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Posts by Malice

  1. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    This depresses me. Our lives are so sad. Hey, you're in the pharmaceutical industry, would it be easier for you than most to be prescribed and MAOI? Have any good connections? Try Nardil and you'll be a new man. Or we could put together a group buy for NSI-189, which would only be around $6.6 per gram, a 3 month cycle only consuming about 8 grams. PoC and Casper could use some as well.

    The only thing I have to cheer me up is my 120 oz kimchi container full of turbo yeast and sugar water making a repetitive noise from the airlock, with a satisfying fizzing up close. Boy, that stuff is really vigorous, started producing CO2 really quickly. It's reminiscent of the feeling of being captivated by a science experiment as a child. Can't wait to see what it does once I add MSG.
  2. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    So...she's going to be available? I mean, you'll probably want someone to help her out with things, provide emotional support, you know.
  3. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Have you ever tried phenibut? That could put some bravery in you like no other. It would be great for exposure therapy. The effect from GABA-B agonism and a variety of other positive effects is very distinct, I highly recommend that everyone trial it. Most of you would be surprised you had been missing out on such a novel experience from a drug.

    Hardly anyone is using it the way it's intended when prescribed. Try this regimen, wrote about my experience with it there:

    Very cheap to try out, free shipping too:
    The difference between large and fine crystals is that the large ones are better if you aren't capping them due to having less surface area, making the bitter/acidic taste less pronounced, although I never had a problem with the taste.
  4. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Fuck you too, loser.
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Madness is knocking at your door, §m£ÂgØL, won't you let us in? It just wants to say hello. Aren't you tired of fighting it for so long? Wouldn't it feel good to just give in for a moment, stop fighting and rest? We aren't as bad as we've been made to seem. Look at your brothers, they laugh so loudly, don't they seem so free and without shame? Every moment is an adventure, and those voices, how they seem to be speaking into the aether. You'll never be alone again, you'll always have someone to talk to, to listen. The moment you allow us to embrace you, it's like all the pain and suffering being released at once. In times past they used to make actual holes in the skull in an attempt at alleviation, have you ever read or heard about this? You can feel the relief they felt, but without the physical harm. Just give in and everything that's been trapped within your mind can come forth, you'll have release, release from the suffocating confines of reality, and a new world will be open to you.

    Have you guessed my name yet?

  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Why, what are you afraid of, your family finding something out? If you need help that badly, you should tell them. If things go past the tipping point there will be no hiding it, I've told you this before.

    Is your mind finally giving in? Have you run out of energy to keep running from the fact that you're completely lost in life, that you're terrified of the future because you see yourself continually drifting, falling behind? That you feel like you're in an ocean unable to find land in sight in any direction? And you just can't see where this is all going.

    Let me devour your soul, §m£ÂgØL. I am the Grim Reaper, your despair fuels me, the closer I bring you down my path, the more life it gives me, and when I finally pull you in one eye sees the life fading away and your eyes blackening, the absolute perfection and eternal unbreakable peace of nothingness, the other sees the birth of a new universe, like god staring into your eyes. And you know what I see at that moment? Beauty.
  7. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Have this coming on Monday, along with the Caffeine/NALT solution (ionically bonded, which causes the effects to be significantly different than a simple mixture of the two.

    Very unique range of effects, acts as both a stimulant and anxiolytic. Effects can be hit or miss, some love it, some find it does nothing significant or is even slightly detrimental.
  8. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Someone takes an interest in your life and this is how you act. So needlessly paranoid.
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I'm going to be dead or in an institution by 25

    I cannot do it anymore

    What makes you say that?
  10. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Lanny already tried Crouton after I recommended it.
  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I've never tried them, not even once, which is probably the main reason for the interest. I think once I've given opioids a shot I think I'll have crossed the off the last classical "category" of drugs except maybe for deliriants (I've had a twin pair of benadryl "trips" that were lame as well as unpleasant so I have a hard time saying I have a taste for what deliriants are but I have at least tried them). There's also the fact that heroin is probably the most taboo drug there is so it's pretty natural that it interests me most. I guess the strongest impulse is a sort of icarus condition where in I've managed to at least sample many other drugs which are (at least in their common perception) less addictive than opiates are and would be able to put them down tomorrow without issue. No great accomplishment of course but it's nice to at least know what's out there and this is sort of the last thing to try to at least get a taste for that. I'll probably look back on saying that as really dumb but it seems like something worth doing at the moment and that's really all I've got to go on.

    That is an excellent reason, you should never regret it, unless you aren't able to put them down or they lead to ruin/great damage in some other way, which would be quite funny. Drugs can be valuable tools and provide wonderful experiences available through no other ((currently) realistic) means.
  12. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I use royal jelly. I put like 1/4 teaspoon in my morning protein/creatine/cocoa shakes. It has some purported health benefits to humans, but the stuff that mutates them into queen bee's (Royalactin iirc) only works on bee's and flies… It's like roids for flying insects.
    Glial-Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor mediates the desirable actions of the anti-addictive drug iboagaine

    Sublingual administration is the key, oral bioavailability is very low. Hardly anyone uses it this way and knows why, the effects will be very different, and could be very positive. Learned about this from Debonair Death at r/nootropics. I just received my freeze dried powder from Glory Bee today:
  13. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    What are your ideas for the most effective and fun ways to traumatize as many children as possible?
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Lanny, I found something for you, a much cheaper source for U-47700:

    Now that Casper's getting clean we're going to need another intelligent and affluent yet dysfunctional opioid addict. Too late for the free samples, unfortunately.

    Why are you so interested in opioids, btw? Have you ever tried them before?
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    No homo tho.

    That boy ain't right. I wouldn't trust him.
  16. Malice Naturally Camouflaged



    Going to try a variety of methods and recipes. More MSG and less sugar, adding (more) MSG later on, after the sugar is fermented and yeast uses up nutrients to reproduce. Hopefully I won't overdose and die, I really don't like that I won't know exactly how much GHB is in there, but starting of very low and gauging the effects should be good enough.
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    Sounds even better on the anime, an angelic chorus. Unfortunately my anhedonia and nihilistic mental architecture makes it difficult for me to enjoy anything below an 8/10, leaving me little to experience.
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Once you become obese you're likely to stay that way: Study finds just 1 in 210 obese men and 1 in 124 obese women manage to achieve healthy body weight

    Wow, give up now. It really fucks your body up and causes multiple severe (semi)permanent changes that will make attaining a healthy weight much more difficult. Then there's the genetic and behavioral factors, which are commonly misunderstood. Many behavioral traits have been shown to have very high heritability, and some of these will cause a person to be much more likely to become obese, and by extension much more likely to remain that way. Energy levels, motivation, self control/will power, the amount of pleasure you receive from various things, intelligence and the ability to sustain attention effecting your likelihood to arrive at sound decisions, effective methods for weight loss and maintaining good health etc.
  19. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    LOL funny shit.
    The new queen got killed,they really didn't like like that one. they ate right into the cage I built.
    Now the only plan I have is to install a frame of uncapped brood and hope they can make a new QUEEN ON there own.

    Hey, I've read that queen bees are produced by exclusively feeding larvae royal jelly for a prolonged period. I wonder if you could do yourself, buy royal jelly that's freeze dried/lyophilized and then reconstitute it, or RJ that's kept under refrigeration from harvest and bought locally or shipped with a cold pack; it spoils very rapidly, so this is important. Would be a cool experiment to try out, you wouldn't need much. Whole Foods and health stores might have it if you can't get it from local bee keepers.
  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Malice may be a hiki but he does seem to have found a sustainable corner of the world to exist in.

    There's nothing sustainable about an unrelenting death. I may be delaying it, but I'm literally killing myself gradually.
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