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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. lolol nerds
  2. As I was saying...
  3. Huh? It's the insane ones that makes the internet a worthwhile place to visit.
  4. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Tell us what socialists did to society. I want specifics

    The most obvious one is it discourages competition and entrepreneurship. Any society is then at a disadvantage compared to a capitalistic society.
  5. Originally posted by stl1 I was reading just the other day about a young Japanese child who cut his arm off with his father's Samurai sword. Did anyone else read that story?

    That's simply poor education. He was supposed to disembowel himself.
  6. Their first time in a world cup final (Croatia) so seems reasonable to support them...and lets face it no one really likes the smelly French with their hairy armpitted women and smelly onions.

    I'll miss the England game tomorrow due to a class I'm taking but again who cares about 3rd place. I'll be all set for Sunday though and will ensure my baby carrots are on ice.
  7. It's a different rule for management of course...if your staff don't hate're doing it wrong.
  8. Originally posted by stl1 How do you do it, Boo?

    2nd in command..I just fire anyone who doesn't like me.
  9. Originally posted by Archer513 Why have a diary?

    You can’t remember the shit you do?

    I used to think like that...then early onset Alzheimers kicked in...I think.
  10. Originally posted by esbity If everyone at work hates one person, but that person isn't causing any problems, will HR try to push the person out?

    Usually yes...and it is a problem as it interferes with overall harmony and could hurt production long term as others may not be as comfortable working or collaborating with that person. It's really that persons responsibility to move on themselves...who would want to stay in a place 8hrs a day where everyone hated them.
  11. ...and some smallpox infected blankets.
  12. Have some beads and whisky.
  13. Originally posted by benny vader omega = beta.

    you should read the bible more.

    Only Omegas, betas and betas read the bible, REAL men just go about their business not worrying about silly little "categories"
  14. I sometimes write a shopping list.
  15. Originally posted by benny vader beta.

    betas set the trends.

    Spoken like an Omega.
  16. Originally posted by Manonfire Why do u inbred hillbillies gaf?

    We should all gaf about the spreading of false information and lies. It ultimately affects us all and the society we live in.
  17. Originally posted by Rivotril I was talking about forums, I don't use Ebay.

    Obviously you've never seen forums then.
  18. Originally posted by benny vader whoa, your homosexuality starts early.

    why italian combatt jacket tho ???

    I didn't set the fashion trend, I just bought the damn jacket to fit in with everyone else like a good teen.
  19. Originally posted by benny vader yea, but none of them is capable or running fossil powered machine as the means of food production and had so much excess that millions of tonnes go to waste every day.

    the problem with us is that we are able to harness the power of dinosaurs, on my island i am seeing deforestation within a generation on a scale and rampancity that the previous 15 generations combined couldnt achieve.


    Short term issues and typical short sighted/self serving human thinking.

    Crap like deforestation isn't really a big deal when the Earth will be around for another 2 of billion years before life on Earth starts to have issues.

    The Earth has looked quite a bit different in the past, mostly ocean, mostly tropical forest, mostly hot lava, mostly un-breathable atmosphere etc etc, it's dynamic..and will continue to be.

    Cutting a few trees down here and there doesn't really matter long term, it only matters to us and life that might rely on those trees etc. Other animal life will rise and adapt and other plants trees will too.
  20. Remember you measure from the base ..ON THE TOP the tip. No cheating and measuring the underside from ballsack to the tip.
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