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Posts by apric0t

  1. apric0t Houston
    but youve changed ur reasons a lot of times

    are u bipolar

    Originally posted by GGG Oh yeah, considerably. You were always a fighter too, mal. Always been able to take it ;) CandyRein just kind of bitches about how she's being persecuted. The very first time I called her a nigger, I didn't know she was actually black. It didn't matter either. But she called me a racist, and continued to 'call out' my posts even when they weren't directed at her. It was then I realized that she was a race card pulling whore, and decided to make it my mission in life to drive her from this site.
  2. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by -mal- Oh Shit I didn’t even read Ape’s reply! Haha

    liar, get off my nuts!

    youre trying to be the kid who gets credit by saying the answer louder than the person they heard say it
  3. apric0t Houston
    minimum 8
  4. apric0t Houston
    protip women who post online all day every day to the tune of 5 THOUSAND posts in under 10 months, are not worth ANYONE's time, effort, or brain power in any capacity.

    "Nah babe we can't go out tonight, §m£ÂgØL called me a nigger online again and you know what that means!"
  5. apric0t Houston
    unless ur from hispanica ur not hispanic
  6. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ What does that even mean anyway? All over you like a cheap suit? Is an expensive suit not as much 'all over you?' Wtf

    ya cuz a cheap suit isnt fitted so its all LOOSEY GOOSEY

    expensive ones are fitted, so that shits TOYIGHT

    jesus fuck how does anyone consider you smart
  7. apric0t Houston
    sounds like someone was dumped
  8. apric0t Houston
  9. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost Nah I'm gonna live until 💯

  10. apric0t Houston
    wtb time machine
  11. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks An ounce of quality crack induces the very opposite of fear (announced or otherwise) in me.

    Sexual arousal, I guess?

    ang er
  12. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING IV: The Flower of Death and The Crystal of Life
    Real niggas work the street yo'

    is that hts
  13. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny I don't know, I don't have the blueprint for anarchist revolution. Maybe you disseminate martial power or something? Or install a minimalist state whose function is basically to prevent the formation of a more expansive state?

    I'm not actually trying to defend anarchy/minarchy. I just think it's kind of funny how little my life has changed in the apparent absence of a federal government.

    And here I thought you may have actually had some brain cells, oh well.
  14. apric0t Houston
    Back at it again with the flattery, Loogey wants to be me soooooo bad. I sometimes wonder how many times hes fooled people with how upset some get towards me, but then I remember idgaf about any of you and go back to my viddya games.

  15. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost It was a glitch in the system I was exploiting, a loophole. But drug fiends ruined it.

    common canadian drug fiends pulled off "your idea" and the soup kitchen caught on to it before you even thought of it. i think that makes you slow.
  16. apric0t Houston
    I gotta know what happens next. I'm NEVER dying!

    Also, the way my life plays out I'll eventually want to die and be unable to.
  17. apric0t Houston
    i was eager to learn about lanny's aversion to the worlds leading supplier of athletic gear but found this utter horseshit instead
  18. apric0t Houston
  19. apric0t Houston
    i genuinly thought it was some weird german poop porn
  20. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by CandyRein Do I look like I hold all the answers..

    I don’t

    I personally like to chill in my car but didn’t know it was a black thing
    But the other day I was driving and I was listening to music and I thought.. I wonder who’s idea was it to put a radio in a car

    Like the first person to be like.. I should be able to listen to music while I cruise and actually making it happen

    I would like to have known that guy.. he had to be kool as chit

    And nigga don’t act like there aren’t white people and Hispanics cramped in houses lol

    hey, you can't say nigga i dont think

    just something i noticed walking around my recent neighborhoods, think your alone on the block cuz nobody else on the sidewalk but people PEEPIN from their car. not something i ever noticed in my all white wisconsin town before

    you're a black person whos admitted to just hanging out in your car for no reason at all multiple times, why you gotta try and pull the card like its weird to ask a black person about behavior ive noted from blacks. who the fuck else do i ask
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