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Posts by Soyboy

  1. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    I've fucked black girls, but coal burners are trash.

    This sounds like an above average Bill Krozby story.
  2. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock …. a Dell Inspiron 3I processor

    model in the 3000
    no internet driver.. fuck Dell is stupid

    Holy fucking shit.

    I'm depressed again.

    Someone help.
  3. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Red_Woman

    Lol, is Red_Woman, dare I say it, part Albanian?
  4. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by aldra there's literally nothing you can do with python that you can't do with any other language. this is nonsense.
    Probably true, but try to have fun running Tensorflow within PERL. Even Tensorflow on Javascript is a nightmare, I haven't tried it, but I can tell from the comments I have heard on it.

    so are C, C++ and x86 assembler. have you ever spoken to a sysadmin?

    Oh yeah, sysadmins, those people who earn $130k a year running linux apache web servers? Yeah I was talking to one just the other day.

    That's sarcasm btw. I'm sure there are a couple around, but they keep a low profile.

    C++ isn't obsolete yet. It's used quite a bit for enhancing particular program functions.

    The other two, not used. Even Assembly language is compiled nowadays (optimizing in silicon, same thing).
  5. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume 15/nb/Akihabara

    Are you having an episode?
  6. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Nuh uh don’t send me any damn invoice for unsolicited counsel.

    I've never encountered one, but apparently the fake invoice for unsolicited services is still a common scam with small and medium sized businesses.

    My last employer just paid whatever invoices came in until I came along and started querying the suppliers. I saved the company probably 3/4 of my salary just that way. I tried to impart my miserly wisdom to the bosses daughter, who took over from me, but I doubt it worked.
  7. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume Anybody got any good links?

    Watch all this guy's videos. He's excellent.

    Concentrate on MEAN over LAMP. LAMP is old.

    Torrent some of this shit:

    Concentrate on Python. Python is the language of AI and machine learning. I don't like Python, but it is the language of the future.
    NIS is written in Python, on a Django stack, with an SQL (Postgres) database.

    Python and Javascript need to be your two first languages. Learn about them. Love them.

    Sorry Aldra, but PERL is dead, it is a 90s programming language.
  8. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by aldra isn't polysorbate 80 that stuff that carries chemicals transdermally?

    Yes. I heard it can help with alopecia (balding), probably as it sucks the DHT (di-hydro-testosterone) out of the scalp.

    I haven't tried it though, some ketoconazole (anti-fungal) and some of shlomo's Israeli Minoxodil keeps my hairline battle at a stalemate.
  9. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    A young mum ‘obsessed with murder and male sacrifice’ dressed as a clown and stabbed her teenage boyfriend five times after persuading him to cover his face with a pillow during sex, a court heard.

    She allegedly told Kieran Bewick ‘trust me’ moments before plunging the 10-inch blade into his chest.

    Damn that's fucking hot.

  10. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Anyone got any experience of these?

    I bought lots of antibiotics and benzos in Kenya once, but my experience was mixed. In one they sold me the antibiotics (doxycycline, which I took the entire time I was there) it is anti-malarial and I was getting bitten by mosquitos constantly, but told me they had no diazepam (valium), so sold me bromazepam instead. They also sold me amoxicillin. I wrote the list of drugs I wanted on a note pad, so they'd think I was an aid worker or something.

    In the fancy ass Westgate Mall they wouldn't even sell me amoxicillin however.

    The Canary Islands won't sell even anti-fungals like diflucan without prescription. I heard a few years ago they were quite liberal, but I guess that's the EU's influence.

    I'd love to visit East Europe, what are the pharmacies like there? Russia or the Ukraine especially.
  11. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Yeah I wore my knees out running trying to avoid depression. I’m not even old either lol.

    A deep depression is hard to get out of regardless of what you’re doing to correct. If you can even do anything that is.

    Depression is a sneaky fucker. I had cancer, and honestly depression is nearly worse, because at least it's a physical thing.

    Depression for me is having a day when I'm not able to sense correctly. Can't hear music, can't see anything but shades of grey, can't feel good, can't think straight.

    And, while anti-depressants are brilliant and have turned my life around, my pills keep pooping out on me, so they stop working (tachyphylaxis). And having that recognised is hard. It really fucks with your mind.

    I also went through a phase of hard cardio, to get a runner's high and lose weight. I went from 117kg to 80kg in 6 months or so. It was pretty awesome, but yes, hard on the knees and joints.
  12. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Ingredients: basically citric acid, EDTA (in two different forms), and a weird surfactant similar to polysorbate 80.

    Pretty neat chemistry and clever marketing.

    Their MSDS is intentionally misleading, you need to look up the chemical references to understand what they are. Doesn't look too dangerous though.
  13. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Malice You’ve asked me this multiple times and the answer is not a single one because I’m only taking general ed. classes right now. I was going to have to take an extra semester anyway due to what happened late last year and I didn’t want to bomb any difficult classes due to the severe issues I had.

    There’s also a chance I’ll change majors (not to philosophy, it’s a terrible decision), but I need to ask some questions about what the realistic prospects are for careers and what the actual work is like. Basically I’m interested in furthering my knowledge of neuroscience (horrible major) and going into drug development, but there’s a good chance it’s just going to be miserable chemistry and lab work, while also being low paying.

    I keep asking you cos I know you don't give a shit about computers.

    OK, so, well, be honest with yourself, you aren't going to be a coder or a javascript wizard. Not everyone is going to "become a coder". That's a fucking meme.

    You are smarter than the average by quite a margin, so follow your interests. That's the only way an ADD case like you will succeed anyway. Some of these fields are quite crowded, but try to remember that no matter how big the pile-up there will always be room at the top.

    And low-paid is still paid.
  14. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Goddam, I know photography is so shit upon, but I, and lots of other people, wish they had a good photographer. Photography (and film) is so essential to good web design.

    Instead we are stuck photoshopping literal shit. I have seen photographers with €3,000 cameras take photos that are WORSE (achromatic aberration, etc) than pictures taken on a mobile phone.

    A good photographer is so rare.
  15. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Living room floor. It was a half asleep/half awake state. I could see and hear people but couldn’t really converse. It was like I was dreaming but awake for the dream. Does that even make sense?

    Yeah, I've had experiences sort of like that.

    Ketamine is sometimes touted as an instant cure for depression. I haven't tried it, but I have tried psilocybin mushrooms (another touted instant cure) with another member of this site.

    It was fun, we camped under a tree, which I always identified as the tree of life, beside a monument in a forest that I jog in. We lit a massive fire, and drank beer and then whiskey and took mushrooms until 4am.

    Then the fire went out, and it got cold, and that wasn't as fun. Lying in a tent freezing my butt off.

    It didn't cure anything or change me on some deep level though. I still get depressed.
  16. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian Because we could. Because after my father was killed in Russia in the mid nineties, nobody in the family was enough of a criminal to survive those times at the place where we lived.

    Everyone was still a criminal out of necessity, but not good enough of one to support a family.

    Russia in the 90s seems like an interesting place. Do you feel anger over what they did to your country?
  17. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by greenplastic i wonder what he's been doing this whole time. what could take the place of living out his rape fantasies online daily?

    Isn't he a photographer or something? Maybe working.

    Every fucking asshole with a big camera calls themselves a photographer, but good photographers are scarce. I wonder which finny is.
  18. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Malice There’s only about a month left of this semester.

    How many lines of code have you written?
  19. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Ketamine almost killed me once

    Did you spend a night crawling around in a ditch in a K-hole?

    Someone told me about that once, I found it hilarious.
  20. Soyboy African Astronaut [relevantly rival my dehydroretinol]
    Originally posted by Zanick Yggdrasil on Zoklet was very gay. Smart guy

    Forgot about him. Barely even remember him tbh, but that his posts were always excellent.

    Originally posted by Archer513 FYI-bisexuals are gay

    Unless they’re chics,then that just makes them hotter.


    Also all chicks are bi, women are depraved.
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