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Posts by apric0t

  1. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost 100mg tin Lanny, really?

    Even Lucy eats stronger edibles than you

    you'd fly into a murderous rage if you knew what he paid for that 100mg tin.
  2. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    You’re a habitual liar and you’ll never have a woman like me creep


    cuz ur not a woman ba dum tish
  3. apric0t Houston
    alien turned human - astrix
  4. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by CASPER Depending on who you believe, he either got caught with texts from a wimmenz, is recovering from a vasectomy, or is on vacation.

    I'm inclined to believe his wife caught him in the shower, and then saw him banging on the sofa.

    fuckin heathens here didnt thank this, disgusting
  5. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by DietPiano I get along with her more or less, but's such an emotional shit and was objectively and subjectively an awful parent who was too depressed to raise children. She's severely co-dependent and has extreme levels of cognitive dissonance.

    She is not, however, a schizo like me which is part of why she sux so much AAAYYYYUUUUUSSS.

    move out, problem solved.
  6. apric0t Houston
    If the conspiracy holds true and he did all this for Kamala and other politicians hoping to further their careers, this is just the next obvious step. After this comes the suicide or better yet stage another attack only this time he won't survive. How could it be a fake racist attack if he DIED!?
  7. apric0t Houston
    lol at 64 y/o woman and her gaggle of white knights
  8. apric0t Houston
    his wife caught him sexting lala
  9. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by ohfralala With arms wide open. Under the sunlight. Welcome to this place. I’ll show you everything.

    First time I ever got high was at a Creed concert. Fucking kill me now.

    Is this true? What year?
  10. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Technologist We weren’t invited here. One of our posters found the place and told us about it.

  11. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny your disgust fuels me

    i have only an immense feeling of regret for empowering you, no rebuttal. touche.

    Originally posted by Jυicebox Gross that you're too retarded to realize that that was a joke

    Was it? I didn't see the funny. HOWEVER, I'm pretty sure a little pre-cum seeped out of that penis HTS' so ashamed of when Lanny called it a queen.
  12. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost What about dh

    what about whataboutism

    they didn't stumble here they were invited. if invited, regs get opened. jfc you are ignorant as a pile of fucking rocks at the bottom of a lake
  13. apric0t Houston
    I don't think you have anything to worry about, it would have to be coherent and exist in the realm of actual possibility.
  14. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost If he was smart he would have 100 by now.

    Also lol closing regs is the only way Lanny can deal with the spam. I wonder how many people have tried to join the forum and never bothered because regs is always closed. Funny shit.

    0, because this is a dead forum with a specific and dwindling populace. You don't stumble onto this like totse or zoklet. We are in a black hole.

    Basically, just stfu already.
  15. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny Not decisive enough. You're queen of NiS right now, today, in this situation. What do you do?

    Gross that you pander to this creature as it mocks you.
  16. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Archer513 I’m brutally honest

    Not good in the pc/snowflake/everyone is special era we live in today.

    I fuck with ppl a lot. If I see or hear someone taking something serious that I deem stupid,I fuck with them. I piss on your passions.

    Originally posted by ECAP I pretend to be of average intelligence to make people here less uncomfortable

    Originally posted by DontTellEm I'm extremely guarded. Emotions overwhelm me sometimes, so I block a lot of shit out to protect myself…making it hard to maintain healthy relationships.

    petition to change thread title to "share one cliche about you that makes you feel unique"
  17. apric0t Houston
    did you really get too lazy to type "fill out"?

    Oh, nope I see it now.."do".
  18. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Methuselah Why is there always so much drama around who PM’d who lol. No one gives a fuck

    Because everyone here is a lonely fuckboy with harrowing social anxiety issues. PMs are literally the highlight of their day. PMs with girls? Highlight of the year. Talking to a girl where everyone could see would just be too embarrassing, what if they got shot down or she didnt laugh at one of their jokes? Everyone would flaaaaaaaaaaaaame, oh boy..can't live with that.
  19. apric0t Houston
    i remember when i was 15
  20. apric0t Houston
    it is disgraceful seein how many people are impatient and jump the gun with their choo choos

    i imagine ur sex life is equally as short, and disappointing.
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