is always someone in a position of've got to be pretty damn naive not to think corruption is involved on all and any kind of pointless complaining about one body when the next one or replacement one (or two, or ten) would be just as guilty.

    Get over it and eat your dinner.
  9. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 I highly doubt that. not one single cell has ever been observed as doing anything more than just being a single cell. much like bacteria remaining bacteria after literally thousands of generations [since bacteria lifespan is weeks to months it's easy to observe].

    How many single celled organisms have you observed and for how long a period? Can you post your documented findings...or are you just speculating?.
  10. Originally posted by apt And it has turned the internet into a centralized surveillance network that the architects of platforms like facebook have openly admitted is designed to addict people and manipulate their behaviour

    Well no, it's designed like most things to make their owners rich...the manipulation and addictive qualities are simply there to aid that goal.
  11. It's not luck. Luck is what the poor rely on for their futures.
  12. Originally posted by cupocheer When you are capable of being ableto read my mind and speak for me please dont. lol

    10,000 single celled lifeforms just raised their (imaginary) hands.
  13. Originally posted by cupocheer Aboo – I didn't need you to correct me. I was already correct. smile

    Well no, you seemed to think the subject of the thread somehow changed the definition of a doesn't.
  14. Originally posted by cupocheer Well now, aren't we all by the book? (rolling eyes)

    The discussion, dumb ass, was specifically about DMV scenerios.

    Do try to keep up.

    I corrected you on the fact a privilege is a right...the subject of the thread is irrelevant to that factoid of factness...lololol.

    It's ok to be butthurt, it's just unusual to be butthurt when someone teaches you something you didn't know previously.
  15. Last time I went I failed the eye test and had to get eyeglasses.
  16. Originally posted by cupocheer Surely, you, of all posters, are jesting. Correct?

    noun: privilege; plural noun: privileges

    a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people.



    : a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor : prerogative; especially : such a right or immunity attached specifically to a position or an office

    etc etc..take your pick of dictionaries...
  17. I like malaise on BLTs.
  18. Originally posted by Bill Krozby What if it wasa dudes skirt?

    I'd move to a better seat.
  19. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Well that was over ten years ago fatso..

    I'm sure you're still the same person inside though..that's what counts.
  20. No I haven't MMQ
    I've never thrown dice while taking a poo.
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