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Posts by Malice

  1. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    "Grandma's moist cookies"
  2. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Ohhh, this is bad. I don't know, she's an older women and may have had a heart attack, they might take pity on her. Not really an appropriate situation to give a neutral psych eval, a medical emergency does naturally unnerve you and throw you off.

    What's particularly worrying is that your GF will probably use this as an excuse to keep her around longer. "She just had a heart attack, and you want to kick her out?!" Does something bad - "She had a heart attack, give her a break!".
  3. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    KeePass along with the browser plugin for passwords. Generate secure ones and never forget them again.

    I like what I'm hearing about Greece: "Greece is doomed. Europe wants to make a default be as painful as possible, because if it's not painful, other countries might simply follow and the whole EU falls apart"

    Hopefully the EU will still fall apart.
  4. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    And also, maybe, just MAYBE, some of you will actually listen before Lanny puts a bullet in his brain next because of your stupid crap.

    Lenny, don't suicide plz, we don't mean to be so bad, we're like children.
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Was it this one?
  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Oh, the vasodilating properties of caspaicin, cayenne pepper possibly being a particularly good choice. A reminder to try applying some drops of sriracha along with my sublingual nootropics tomorrow. This could have great results, for some that are less soluble or with lower bioavailability at least, or at least significantly decrease the time you have to hold them under. Not sure if it will be as effective for increasing the permeability of mucous membranes, though.
  7. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Very good choice, §m£ÂgØL.

    I'm not sure what I would do with you. You know, this could be the basis for a very fun game in a new thread. Maybe random incidences of explosive diarrhea for a cheap laugh.
  8. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    "A Confederacy of Dunces"

    Good god, that Ignatious. The unexpected masturbation scene was hilarious. Oh, that dog.
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    You disgust me, you fucking obsequious little bitch.

    You're no Brett Gurewitz.

  10. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Imagine if sploo had an identical twin, what two of them combined could accomplish, the mayhem they could unleash.


    My god I wish we could peek into alternate timelines. What endless entertainment of the highest order that would provide.
  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I'm not sure if §m£ÂgØL can even fully differentiate between reality and his own lies anymore. ...What a fitting punishment that would be, if a compulsive liar developed severe schizophrenia with this effect.

    What's nice if that there's a very good chance it could happen to you, §m£ÂgØL, because you annoy the shit out of me!!!
  12. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Thanks, Who's Online with usernames listed, option to automatically subscribe to threads you post in and a user CP where threads with new posts show up in. That's all I want, pretty much a replication of the core features of previous/other totse/Zoklet refugee websites. If it requires starting over, that's fine, the forum is very young and nothing of value would really be lost.
  13. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Sploo, please please do it in TinyChat and (have someone) record it if you do. Your first time on crack needs to go down in history!
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Reminds me of this:

    Phenomenal no added sugar ice cream, but it seems any type of dairy doesn't sit well with me (casein in this case).
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    My ultra strict diet is unbroken over many years. I do not require or have cheat days. No added sugar, most vegetable oils (coconut is preferred choice, olive is OK, canola - maybe), or grains, other than white rice (Don't really like pseudograins either, they still hurt my teeth/gums even after a soak and rinse, likely due to residual phytic acid, and they really aren't that good.).

    I don't and never have derived much pleasure from food, which makes it easier. Also do intermittent fasting, with the fasted period as long as possible, while still allowing myself to comfortably get in the calories I need during the feeding period. I genuinely don't get hungry during the day, and only eat 1 or 2 meals at night, I'm not one of those people that deludes themselves about this. Leptin resistance is likely the main driver of excessive hunger and what will cause the most problems and need to be corrected for people attempting this style of diet. Strength training (weight lifting), HIIT, my diet, and supplements (Mainly a good curcumin supplement, and testosterone helped a lot to gain muscle and lose fat, particularly along the abdominal region, which seems to be the most harmful type of fat. Oh, and vitamin d3/sunlight is very important as well.).

    They're really fleeting simple pleasures. Allegedly Aldous Huxley said "An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex." There have to be better things than having receptors on your tongue activated by foodstuff. I'm rarely particularly impressed, even under the influence of cannabis, I'd still prefer something more engaging, so it's easy to procrastinate and put off eating. I may have an unusually weak sense of smell/taste, though.

    Although, I do pickup random stuff on sale from Grocery Outlet. It's not as monotonous as it seems, but it's pretty close. For example, today I added kimchi fried in coconut oil, with a light coating of sweet rice flour and corn starch added, then eggs.

    If I could plug myself into a socket and derive my energy from electricity I would never eat. Hopefully one day soon we'll have cyber fudge (I heard virtual tastes like crap.) and be able to indulge without repercussion, then I'll see if I've been missing anything. Go on a multi-day binge and finally get sick of food once and for all, forever satiated with nothing new, nothing untasted, familiar with all flavors. Then I can subsist on perfected Soylent delivered to my door by Amazon drones.

    As to your story, have you ever seriously tried meditation? I never saw much value in it, and when I tried it during that period it only made me sleepy and bored, but it's really not as simple as most assume, which is likely why they end up doing it "wrong". I now go in with a goal, or go through various techniques to achieve different goals, what I want to promote. Focus, calm, happiness, awareness/wakefulness/mindfulness, expanding awareness my surrounding environment, body, or mind to the maximum, the development of emotions, a feeling of unity and connection etc.

    Other than that, you said you really enjoyed the euphoria you felt when coming up on AL-LAD. I highly suggest that the next time you trip you try taking a warm/hot shower during the come up. It's simply a perfect match. The simple pleasure of warmth puts you in a good state of mind, a good emotional state (Even I rarely feel bad during a nice shower.), the simple physical actions, the repetition/routine is good for keeping you occupied during the onset period, which can be awkward, promotes entering a trance like state, where intrusive thoughts are less likely to enter, your imagination and thinking is enhanced, the tactile feedback from water also seems to have an effect. There's actually research on this, and the "shower thought" phenomenon does have neurological correlates, changes in brain waves. During one mushroom trip I just sat on the floor of the shower and felt at ease learning to navigate in the trip (I remember thinking of Akira, the manga, and the allusions to the nature of the source of their psychokinetic power. "Do not try to stop the flow to create stillness and focus on one scene, divert part of it into pocket. Step outside the flow. I can't remember all my trip thoughts, makes more sense when you're in that state.), seeing what my mind could create, felt like I would have been content to be in that state forever.

    As for the memory problems of you two, I being the undisputed autistic memory master, code names "Rain Man", "Perfect Recall", and "One man NSA department":

    (Try the test yourself to get a grasp of how hard this is.)

    I highly recommend a bacopa cycle. Can be great for sleep too, much more vivid dreams, sometimes unusually sweet/pleasant ones, along with much better recall. PRL-8-53 can also be interesting to play around with, especially if you're willing to try it intranasally like I did, which feels horrible, btw, although I didn't find it that bad (I mean, it's bearable.) and the brunt of it didn't last very long, but I warned you.
  16. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    He's going to become someone's swamp or forest bride. They kidnap naive young boys travelling alone like him.
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Doesn't appeal to me. There's no element of taboo or mystique for me, and a vagina just seems much better, structurally speaking. Anal is inconvenient, I'd demand an enema before it, and, still, poop does come out of there. A vagina can exert pressure throughout, rather than just at the entrance, like the anus/sphincter does, it's self lubricating, the texture of the walls likely feels better, women generally find it more pleasurable and are more open to it , less likely to cause tearing and bleeding, no worries about accidents etc.
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Christ, gay marriage legalized, all this pro-nigger race baiting shit, confederate flag banned by major retailers.

    I hope this spurs a wave of attempts at or at least support of secession. Hopefully as things become worse, Non-East Asian minorities bring down the country, maybe we have another major economic crisis, we may actually see the dissolution of the union. And what an oh so glorious day that will be.
  19. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    What are the odds of that?
  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Do it live on TinyChat.
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