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Posts by gadzooks

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Also, the chick that called me today has now officially fucked me over FOUR times.

    I am an absolute omega with the backbone of a jelly fish.

    I told myself three was enough and stopped responding to her on Facebook, as well as her text messages and calls.

    Then she convinces me to let her and buddy in. Like 10 minutes later she's out (apparently she's on now or some such slut facilitation invention).

    Now that's life on easy mode. It only makes me more pissed off at the whole situation.
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Octavian Zooks I severed all contact with my associates for the same reason. Poisonous vices is was what brought us together but for me it was the social aspect of having someone there. I realized those people are what brought me down and made me worse. To be honest there was no encouragement needed but I knew If I was to save myself I had to be rid of any negative influences.

    You're a smart guy with so much potential, find others who mirror you and are ambitious and not going to be worm food in the next 10 years. As you know I've given up everything cause I know if I don't, I'll sure as hell be in a worse position or even dead. I'm looking forward to finding new outlets in life and spending time with people that are not constrained by chemicals and are genuine human beings. I feel the past 15+ years of my life have been wasted surrounding myself with poisonous people.

    It's hard to break the cycle but boy is it worth it.

    You're right that I need to make a concerted effort to replace my social circle with people who are on the up and up, rather than wallow in the crab bucket, where I'm being constantly pulled down and blocked from my own goals.

    I will have to branch out and network a bit more, though.

    I mean, not every single last one of my friends are immoral reprobates or ambitionless sloths. But the ones who have managed to achieve any degree of success or lasting happiness in life are scattered all over the province, country, and even the world, and are truly few and far between.

    But I'll keep my feelers out there for the right kinda folk, and really quit with the downward-destined degenerates and assorted crab-like creatures pulling the more hopeful among us back into the bucket.
  3. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra yeah, the gates have electromagnetic sensors to detect when they're opened or closed. when their state changes they send out a unique code on 433mhz, the idea being I'd be able to tell when people are nearby and in which area.

    Ah ok.

    Yeah I kinda did something similar, but no fancy Arduino-style customization...

    I have a WiFi/smart security system I got on Amazon that at least tells me when my front and back door are opened, and detects motion in my living room.

    I also have two live cameras, one on the back patio, the other right in my living room (I can access it from anywhere via my phone and that keeps me a bit sane when I'm out and about).
  4. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Try Yoga with goats.

    I, umm...

    That's really a...

    I mean, wut?

    Will the goats at least defend my property from the encroaching hordes of homeless, help-seeking, harm-delivering hellions?
  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Booby traps have been set.

    I also installed some soundproofing along my walls so I won't be distracted by suffering screams or cries for help.

    I will become a productivity magician.
  6. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra It's definitely worth learning; robotics is just going to get bigger if you're interested in it for work. If not, just being able to build stuff is like the real world version of programming…

    The thing I'm restarting at the moment is to be able to listen to nearby EM gates… There are a few in range (20m or so I think) and they all send out a unique code on 433mhz when they're opened or closed. I've got a premade receiver board, I just need to program it to log and alert when signals are received and interpret which one is which.

    Ok I had to google EM gates... Still kinda not totally sure what in particular you're referring to.

    If I kinda sorta catch your drift on the general idea, it's about logging open/close activity for some kind of binary sensory (each emitting a unique code, and all over the same radio frequency)?
  7. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by mmQ You like them there otherwise you wouldn't complain about it. You like it. Whether you think you do or not. If you truly didnt like homeless people living with you (hah that sounds funny [homeless people living in a home]) you wouldn't allow it. I know you dont like to say no but if you really hated it youd find a reason to say no. But NO

    you're fucking social and like talking to people even if you dont think you do. I let one "homeless dude" stay at my place one night once and the next day I went to work and all I was thinking about was how I was gonna have to tell him to leave. My anxiety goes through the roof.

    What I'm saying is you have good traits that you maybe subconsciously play off as bad traits.

    I see what you mean that I really must, on some level, benefit from their company...

    A big part of it tonight was that the gal he's always hanging out with was the one asking... She has this way about her that is hard to resist.

    Still my fault, I know... But she just mastered that dark art of man-manipulation way too early on. She's 20, kinda cute, with bright blue eyes, and knows exactly what to say to get what she needs.

    I usually ignore her calls, but she rings my damn phone off the hook until I answer.

    She's now left, and I'm stuck with the dude.

    Again, he's a nice dude. I've dealt with my share of moochers, hobos, and vagrants before... But he's truly pretty polite.

    At least he sleeps on meth (how he pulls this off, exactly, I haven't the foggiest).

    But he snores like a motherfucker, for one thing.

    And waking him up when I get up is like fighting the final boss on a really hard NES side scroller.
  8. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra thread has prompted me to restart some (h)arduino projects

    My most complex arduino project thus far (and by that I mean the only one I actually completed) was a preset interval-based light diode flashing on and off every X seconds.

    But I was pretty proud of that useless little project. When it comes to hardware and electronic circuitry, I'm pretty noobish... Like, capacitors, resistors, transistors... I could not (without Googling, at least) tell you what the difference is between the three... Well, other than that resistors only allow a certain amount of voltage (or is it amperage? Or wattage???) to pass...

    Yeah, I'm a circuitry noob.
  9. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Nil It's valuable but it doesn't need to be done now does it? the data can wait.

    Well, it was a mixture of stuff...

    Some of it sentimental (I lived in Kelowna last summer, and have no evidence of that trip, photographic or otherwise, until that data is recovered).

    I also had some programming projects where I was brainstorming/ideating, and even writing some pseudocode and so on, that is still on that drive.

    Take it all, and factor in the OCD aspect where it just plain feels like a piece of my brain is missing... and the $1500 ain't no biggie (all things considered).

    It's a shitty set-back, for sure, but I am extremely relieved that it's almost certainly recoverable.
  10. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Nil Getting rid of the transients can't be that hard right?

    They're like boomerangs. No matter how far I toss them in any given direction, they return as though it's just another normal day and they've never been here before for the night (let alone a dozen nights).
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra what data do you have that's worth $1500


    Picture those hoarders you see on TV reality shows and whatnot where their houses are impossible to maneuver within... I'm that, but digital. I delete nothing.
  12. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by HTS Well gadzooks, sounds like your life is pretty fucked at the moment. Wish I had some meaningful advice, but about all I can come up with is shunning your responsibilities entirely and exploring our wonderful country. There's a lot to see. Have a car? Drive up to the arctic circle. See the northern lights. I don't know. Sounds like you need to make some kinda pilgrimage at least. Any chance of moving to a new city? A new province? Pretty good escape tactic. Wish I could tell you something more helpful. :/

    I used to always go to Ottawa to live with my Dad, but I dunno if I can do that anymore. He's trying to retire somewhere in Western Quebec with his new wife.

    In fact, my mom brought the suggestion up this morning.

    If I had a vehicle, I would hit up Kelowna, Hope, or Victoria (all in BC) in a second.

    I'm working on the vehicle angle.

    I also wrestle with feeling unproductive if I run away so abruptly for any significant stretch of time.

    I tend to put myself into these impossible dilemmas where I want the benefits of an escape without the disadvantages of any productivity-downtime.
  13. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Like, my friend's girlfriend (of nearly a decade... they have a seven year old daughter)... broke down into tears and said she was raped way back when...

    So, naturally, my friend (her boyfriend) and I inquire as to who it might be...

    It turns out it's my best friend going back to grade 8.

    The guy is married with two kids now... Like... She can't be serious.

    None of this makes sense.

    But her tears seemed pretty real.

    This whole #MeToo thing is just an absolute cluster fuck.
  14. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by mmQ Hey you could make my word cloud. It's not like you've promised to 90 fucking times already.

    Ok, first things first, have I told you about my broken HD?

    I had to make a day trip out to downtown Vancouver... It's $1500 to recover the data, and takes until the 12th of April.

    THEN, there's the issue of transient addicts flooding my domicile...

    THEN, there's my dwindling chequing account balance and piling bills...

    THEN, a bunch more stuff...

    The other night, while in Vancouver, I met up with a friend... I witnessed a domestic situation that was awkward as fuck... plus, my friend's girlfriend basically #MeToo'd an old friend from high school...

    Like, I feel like there's some kind of conspiracy targeting me right now with really fucked up shit I'm just not prepared to handle.
  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra That's more or less how I got started… Honestly I feel like I don't care a lot about IT in general anymore given the way things are going and don't really know what else to get into given I've done years of linux/sysadmin/programming work.

    I actually am not entirely certain what it is that you do exactly, but I do know that you know your stuff tech-wise, and I remember we had a brief talk about like squeeze functions in one-way hash methods like sha and all that... Or some kind of talk about it. But those algorithms they use are pretty intense.

    Originally posted by aldra yeah, the concept itself is useful for decentralised tracking but it's being shoehorned in everywhere because it creates a new industry for training, certification etc.

    There are tons of legitimate use cases for both public and privatized blockchain data storage... The problem is that the people that truly understand how that provides any kind of monetizable business value, and those that are in charge of selling the idea to other companies... It's a thinly overlapping Venn diagram.
  16. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Enough ALTemio.
  17. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Nil Sounds more intense, she was fucked up but did inform me on cpr. It was pretty fucking surreal tbh.

    Anyway, she may be good to know but I'm keeping this her at a distance.

    I should have done the same in my own case.

    I fall fast into "love", and she slept with my that night, so I was kinda hooked on her.

    She only got worse...

    Even at the hospital that night, she threatened to accuse me of giving it to her forcibly.

    The funny thing is... I didn't even take any. I used to be a heroin/opiate addict, but I know my limits.

    Maybe had I taken it as well, we'd both be dead.

    Weird to think about.
  18. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra I'm thinking datamining of news sites, corporate sites, public personal twitter accounts and the like in order to build up profiles of specific companies to predict possible growth

    I'm well aware that there are a LOT of groups ideally doing the same thing, but that doesn't stop YOU from benefitting. Also keep in mind a lot of 'career programmers' are spastics, and large projects get jobs done quicker but there are always problems with putting all those different pieces of code written in different styles together.

    Admittedly, many of my hobby projects are classic wheel-reinventing... I like to look at an existing application, maybe take a peek at the code for a short bit, then try to re-create it from scratch. It's an incredibly educational technique.

    I sometimes think of applying some seriously quantitative analytics to the industries from my old company. I seriously think they made a grievous error in letting my go. I had all kinds of potential.

    I was typecast, though, as the "blockchain developer." I fucking hate blockchain now. It's this huge marketing gimmick for the most part.

    I have many, many, many other skills and areas of expertise.
  19. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Nil I got bored and decided to do something stupid and risky, which is admittedly out of character. Driving this bitch around while she's selling down, k, molly, meth. She almost oded, her partner got robbed. Very few chops and little money.

    Feels like its a rabbit hole I could get trapped in, I don't think I'll speak to her again.

    There's an odd draw here tho, the risk… ultimately needs a bit more reward for me apparently.

    That sounds like a night I've had before here and there. My last roommate was an escort / drug dealer... She was not an opiate user, but she was especially stressed out one night, so she took some from her sales stash... She had even admitted previously to being allergic to opiates or some such thing. Well, she stopped breathing... So here I am, with a (partially) dead hooker on my living room floor, panicking like a motherfucker...

    I called 911, put the phone on speakerphone, and the operator talked me through the whole CPR procedure (as paramedics made their way over with Naloxone).
  20. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by mmQ Fine I had the best day of my life yesterday but its 12:15 now so new day and not good I just decided . If you're gonna be depressed, I am too.

    Don't let my situation take you down.

    I'm venting, but I'm still optimistic/hopeful.

    We should all strive to keep each other around here at as high a mood-rating as we can.
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