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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny earth is only so big with only so much foods and so much oxygens.

    Technically true.

    The Earth's resources are being depleted as we speak.

    Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box so you ARE a pedophile i knew it

    So you ARE a kitten fucker i knew it
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box holy fuck gadzooks, you're such a piece of shit. you're going around saying I fucking rape kittens? you do realize you're mixing me up with MALICE the micropenis? jesus christ, get off the drugs and maybe you would remember that I was the guy that tried to inject wasps, not someone that ever fucked a cat, any animal, or any even brown person.

    honestly I don't care if you say I'm a cannibal and a nazi and a satanist and I'm just a terrible person that you should condemn (I'm a terrible person you should condemn, but it won't make you a better person), but calling me a fucking CAT FUCKER? fuck you dude, fuck you in the most elementary way I can make it scream into your tiny pea sized brain. you're a fucking hall monitor fucking looking up my posts saying oh my god look at the bad shit he says. yeah, ohfralalalalala or whatever her dumb name has it right, I come on here to talk shit and have fun. if you take anything I'm saying seriously you're fucking retarded. you would know that if you would get off your fucking high horse.

    of course you have all these fucking people saying "oh is this even rizzo?", but NOW you have to call me a fucking kitty fucker? people take that shit seriously on the internet, I could have all sorts of freaks sending me dragon dildos right now because they think I like to abuse animals. The closest thing I've come to bestiality was pulling maggots out of my dogs vagina. She was old and somehow got infected and maggots were eating into her skin and we didn't realize how bad it was until it was really bad. I stayed up all night with q-tips fishing fucking maggots out of every orifice of her body, including her vagina.

    so yeah what im saying is I'd totally hit it

    oh yeah btw because of the fire my internet crapped out, I could have gotten back to you guys a few days sooner but why would I bother

    And you called me a pedophile or something of that nature at some point.

    I guess karma's just a bitch, isn't it, Rizzo?

    Lesson of the day: Don't say mean things on the Internet if you can't handle others doing the same to you.
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Ghost Be careful with uneven heating or i might have to call the SPCG (society for the prevention of cruelty to glassware) on you

    I was doing a trial run (for an upcoming anhydrous ammonia project) yesterday where I was using (baked/dry) epsom salts added to toluene, then distilled with an apparatus kinda like this:

    But with my magnetic stirrer / heating plate as the heat source.

    Now, am I supposed to let the glass vessel I'm heating actually directly touch the heating plate? Or is it supposed to just rest a few mm above it?
  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Ghost That stuff in the enhancement should be gunk/wax

    What is the brown stuff is that methanol or toluene?.

    If you evaporate you should get dirty pseudoephedrine and you can just recrystallize.

    That guide you posted was probably written in the early 2000's so I can't say for sure how it will hold up to modern pills but the 8mg ephedrines usually aren't too gakked.

    I actually used methanol first, then toluene afterwards for a second attempt at extraction (on the same pill mush that came from the methanol extraction).

    Originally posted by Ghost If you evaporate you should get dirty pseudoephedrine and you can just recrystallize.

    Ok cool, that is reassuring.

    In terms of evaporating that brown fluid, do I just leave the jar open for a few days and let nature take it's course? or do I subject it to a direct heat source (e.g. boiling it)? Or is there another way?
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    So, I've been trying the following extraction from ephedrine HCL pills (not psuedo), because I had a hard time finding the requisite materials for a tetra trap extraction:

    I got to about Step 5, but now I have a brown fluid... Is that normal?

    Also, this is the filtrate:

    I'm assuming that's what I dispose of, not the desired extract?
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Also, this is the thermometer I used:
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Ghost Shit what kinda thermometer did you use? I think candy thermometers go up to really high temps you should get one of those.

    The article says if you have a 50% solution of 750ml of GHB and you boil it down to 500ml it will solidify.

    I've never done anything with GHB before but I have seen the solid salt form on the darknet it looked pretty cool to me.

    Well, the 50ml pyrex glass within which the thermometer broke, DID solidify, interestingly enough. But the solid contained a slight blue tint from the thermometer's internal liquid, so I am considering the whole experiment both a success and a failure.

    I'm trying again, with a similar quantity of NaGHB, this time using my magnetic stirrer / hot place (SEE EDIT), a mason jar (I hope that's a suitable substitute for pyrex glassware, if not, I'll have learned two lessons today), and I'm not keeping track of the temperature, just letting it evaporate on it's own with just enough heat to keep it at a steady boil.

    EDIT: I just placed the pyrex container directly onto the kitchen stove. Might that have been bad protocol? I have a magnetic stirrer / hotplate but it just doesn't seem to get that hot, and definitely not very quickly.
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Ah fuck it, I'm not going to risk my life for 50ml of GHB.

    I'll classify this one under lessons learned.
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Holy shit, the thermometer exploded...

    I guess I tainted this batch. Luckily it was only 50ml.

    Are you not supposed to leave the thermometer in while it's boiling?

    Or did I just use a cheap-ass thermometer?

    Also, if it's a non-mercury thermometer (I'll have to double check on that), then is it still safe to consume this now volume-reduced NaGHB?

    It's a blue liquid if that helps.
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Narc Try it out with a little sample first.

    That's a damn good idea actually... I'm legit gonna try it now.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny quantum homodynamics.

    I'm using this from now on.
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Lanny She must know I'm too much of a trill ass hard ass nigga to die.

    I'll never forget the time my mom walked in on me and a friend doing whippets (Nitrous Oxide, for the uninformed). Of all the drugs she could have walked in on me doing, it was that, and she thought it was like the worst thing ever. She still holds it against me.

    Fuck, I even used to have IV track marks, and full on admitted to rectally administering all kinds of drugs.

    Huffing gas out of a balloon seems to be a hot button issue with her though.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Mewsik How long have you been using? Have you always struggled with depression? Do you have siblings?

    If we're talking drugs/alcohol in general, since about 15/16.

    Alcohol has always been my drug of choice, except when I was a full-blown heroin addict from about 2010 to 2015. Been opiate clean since though (and proud of that fact). Now it's back to mostly just liquor.

    Been in the psychiatric system since as far back as I can remember. I think I did my first bit in the psych ward in 2005 (and then a few times thereafter).

    I have a brother who is kind of a momma's boy, still lives at home despite being a few years younger than me. But he has always had steady employment, unlike me.

    I have a sister who just recently got engaged to her girlfriend, which is quite an exciting development in our family.

    I've always been the blacksheep - drug addict, derelict, deadbeat, and all-around reprobate.

    That is - up until recently. I got a sweet new gig at an up and coming tech company, and have established my own little niche there which pretty much guarantees my employment.

    And, even though I frequently drink (and sometimes do drugs) while on the clock, I still put tremendous pride in my work, and will never produce work any less than above reproach.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Lanny scientific means of gathering evidence do _not_ give us a probabilistic model of hypothesis correctness.

    You use Slack for work, don't you?

    I've mixed up _words_ and words both here and there from time to time.

    Originally posted by Lanny it still basically boils down to someone reading a bunch of papers and giving their gut feeling on the subject as informed by relevant evidence.

    That's an important point to make. Science, at the end of the day, involves more than just logical deduction and scientific induction. When researchers write their "Conclusion" section, they are deriving inferences that are inherently psychologically biased.

    Originally posted by Lanny The fact that we don't have an objective measure of strength of evidence doesn't mean we can't compare strength of evidence at all. The progress of scientific understanding and displacement of theories makes it seem pretty clear some theories have better evidence in favor of them than others. But we should be honest about the fact that scientific consensus isn't the output of some strictly structured objective system, it's formed in the same way that literary or philosophical consensus is formed: by argument among a community of expert practitioners and based ultimately on human opinion guided by a general and vague set of rules.

    I thought I was going to have to say a whole lot more after my above response, but essentially it's getting into the exact same point.

    There was a huge controversy in psychology, to name but one scientific area of inquiry, where the issue of p-hacking, wherein researchers would manipulate statistical results to fit preformed hypotheses, came about.

    I don't think it's much of a leap to assume that even the "harder" sciences are susceptible to this flawed procedure.

    At the end of the day, though, as flawed as the scientific method is, I put a lot of trust in it.

    I don't know what your ultimate position on the matter is, as I've only seen you express some (healthy) skepticism, but no outright denial of the benefits of scientific inquiry. But my personal opinion, for what it's worth, is that it has true pragmatic value, despite it's many flaws.
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Technologist My son is 21, and he put me through hell in his teens, now we are closer than ever. I kinda had a hard time getting beyond the hell he put me through, but I’ve moved past it; never stopped my unconditional love though.

    We talk every day even if it’s just to text good morning and I love you! I’m pretty sure I’d cringe if he told me all the stuff he has (or is doing) during his “young, dumb, and stupid” days.

    Well, sadly, I can't use the "young, dumb, and stupid" days excuse for much longer, since I'm in my mid 30's at this point.

    But I do like being able to talk to her and put her at ease when I can.

    My love for her is unconditional as well.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Mewsik Well clearly she knows something already .. there is only one solution to this and you know it.

    Get professional help for your drug and alcohol addiction and depression.

    You don’t need to lay your addiction on her. That’s what professionals are for.

    I’m different than most moms out there, so I’m really hesitant to advise without knowing your history.

    But lying is not the answer either.

    That's why I try not to lay my addictions on her.

    I'm a pretty high-functioning alcoholic at the end of the day. I make my 60k a year, I do good work, I have hobbies. Drugs don't really get in the way of anything. And that makes it all that much harder to admit to being an addict.

    It's also why I don't lay it all on my mom, because she isn't the type of person that sees a difference between a high functioning addict such as myself (works diligently, pays the bills, etc), and the junkie on the street corner stealing your car stereo for his next fix.

    I don't want her to worry about me. She doesn't deserve that.

    I want her to think that everything in my life is perfect.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Ghost You add sodium hydroxide to make the sodium salt of GHB which is a solid.

    I used sodium hydroxide... The Rhodium article said to keep mixing until you get a pH of about 7-8. So once I hit that spot, I stopped mixing, and just threw it all into mason jars and put em in my fridge.

    Are you saying I can add even more NaOH and turn it into a solid?

    The Rhodium article doesn't really mention that, so I'm a tad skeptical.
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by WE SMOOTH I wouldn't mind some crack right now. It has such a bad stigma, also I've seen really fucked up crackheads! I don't recouperate from drugs as well in my later 20s either

    Yeah it's one of those things you need to use sparingly.

    Holy fuck have I ever seen some lives ruined by it. Meth and heroin too.

    Drugs are no light fare. Treat them with both fear and respect, and never let them start to dictate your temptations.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Technologist If you need her love to help you through a tough time, tell her; I bet she’d be happy to help you.

    If you’re just telling her so you won’t lie, save her the heartache.


    I'd thank this post twice if I could.

    That's some distilled wisdom right there.

    I will keep that in mind next she asks me "how I'm doing."
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