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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra NOT ENOUGH TRIANGLES

    The first responder who briefed the boy's surgeon was actually the father's side chick, of whom she has always been aware, and jealous of.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by RisiR † So now you gonna give her your drugs without hitting it? I don't get it.

    Oh heeeelllllz to the naw.

    In fact, I'm kinda looking forward to the ample upcoming opportunities to deny her requests; of any variety.

    Saying "no" to a woman that is almost entirely used to hearing "yes" all the time is the real drug.

    It's such a powerful psychological force that I discovered it decades ago...

  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra make me a logic pussle faget

    A father and son have a car accident and are both badly hurt. They are both taken to separate hospitals. When the boy is taken in for an operation, the surgeon (doctor) says 'I can not do the surgery because this is my son'. How is this possible?

  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Sancho Ohhhhhh that looser..

    That looser what?

    And how exactly did it's looseness increase?

  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra I feel like I can't help you because I can't properly visualise your situation though

    The problem pretty much resolved itself when her spell wore off.

    And with each time this exact same scenario repeats itself, I become wiser and more resilient against the black magic powers of the feminine mystique.
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra why are there no pictures in this thread

    Because THOTs are interchangeable.

    Go on Google Image search.
    Type in "thot".
    Take your pick.
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Finally fell asleep...

    It was only for a couple of hours, but it was the only sleep I got all week.

    I woke up with a bit more clarity.

    I had experienced a momentary lapse of reason, most likely induced by severe sleep deprivation.

    I somehow naively forgot the most fundamental axiom of dating:

    "She breathes, therefore, she is T H O T."
    - Descartes.
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Might acting classes help? Maybe if I get myself into a totally different frame of mind temporarily by embracing the snuffed out embers that might once have given birth to a modern day Marquis de Sade (perhaps in some alternate universe in which my early experiences with my female counterparts unfolded completely differently).
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I really want need to somehow train myself to be a part-time Dom.

    My natural tendencies are submissive (with a subscripted "sub").

    But I tend to almost exclusively attract girls half my age and into DD/LG, spanking, choking, and all around being dominated and controlled.

    How can I become humanity's truest polymath?

    I just want to enjoy choking and barking commands and even hearing a girl call me... Daddy!...

    But without having that immediate visceral reaction.
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    So as a result of my recent and temporary transient roommate, I have made acquaintance with a young woman (20) who is the very embodiment of a sex-offense-surprise.

    She's cute, sexually adventurous and open minded, fun to hang out with, and so on.

    But she is always on some combination of drugs (and alcohol), and will even go to great lengths to gain access to my benzodiazepine stash.

    Out of common courtesy, I'll let her take a half a bar of Xanax if she seems lucid enough. But she can be a tricky little vixen - I've caught her before with her hands right in the cookie jar. I noticed she took a valium (I told her already they're off limit cuz they're my personal faves).

    She went to put it back, but I told her it's already got her cooties so whatever.

    Then, as the night progresses, she becomes less and less subtle with her lust signal campaigns.

    "I want it in my ass right now."

    "I've never squirted from sex. Bet you couldn't do it."

    "I'm wearing three pairs of yoga pants, but still feel how thin they are...". *proceeds to guide my hands for confirmation*.


    Like, I've slept with MANY intoxicated women before. But only if I'm more or less on the same level.

    Alcohol and benzos are like the ingredients in a Cosbytov Cocktail. All it takes is a single source of heat to irreperably blow everything the fuck up.

    What should i (or even can I) do to protect myself from one day waking up to a tweet mob of #MeToo activists?

    This shit isn't standard S&A problems. I might need to prepare some kind of MeToo Prenup contract.
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Also did a bunch of ketamine, too.

    Want more now, but just bumps. No K-holes.

    I wanna maintain a steady buzz liquor wise during the long bus trip, and conserve the crack reserve until we get to the hotel.

    I have a reputation and image to project, and it's fucking awesome.

    Seriously, if you ever find your life boring, literally invent a character with all the traits and attributes you would like to exhibit, and just take on that role.

    charisma ++;
    female_attention ++;
    respect ++;
    money ++;
    opportunities ++;

    And you get to play around like an artist, redesigning your entire persona, and, in turn, your entire life.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Been awake now since Sunday or Monday. Not sure which.

    Going to Vancouver (trip to the city from the rural parts... like 2 hour transportation time thing).

    I can't do things normal; too fucked up.

    I started kinda playing this bad-ass mysterious gangster role at like 6 AM after the only gal in the place woke up because it was like a pop tart at dinner time in the McCormick house on South Park. Dudes all started macking, flirting, basically turning my living room into an XXX rated porno with additional Tourette's.

    I had to beta-ize myself so I played a role I used to play way back.

    She gave me the rest of her liquor and is going to pick up more crack now, and when she gets back she's coming with me into town.

    It's gonna be quite the trip.

    I promised hotel room and a bunch of other stuff.

    There's like this metaphysical force that takes over when there is a conscious woman and multiple males in the same room.

    They must challenge each other with expressions of true superiority relative to the rest, or it just becomes a fucking dumpster fire of horny pathetic dudes trying and failing to outdo each other.

    The rest are, although friends of mine at this point, a tad too oriented towards the β end of the spectrum, and thus won't take a "big scary spontaneous trip" into the big ol' city.

    I, however, promised one of my city niggas a night on the town and a hotel room full of booze and drugs, and maybe, just maybe some social entertainment of the feminine variety.
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Oh, and he ever so casually handed me a $100 bill this morning (I wasn't keeping tabs, but I actually think he significantly overpaid the money he's been borrowing).
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Octavian Did he ask permission to bring these creatures? Careful your shit doesn't go missing. Has he not moved in 3 days or however long it's been?

    So far, the regulars and those that stayed longer durations have been surprisingly tolerable. One was this crazy 20 year old chick who does like every drug under the sun (simultaneously), and is just all around super fun to chill with.

    Tonight he brought over my next door neighbour... It just so happens that the dude in the apartment right next to mine for 5 years is a good friend of his. Technically, I should know my neighbor of 5 years better than my transient amigo.

    Like I said, there's some major twilight zone themes going on here all around.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    My temporary transient guest is now having nightly visitors of his own...

    This feels like the start of a twilight zone episode style story where my apartment ends up so packed with people that we can't even budge and it just bursts.
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    If even just one person volunteers to read Godel, Escher, Bach (Hofstadter), alongside me at a pace of a chapter per week (for a total of 20 chapters), it would be enough incentive for me to make an official thread and contribute my own notes on each chapter, and anyone else who wants to get involved can read along and get involved in the conversation.

    It's just that I've always wanted to read this book. It seems to touch on a lot of seemingly disparate topics, ranging from computer science and programming, to formal logic and math, along with some genetics, neuroscience, cognition, philosophy, AI, linguistics, and basically every single topic you might find mentioned in the context of the field of cognitive science.

    I know that at least one among us has been working at it (Lanny):

    Originally posted by Lanny I've been "reading" GEB for years lol. It's not as super mega dense and technical as people make it out to be, there are sections that are just comedy and aside from a couple pages of proofs here and there it's not like you need to grind through. But it's not a book you want to read in 10-30 minute chunks on the bus which is how I get most my reading done, so the only time I pick it up is when I go on vacation or something.

    So anyone who's read part way through, join the party. You can hold off until we've all caught up with you if you want, or you can just jump right into the discussion from the get go and provide some additional insight to us burgeoning β GEBlites.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]

  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Archer513 You didn’t know the dude

    Dude was disorderly

    You talked shit to cops in a shitty neighborhood that deal with shit heads all day,everyday

    You’re white

    No video

    You have no rights (rights are bullshit,unless you’re black and there is video)

    Cops can’t kick the shit out of black ppl anymore…here comes this shit talking honky all fucked up.

    You got what you deserved because you were stupid and not being self aware.

    First off, why are "impoverished" and "predominantly black" interchangeable neighborhood descriptors?

    (Note: That was rhetorical. I pretty much read your initial post expecting that exact same bait and switch in the reply).

    The "C" in RCMP stands for Canadian. Other than in Montreal and Toronto (apparantly), the black demographic is incredibly slim. This particular shitty neighbourhood was, at least in terms of pedestrians hanging out on the corners up to all kinds of no good, vastly predominantly white.

    But anyway, that's all besides the point anyway. Police officers have to maintain their composure, even in the face of them being challenged on their authority (which really shouldn't even be happening to begin with, but these badass rogue rebels chose to do things differently, and thus were the engineers of their own fate).

    I mean, I was extremely better at maintaining my composure as a security guard than these, heavily screened, highly trained dickwads were.

    To anyone out there who really wants to push their self-control when faced with people demeaning, dehumanizing, and downright despising you, to the maximum level... Be a security guard for a while.

    If someone as much of a fuck up in life as I was, when I was a security guard, can withstand daily dehumanization, then a few official constables of the RCMP should be able to handle a humble suggestion (that they do their job).
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Also, even if the inciting event was completely and utterly different, those cops still used excessive force on me.

    Even if I had gone up to them all and just yelled out "you're all a bunch of lousy pigs, and I'm gonna break into your houses tonight and fuck your wives before taking a shit on your living room carpets while I pull the pin out of a grenade and shove it directly up your ass, cunts!"

    They STILL would not have the right to do the damage they did if I was not resisting.

    Excessive use of force is a violation of the law, and, forgive me for holding those whose LITERAL AND ONLY JOB is to follow and protect that law to the letter to a higher standard.
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Ok, to word it as succinctly as I possibly can...

    I just so happened to witness a crime being committed, as well as five officers standing around watching, and merely pointed that fact out to one of the five officers present who had at some point sworn to uphold the law, and were presently doing the exact opposite of that.

    I guess next time I run into any NiS poster's mom being forcibly gorilla pimped out of a cheap motel to a bunch of uniformed cops looking to get some pussy in between donut breaks, I'll remember that "I just don't have all the details…" and walk away and assume that there's some context missing.
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