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Posts by apric0t

  1. apric0t Houston
    How long has Walmart, Target, INSERT GROCERY STORE HERE etc had self cash out registers at their stores? 10+ years now? And theres still only 4-8 of them and they are constantly not working or because the general populations IQ is below 60 user error causes a lot of fuck ups/waiting. People who "run" registers now will probably become loss prevention or "spot fix" register technicians that wouldn't require anymore work/brains than now.

    One, this was always going to happen no matter what. You're a fucking idiot if you really think the only thing stopping companies from automating as much as possible was the minimum wage. It's called progress. Second, you're even more fucking retarded because you think the worlds going to magically become automated and fuck poor people overnight because they dared to ask for living wages. You come off as bitter and incredibly ignorant.
  2. apric0t Houston
    Sorry to hear Bags, stay dry!

    Is your best freind the cuckenator?
  3. apric0t Houston
    dumbfuck levels are high in this thread
  4. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning

    Pretty entertaining, the interesting thing is that Musk sounds stoned throughout. He comes across as very autistic and introverted. In a way he sounds manic, completely technologically focused. Technology will fix everything.

    They consume marijuana around 2h 10m.

    The guy is making plenty of eye contact and holding a 2 hour long conversation with someone while inebriated by both alcohol and marijuana. Christ the amount of mental gymnastics you put your retarded fucking brain through just to insult someone doing far better than you is fascinating.
  5. apric0t Houston
    ill take a thanks as ur sign of defeat, ebagger
  6. apric0t Houston
    He hadn't seen em yet though, thus reconfirming after Joes in awe over them looking REGULAR, French, White Connecticut. They don't have that clunky look your highschool adopted; they work as good as they look.
  7. apric0t Houston
    I think Musk is expanding "They work, too" from Joe saying "That's badass, dude" and marvelling over them looking semi realistic roofing.

    The "White people in Connecticut" line was ignored by Musk completely, like a lot of jokes Joe tried the interview.
  8. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by eBagger It looks worse now but its getting better

    I know your talking about mQ's jizz tho

    sheeeeeeeeit betchu sportin crusty ass vans busta

    whats wrong w vans

    also change ur tampon its leaking down ur leg
  9. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ Or anything similar looking? What a fucking stupid looking car. Of all the vehicles out there people actually decide yeah, you know, I really like how that FORRESTER looks better than ANYTHING else.

    Oh, they buy for it's HIGH SAFETY RATING? Fuck you. Like there aren't a bunch of not retarded looking vehicles with high safety ratings. Who gives a fuck about high safety ratings anyway? People who drive poorly and expect to be in an accident, that's who. These are the same people sad enough to pick a Got dang SUBARU FORRESTER as their primary vehicle; a vehicle they're PROUD to drive around in public. Unreal.

    pretty sure u drive a bicycle sooo..
  10. apric0t Houston
    shut up, PUSSY and go to sleep
  11. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by stupid noob Whats the matter, doesn't your little camper have a chemical toilet? Ironically that's what your moms nickname is.

    no toilet, no shower, no stove, no fridge, no bed, no friends, no money..
  12. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny I should shave 2-3 times a week to keep from ending up in that awkward sorta-beard-that's-really-shit stage but it's annoying and if I'm being lazy or just don't give a fuck about my appearance I'll go about a week before it gets to the point where I'm embarrassed to be seen by my friends. There's something strangely satisfying and gross feeling at the same time about just saying "fuck it" and growing a crappy beard and emerging from your room or home in sweatpants only occasionally to retrieve junk food or drugs before retreating to your sty of degeneracy when you have a couple days of not having to do anything.

    I trim like once every week and a half or so I'd guess, and I get rid off the neckbeard/cheek shadow every 2-3 days out of laziness.
  13. apric0t Houston
  14. apric0t Houston
    ITT ACP reveals just how much he obsesses over 'thanks' and this website in general
  15. apric0t Houston
    dat confrontational paranoia omg
  16. apric0t Houston
    why would i ever want to imagine having no legs
  17. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Enterita I will try to find it when I get home.

    Can you do me a favor and tell me if you used that name on Totse or Zoklet or both so I know what series to look under.

    this is my forever name
  18. apric0t Houston
    produce it

    i have no memory of it so ur lying
  19. apric0t Houston
    i think ur a loser and we've never spoken so there goes that theory
  20. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Enterita Do it, then. Do what I've been doing. Eat nothing but steak for breakfast, lunch and dinner. NO SNACKS EXCEPT ZERO-CARB BEEF JERKY. DO IT FAGGOT.

    Btw I'm not even American, so you have a one up on me.

    You too, Bill Krozby. See if you can walk a fucking week in my shoes. You fucking all-talk faggots.

    Oh yeah, and water. You can only drink water. And the only "seasoning" on the steak is salt. Plain salt.


    Did Keto for a couple months and didn't get the results I wanted. Results, but not what I imagined.

    Been Plant-Based for about a year now and thats whassup. Get some discipline lil boy.
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