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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Proof?

    Breakfast is an English word..hence it's British.

    See in French breakfast is déjeuner"

    Dejeuner...sounds like for-dinner.

    Dejeuner for dinner...
  2. Yes, emails and voicemails...I avoid reading listening to them when they are of a personal nature...crap from Ebay or AT&T fine..but if I see it's from someone I know I put off reading/listening to it...I have about 8 voicemails now I haven't..and probably never will...listen too.
  3. I blame #BLM
  4. Originally posted by stl1 I'd pee sitting down and snooker as many chumps as possible into buying me free meals with only a wink and a promise and then leave them all wanting more until a rich one proposed.

    A lady has to protect her reputation, you know!

    Your gender is changing not your men are going to buy your old ass anything but they might help you cross the street.
  5. Nice comeback Benny. 11pts awarded
  6. Of course the Brits invented breakfast.
  7. I bet you get it you filthy dog!
  8. Originally posted by Manonfire Adding lololololol on every one of ur post does not make it funny boi

    Im comfortable in sexually
    Hence why I'm not homophobic like urself

    What makes it funny is your raging homosexuality!

  9. Um no the question is..

    "What would you do if you suddenly changed genders?"

    Now if you change gender that would be body, brain...everything.

    All this reveals Manofire is you have homosexual leanings...that if you became a woman you'd want sex with women...that tells us you want to have sex with your same gender...aka, a roaring faggot.

  10. A man was arrested and charged with 766 counts of possession of child pornography Wednesday, three months after computer technicians spotted hundreds of graphic photos of children on his computer and called police.

    Douglas Monks is being held at the county jail on $250,000 bail.

    Monks’ “My Documents” folder contained a file called “preteen gay porn” and contained about 4,000 images, said police spokesman Tom McNulty. He said police could clearly identify 766 underage victims, boys and girls, some as young as about 5, McNulty said. The pictures included child rape, he said.
  11. 10 months.
  12. Originally posted by Manonfire It's still ur brain
    Ur thoughts ur mind
    It's still u without the old body with a dik

    Well no, in the scenario painted I would be 100% woman, why would my brain be male and my body be womans?....lolol you and your gay fantasies...really boy!

    The scenario is change gender...not become a tranny. lolol
  13. I'll file it in my "more horseshit plz guvn'r" folder.
  14. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL So you admit you're a man!

  15. I fired a nigger at my last job because he went home in the middle of the day and said the company sucks...he showed up the next day expecting to work.

    He still claimed unemployment and when we challenged it he claimed I fired him because he was black.

    We had to have a conference call "Tribunal" thing, him, me and the Texas workforce unemployment guy...The guy was obviously white (voice) and was really down on nignog...he asked him "why do you think you were fired because of your color"...he ummed and ahhed and din't really have an answer. Then the Texas workforce guy asked me "why did you fire him", I said "Job abandonment, he walked off the job in the middle of the day and said (company name sucks!) as he walked out".

    Naturally the nig lost and had to repay all the unemployment he'd received back to them..lololol

    Coons be coonin.
  16. Originally posted by Manonfire Queer

    Um how is a woman sucking a man off being queer? lololol
  17. Originally posted by Manonfire So u wanta suck off old men ?

    for a billion dollars and if I was a woman? brainer
  18. Originally posted by Red_Woman Tolkien already had a huge fanbase way before the movies. Well, since LOTR were published really.

    The movies kind of spoiled the books a little for me.
  19. Concealed carry.
  20. Dunno, maybe breakfast for dinner.
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