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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra gadzooks post a photo

    I'm going to lol hard if she's like half your size

    She's 5'10" but admittedly pretty dainty.

    I prolly could have overpowered her but I didn't really want to.

    Originally posted by gadzooks This is us..

    It's a snapchat enhancement, so ya know…

    But anyway, I love her more than anything, just sayin'.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Noncin' in Wisconsin.
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by A College Professor if the cops took her gun now u know what to get her for her birthday

    What's she gonna do with it in jail?
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Sudo The no contact is gonna be dropped once the charges are. I've gotten girls to put firearms to my head while we were having sex but never had one pulled nonconsensually. Had knives pulled on me and apart from a slight nick on my hand from grabbing one, never had anything bad happen. Low key a Lil jealous.

    You can talk to the crown and just write another statement and that will be enough to get the charges dropped. Did they get the firearm? That's bad for her if so but a shotgun isn't restricted and you're in a pretty easy on crime province so she'll be alright

    Idk man, fuck that bitch, just leave her alone, live your life and let her live hers

    Yeah I'm pretty sure they got the gun.

    She's kinda dumb for a career criminal.

    She had enough sense to have my car dropped off somewhere but she's in love with her guns, she'd hold onto those for nostalgic reasons alone.

    God I miss her so much.

    But I know it's over.
  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by A College Professor when u come back to school on the NIS and go steady with her . then i wont always play the "arent u that guy who… " everytime you decide to come around back here and show youre face welll welll welll look who it issssss youre tearing us apart lisa


    I'm sorry.

    Originally posted by A College Professor also have ur wounds healed yet from the trauama in OP?

    I start therapy on Wednesday.
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Bradley gadzooks why did you stop posting?

    As much as I love this place and my fellow space negroes, this place can be kind of a downer sometimes.
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by A College Professor she was mad at u for clogging the crapper and flooding the whole entire apartment building again.

    folks she asked him why he didnt turn off the toylut and he said " i thought it would run out of water and stop flooding " and then she pulled out her mossberg and starting whopping his ace and wut not

    When are you gonna let that one go?

  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by frala Out of curiosity are your parents divorced?

    Yeah, when I was 5 they had a dramatic divorce. We had to move a bunch of provinces over.

    Actually, my mom stopped fucking my dad. It's one of the reasons I broke up with my gf. I have a complex about that shit. It's weird. Who just stops fucking their significant other? And she had the audacity to bring that up with the shotgun against my chest.

    She's a crazy lunatic psycho bitch.
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by frala The next woman you date better be a mother fucking secretary without a rap sheet who has never even held a gun or done drugs.

    Find a good girl and get a boring ass life together. Forget your desperate need for masochism and rewrite your destiny as a MAN WHO REFUSES TO EAT LEAD FROM BITCHES. Or don’t and continue to get pistol whipped. Isweartagod.

    My mom was a secretary without a rap sheet.

    Oedipus mode kicking in.
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Sudo You shouldn't have called the cops on her, that was rude. Just tell the crown you don't want to testify but want to enter a peace bond and have a no contact order so she can't hurt you down and stalk you

    What was the context of the kidnapping/armed assault? You are certainly a faggot for calling the cops and we aren't working on much information but knowing you I imagine drugs were involved. She's going to try to manipulate you into dropping the charges, which you should do but not because she wants you to. Drop them because you don't need to appeal to thr law against this bitch. Just make sure she leaves you the fuck alone after

    There already is a no contact order.

    I probably will opt out of testifying.

    I looked into it and the fact that this is a domestic situation gives me that right.

    I actually find out in a couple hours if she's getting an ankle monitor or going back in until trial. She has a firearms ban on record though so I have a feeling she might not get bail.
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Bradley what ptovoked this?

    Oh shit I just realized I didn't even mention the precipitating events...

    I broke up with her. Then she accused me of stealing $5000 from her.

    The thing is, she's kind of a crazy bitch and accuses people of stealing from her all the time. Hearing her allegations of robbery became background noise eventually.

    I never thought she'd do that to me tho.

    It was pretty clearly about me dumping her, though. Narcissists don't take that shit lightly.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I drink all day err' day.

    But I'm high functioning, hold down a job and shit.

    Need a source of income to sustain that shit.
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Is this that Tr1p video?

    Old school totse nostalgia.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I drink until I run out of money.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Bradley My Tranny > Your Tranny.


    Wait, so is this a tranny or what?
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra

    I knew from the thumbnail what this was.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Oh shit yeah I knew that sounded familiar.

    Good movie.

    Daniel Day Lewis and Leonardo DiCaprio... You can't miss.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    How would you remember some shit from the 1800's?
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Zanick I'd say it's over and she should be in prison. You did the right thing, even if you feel there was provocation. This was the ultimate consequence of whatever transpired, and it alone tells you what you need to know about the relationship. Stay safe, gadzooks. Don't let anybody hurt you.

    My man Zanick.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by WellHung How could you abandon all of your NIS friends once you finally got a girlfriend? Who knows? Ppl can be unpredictable. Obviously there's more to the story than you are telling us. What caused your girlfriend to become so volatile, Gadzooks? Who were you fucking behind her back?

    She stopped fucking me so I started flirting with chicks in bars.

    I told her all about it, too.

    She could have just not stopped fucking me.

    Bitches be crazy.
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