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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Remember you measure from the base ..ON THE TOP the tip. No cheating and measuring the underside from ballsack to the tip.
  2. Originally posted by benny vader would you trust a product that has been tested and certified safe by an ''independent'' lab ???

    If they were underpants yes...can't really go wrong with underpants.
  3. Originally posted by S6x Because other kids of other races never did this before. I'm not even going to do a history search. he's a kid. talk all the shit about adults but not a child. that's really a low life condition you're having.

    Niggers be noggin...dats fo sho.

    A white person would have understood the implied shit talk was aimed at the parents though who allowed it to happen, not the nigglet.
  4. Originally posted by EllariaSand Hmmmm… long before kink changes her avatar to a pic of her ass hole 🤔

    That would be great, she previously mentioned it was a nice flesh tone one without any discoloration.
  5. Depends on the type of attraction. If it's sexual yes.

    I'm attracted to Lamborghinis for example but it's not a sexual attraction...just friends.
  6. Doesn't matter what anyone self identifies doesn't change what they are no more than cutting or adding bits of flesh does.

    If you were born a man you are a man, your skeletal remains in 1000yrs will be identified as male.
  7. Sucker punch..what a hero.
  8. Originally posted by tje2607 Well she has a penis, which is why I am asking

    Well then it's a man, a "he", not a woman or a "she".
  9. I may treat myself to a snack while watching on Sunday.

    Normally I don't partake in such gluttony but for this special occasion I might break my rule and have some baby carrots with fat free dip.
  10. Originally posted by Red_Woman The frogs. lol

    That was quick Crumpet. It took me years, YEARS, to get over Italy losing the semi in 90, the final in 94 and 98 against France with that bloody golden goal BS. Lmao

    It's expected for England to fuck things up though.
  11. Originally posted by Rivotril I think NIS is one of the best places I could be member on the Internet, the best of 2018 at least.

    Nah, that would be Ebay.
  12. Humans destroy nature at a rate that no other species can.

    Incorrect the Zeta Retciulans have destroyed entire star systems.
  13. I'm over it, Croatia are now my assigned winning team...can't have the frogs winning anything other than ridicule.

    As for Saturday's one gives a fuck about 3rd place.
  14. Salad with chicken tit on it.
  15. Originally posted by S6x

    Back when I was a lad Italian combat jackets were the thing to have...I remember I bought mine after making a personal fortune on the school sponsored walk, (got multiple sponsor forms filled out but only submitted 1 so pocketed the rest of the cash).

  16. Originally posted by Cootehill jedis are a religion not an ethnicity is is the easiest shit in the world to disprove.

  17. "From the initial investigation it was discovered that the husband and wife had a career together selling vegetables."

    This adds so much to the story.
  18. Originally posted by esbity Take all common found denominations of US bills, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. Add them all up and you get 187.

    $ forgot the the $1 bill (and the $2 isn't that common...I've never had one in 21yrs living here).
  19. Originally posted by HTS but maybe nature's goal and human survival are mutually required?

    Millions (Billions?) of species have come and gone since the Earth first cooled...99% of species that have ever existed are extinct...based on that simply fact alone it's a bit silly and presumptuous to think our species will be any evidence to support our end will be no different than the other 99%. Evolution hasn't stopped...or's always been a slow process, the blink of an eye is the extent of human existence so far in relation to the history of the universe...less than..we are nothing.

    your "question" is ludicrous and again without any supporting evidence....simply fantasy.

    It's time for me to go home and beat my illegal immigrant Mexican maid.
  20. Originally posted by HTS You don't have to make good arguments to argue.

    You do if you want me to accept it as an argument and not me simply ridiculing your lack of knowledge and 'care bear' views as I have been doing.

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