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Posts by apric0t

  1. apric0t Houston
    that was like watching jerry finally swing on tom
  2. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Thotgirl I don't get the fascination with hard drugs here.

    kill yourself and leave then

    btw im the resident "i only do weed" person here, so u can fuck off x2 thanks bye
  3. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by -mal- It’s worth it. To see it all play out.

    I thought this once too, but then Season 8 began.

    Honestly if you're a fan I don't even have to say shit, you already know. S8 is by far the worst one yet, quality wise. Ooooh wow, a dracontine twist on "a whole new world" and "Star Wars"! That was all the money for real sets and good writers, cooooooooooooooooool thanks!
  4. apric0t Houston
    funny that you bump this considering he got the living shit kicked out of him again yesterday
  5. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by CASPER Who doesnt she owe money to?

    Also, I found her pretty fucking abhorrent.

    One time it was just us left in the room, and i asked her what her greatest goal in life would be, and without a hint of irony she said "Before i die, I want to be on TMZ".

    She was serious. Her brain cells must be going hypoxic in their suspension of cheap vodka, benzos and cum.

    this is like your favorite story to tell of her, i remember you telling me this IN PERSON several times now im reading it again lol
  6. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator Or just buy a wax atomizer like the Saionara Sai.

    I did this for a while, might go back to it and do it the right way this time. Used to buy cheap batteries, cheap atomizers, then burn those atomizers to the ground and eventually short or break the pen. Wax is definitely the most cost effective in the end if I can work out a decent portable option that doesn't need constant part replacement.
  7. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost prefilled carts are much more likely to be lower quality than actual concentrates.

    you're such an ignorant fuckshit you don't understand the words you read on google

    prefilled carts are concentrates, because its concentrated thc

    your image is of wax, specifically shatter, which is another form of concentrate.

    Quality has nothing to do with strength or concentration levels when trying to compare different forms. IE; That shatter's QUALITY looks like SHIT! Too dark, its even brown in parts. Disgusting. HOWEVER, it will still send you higher and further than a prefilled cartridge because of the concentration process used and levels of thc.
  8. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost That is a huge rip off. Black market is the way to go straight from the source.

    Not all of us are broke welfare sluts and can afford our shit to be quality, no need to risk buying some homebrew that could explode or be weak quality from some lazy tweaker faggot

    200 dollar a month habit is quite low as far as addictions go, im not worried yet.(even though it used to be <100)
  9. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Technologist Mine usually last me about 5 days.

    How much you guys paying? I pay anywhere from $25-$45 for a gram.

    Someone told me that the vape THC only affects 13 canniboid receptors in our brains, whereas green affects something like 50 receptors.

    I buy two one gram pods for 90 dollars flat with every paycheck. Sometimes I run out a day or two before payday (bi-weekly) sometimes I run a few days extra. I also stay consistently high throughout most days, even at work.

    the receptors thing makes a lot of sense to me, helps me better understand why. I know the high is different, like I can definitely tell I PREFER a flower high it just doesnt last as long and I can blow through a lot more money chasing it..where as Cart highs get me way up in the sky for 1-2 hours at a time with a big enough hit, but its just....different. Still good, but different.
  10. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny So on one of the pages I'm developing we have some legal disclosures because everything has to have disclosures. They have to come from the legal group though and they haven't figured out the copy yet, so I just threw in some text to hold the space and pad out the layout appropriately. I usually make some joke because lorem ipsum is boring. So I put in some stuff like "this product is known to the state of California to cause cancer". It was only supposed to be seen by QA who know it's a placeholder but the translation group got their hands on it and raised it to like my boss thrice removed. I got chewed out pretty royally lol, told that it was extremely unprofessional. Oh the joys of American corporate life.

    its extremely unprofessional to put an innocuous sentence in lieu of "place holder" but not to miss said sentence during proofing

    fun world
  11. apric0t Houston
    I buy carts almost exclusively now, but not the 510 threaded ones, only pods.

    flower gives a better high, carts give a more convenient high

    there is no other way to view this topic
  12. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator This feud is boring as fuck. Mal is an attention whore and Hot Doug is a fuccboi. Both are profoundly uninteresting people.

    Either fight, fuck or shut up.

    look i dont know who the fuck you are but if you dont knock off that casual air of disinterest im gunna disappear you so hard your only chance is liam neeson wanting to make taken 5
  13. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Technologist So don’t complain or give mal shit for replying to his lies. She’s not stalking him, he’s trying to get a response from her by starting so many threads. He could just not mention her and this shit would be done and buried.

    you've entirely misread the situation if this is your viewpoint

    i know women back women no matter what but blind ignorance is a cardinal sin

    also i dont feel like going back and qouting mals post but since when is teresa a super common hispanic name? I think of Maria or....Maria.
  14. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost says the one who bans me whenever i come in the room LOL you scared

    source? proof?

    You're the worst kind of victim, make up stuff for the pity, completely unprovoked.
  15. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost I would but I just get banned so fuck that

    fucking victim
  16. apric0t Houston
    dont worry it was a false alarm

  17. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by SBTlauien Long story short…

    I was driving down the street. A 16 year old girl crashed into me. Completely her fault. Now she is saying that I turned into her. My insurance company is saying its word-vs-word.

    On a scale of 1-16, how pissed should I be?

    get the police involved, investigation will quickly be able to point fingers for blame based on nerds good at math and shit
  18. apric0t Houston
    i think im falling in love with another girl

  19. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by HTS kek. SN is an unapologetic, unironic racist who acts like a trad chad, but is still easily one of the most degenerate people I've met.

    look i didnt disagree i merely informed that u used 2 dream about that stump in ur butt
  20. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by HTS IWD, don't apologize. Of all the people who might deserve an apology, SN is the least of all. Also, he doesn't even post here anymore. But aside from that, like, he is the consummate dickhead. I literally can't imagine a personality designed to elicit less sympathy.

    bitter ex alert
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