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Posts That Were Thanked by Obbe

  1. lockedin Tuskegee Airman
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by lockedin as a society we should strive for extinction

    Uncle Ted had the right idea
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. lockedin Tuskegee Airman
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Guy On Doomed Planet Mostly Concerned With Writing Shitty "Satire" For The Onion

    What a bastard.
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  5. Bradley Florida Man
    ya after the spring semester i have ntohing going on for june, july, august, so that'd be super cool to spend the summer with you, you can be like a father figure to me in a way and i can learn about being a machismo but i don't want to look at your face if that's ok, i don't have autism, your nose is just kinda distracting.
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  6. It's 5 years today since I gave up the devils brew. Happy birthday to my liver's new life.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "Up is down. Can't you see that??"

    "No, it isn't. Shut the fuck up you lying clown."

    "You're not being civil!"

    Mmq: "Yeah! He could be right!"

    If I showed you a liberal source that said up was down, you would probably find a way to dispute it lol. That's what I'm talking about. You're doing the very thing I just explained. Thank you.
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Yes, right now I still understand it, you are correct.

    He is compulsively obsessed with climate change and will not consider a single fact which disputes his own views on it.

    Idk man just because he's posted a lot itt, he spends a lot less time here on this site in general. Do you think in his free time he's also just constantly talking about climate change?

    Do you really not see my point? It's not even worth it trying to have a normal conversation with people that instantly discredit you as a retard before even getting into it. Extreme statements like "he hasn't even considered one single fact opposing his stance" just kind of reinforce that.. I mean how do you know?

    I can say that too. Anyone can. How can spectral possibly believe in the fairytale of the Bible, he's not even CONSIDERING any facts that challenge his beliefs. How do I know that? I guess I don't.

    Whatever lol. All's I'm saying is a discussion is hard to come by here and name-calling seems to be the go to, regardless of any 'facts and evidence' that either side on an issue presents.

    Has anyone here ever changed their mind about something even remotely controversial, based off discussion here? Lol probably not or at least not that they would ever admit.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Is that why you refuse to consider what really happens and cling to the fairy tales you read.

    I've never much thought of obbe as a close-minded person, especially compared to the vast majority of users here. Sure maybe he's fixated on climate change and I mean, whatever right? It's not like he means ill will, and it's just one subject.

    The reality is there's next to no reason to come here anymore actually expecting anyone to engage in a civil discussion about much of anything, to me basically because everyone is so dug into their beliefs and have been calling anyone who disagree a retard for so long, that it's way too humiliating to even consider a concession to ones own beliefs or at least openly admitting it. Folks just double down on whatever no matter what.

    And of course that isn't exclusive to this site, it's pretty much everywhere.

    I feel like I could come here and explain how healthy whole grain bread is compared to other breads, show my statistics and evidence, and I would almost assuredly get someone to laugh and say thats an unfair comparison because democrats own the nutritional industry and have a bias toward whole grain.

    There's just no winning here. Everyone magically has an answer for everything. It's amazing how so many people with so many opposing viewpoints can all be completely right at the same time! lol
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  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Seriously considering doing my best to spend as little time online as possible. I've spoken to two people in the last 2 days who gave up cell phones for 6 months and have noticed serious benefits (and want to keep doing it) and another who's foregone social media with discernible benefit.

    I have so much negativity and toxicity emanating from myself I feel I have to unplug in order to move forward and reshape how I use the tools at my disposal. Thinking of just using the internet for work related or necessary social purposes. The world is so beautiful its best to have my head up instead of down in my phone. It's a habit forming coping pattern of which you'll cowards have been apart of and I thank you for that. I think I need to step back a bit tho in alot of areas of my internet use in order to make the most efficient use of what I'm given.

    Any of you'll cowards ever done that consciously? Noticed a difference? No? Shut up
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  11. Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe I'm still use my old Space Case what can I say I'm an old man now and haven't really seen a need to replace it although I have wondered if a fine grind would be worth the upgrade.

    The dynavape looks like a quality product, if maybe a little crack-pipeish. For portable use I've just been using those disposable cartridges and a Yocan Uni Pro, typically with the voltage set fairly low. It's just super quick and convenient, and the variable voltage setting helps moderate the type of high it can produce.

    Brilliant Cut Grinders are the best that exist IMO. I thought it was very much bullshit advertising until I looked into it and bought one. For whatever reason there has not been much grinder innovation until the last ~15yrs. The BCG is the pinnacle of that evolution, I feel. The lack of threading/magnetic lock + curved teeth + smash plate hole design make a huuuuuuge difference in ease of use. I can jam it full without even bothering to take the stems out and it will still turn like butter. When I let people grind weed in mine they automatically want one. I have literally never seen anyone (IRL or online) who prefers another grinder to these.

    If you end up going for that fine grind, I 100% recommend a BCG. Totally worth the price tag. Though I have heard the Space Case is still a pretty great grinder.

    Carts are super easy and convenient, but I've moved away from distillate due to health concerns regarding isomers. It's something I see talked about with D8 THC but not so much D9 THC, which is synthesized just the same. Without a chromatography report (which nobody publishes with their product) you can't really trust the cannabinoid content. Plus its basically like glue in your lungs and probably leads to more alveolar issues with the irritation and coughing it can cause. I don't get nearly as congested with herb vaping.

    But I guess if you use infrequently its not so much of a problem
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  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I bet your house smells nice and is arranged in a comfortable setting
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  13. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ As fully evidenced by Facebook, Twitter and Google banning everyone they don't like right and left, including the President of the United States. Give the narrative a break, dude.

    You're right, the government should ban private companies from having an opinion on things
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  14. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Those are good TOMES but I was thinking of another story to do with freewill that I don't recall. The odyssey is dope as well,I remember reading a children's version of the wanderings of gilgamesh as a kid. Bepwolf and shit

    But yea paradise lost was written way after those and I don't even remember what I was thinking of other than I remember it's title wasn't English
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Obbe You don't need to think of it as a negative thing though.

    I don't think of it as a negative thing. Just words like DOOM and CONDEMNED make it sound negative. I would say we are all GRACED with death one day. It might in fact be the best part of being alive is getting to die.
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  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    What's the point of arguing bold faced facts with aging boomers? All you can do is act locally in your life, use leas gas and electricity, try to switch to more energy efficient means, don't take planes unless you have to, pick up yo trash and don't be a piece of shit.

    Nobody is going to convince speddy derper and Billy tag of what's clearly in front of them. They literally still believe that crackhead pillow salesman
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  18. Steven African Astronaut
    Joseph Fourier was writing about climate change in 1824.

    Been a lot more than 30yrs of consistent science.

    generations of proven hypothesis

    generations of Big Oil propaganda and lobbying

    now we're here.
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  19. Bradley Florida Man
    This was more an autobiography of a tormented man who can't feel happiness so seeks out endless pain to validate his life. Kinda retarded, he portrays himself as a super human and then tries to spin it to be like you can do this too and take it from me, next chapter where he puts himself through more trouble, and repeats himself that you can do it too!

    I think he lies a lot. not liek direct lies but like a lot of it's personal with no mentions of anyone elses name and only his word for it and some of it seems exaggerated for the point of trying to inspire people but comes off as Spectral telling you how great his life was and all the things he accomplished when you know ya he did work as Loss Prevent for K-Mart but no he did not stop a serial rapist who was shoplifting some 5 year old pussy and get awarded the key to the city nad put in the newspaper and has a street named after him type shit.
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  20. Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Facts are irrelevant in Clown World. Anything can be anything you want it to be.

    no its literally irrelevant.

    Astronomers have tracked sunspot cycles since the 1600s

    Show me where it says 'Galileo recorded sunspots from the 1600's to 1950'

    oh yea it doesn't.

    Vinny moved the goalpost and you followed.
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