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Posts by Malice

  1. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I feel too unwell to go into detail, but I'd definitely start sublingual selegiline ASAP (brandmedicines has an excellent selection and prices). 9-mebc is very promising (dopaminergic regeneration). Phenylpiracetam has the most pronounced nootropic effect. Bacopa has a very strong demonstrated effect on memory. Curcumin has multiple positive effects ( Not sure if I'm forgetting anything, but those are the main ones.
  2. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Be honest, has anyone ever thought about taking up public masturbation as a hobby just out of boredom with life and disdain for society?
  3. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    BTW Lanny, if you're still looking for something to improve sleep quality, this just became available:

    May have good antidepressant properties as well. May pick it up myself, along with their caffeine/NALT solution, which was very well received and sounds significantly superior to standard caffeine.

    RAD-140, the SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) I mentioned before, which sounds like a very interesting alternative to testosterone replacement therapy, great for increased muscle mass/ imprived body composition when used in conjunction with a good exercise routine, or treating androgen deficiency, which is very common, particularly in northern regions, and disorders commonly associated with androgen deficiency, such as obesity, diabetes, thyroid disorders, opioid addiction, depression, and social anxiety, is now available in powder form:

    At a dose of 10mg a day it would only be around $30 a month, very affordable compared to a proper TRT regimen including HcG and an aromatase inhibitor. It's also been found to be more anabolic than testosterone while protecting the prostate from the effects of it, possibly lack or exhibit to a lower extent the suppressive effect on natural production other SARMs, and to a much greater extent steroids, have, was not found to elevate liver enzymes at any dose in animals, and may have significant pro-cognitive effects:
  4. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    This is probably what dying alone of old age feels like.
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    It's true, I'm a psychological trainwreck. How bad will you be in a decade if your life stays on the same path?
  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Malice, if I hitchhiked to the west coast would you meet with me and let me hug you or no?

    I can't function with people, it would only hurt them.
  7. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Ideas. What have you done besides nothing?

    Heh I love this fucking thread. Malice is pissed.

    I got a hundred bucks on malice in a fight to the death.

    I'm not serious, I just enjoy taking the piss out of people at opportune moments.
  8. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I didn't, but I think I just found the place, northern european vendor right? The only other place I found was rc4me or whatever which had that $40 shipping fee

    That's the one.
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Woah, the consumer version of the Vive will be revealed in October, available in November, likely bundled with the sweet lighthouse controllers:

    Consumer virtual reality by Christmas, how magnificent. This will be great for accelerating the overall development of the market.
  10. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    We have different autism superpowers but mine are more interesting. Spatial abstract reasoning abilities vs memory and attention. You have better executive functioning but executive functioning is boring. It just makes you a better robot.

    And what have you done with it besides creating poorly constructed tests with laughable validity that no one wants to take and playing with your puzzles and legos alone?
  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Start walking around the house naked nonchalantly, act like nothing's happening and you don't understand why she's upset. I don't think it will be an effective strategy to get her to leave, it's just for our amusement.
  12. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Sploo likely has a far better chance at achieving normalcy, a well adjusted happy life, than I do, despite everything he's done. In terms of behavior he's probably far more neurotypical than I am, or at least better at feigning it. It's not an exaggeration, a product of low self-esteem and distorted self perception, to say that within a minute of meeting me IRL you would know there was something very wrong with me and it would make you very uncomfortable.

    On the other hand, I have better autism power. Memory, and other abilities:

  13. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    The thought of giving them nootropics from an early age did cross my mind. Freeze dried royal jelly (glial cells) and P-21 (derived from Cerebrolysin) would be pretty interesting.
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Hydro, do you have any ideas on how to acquire some of these super-intelligent rats?

    Would probably be best to a good rat forum and ask how to possibly import this breed. I mean, you could try to contact whoever did the study and offer money for importation, but they may not agree. Someone with university connections would probably be the best bet.They seem like pretty cool pets, apartment friendly and easy to care for, and are already pretty smart to begin with, super-intelligence would only make it cooler. I'd love to train them from an early age and document their behavior, they could have some really surprising potential.
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    (particularly U-47700) that I don't have a line on in reasonable quantities to try

    It's available. Didn't you get the link for the nasal spray before RDFRN closed? Even if you want bulk you should try a smaller amount before buying more.
  16. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Man, you should totally try DMT and learn the teachings of the sacred temple of geometry you're transported to.
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Someone finally analyzed GHB via yeast fermentation with MSG, it really does work!:

    I'd like to have seen a variety of recipes tested, though. You may be able to get better results by adding less sugar and more MSG.
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
  19. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    The guy that was planning on selling NSI-189 at cost fell through. On the other hand, someone on Longecity mentioned that a reputable Chinese supplier that many have used and whose product has been verified for purity sells it for around $6.6 a gram if you buy 100g. Split it between for people and you have enough for 3 cycles, or two if you want to add an extra dose, which did demonstrate an improvement of efficacy, it just wasn't deemed cost effective (diminishing marginal returns).

    We should form a group buy club for drugs, with Casper as our sugar daddy/distributor.

    People with more-shit lives than the average wanking to kill themselves more than the average doesn't seem all that interesting to me. Especially during the period where social skills are most important to "success".

    Well, the odds ratio was what was interesting to me. 10 fold is pretty massive, particularly considering it's even higher than other severe disorders, like psychosis.
  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Suicidal Thoughts 10 Times More Likely in Adults With Asperger’s

    Interesting, and within that group it's 4 times higher in those with a history of depression. Higher than even among people suffering from psychosis.
    In the past couple of years, larger studies have confirmed that suicidality is common among young people with autism. Last year, researchers reported that among 791 children with autism younger than age 16, 14 percent had either talked about or attempted suicide, compared with just 0.5 percent of children without autism4.

    28 fold higher in teens.

    Fits in with something I had posted before, expounded upon in the book "Why People Die By Suicide":

    It's like being trapped within yourself.
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