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Lanny's *Gertrude Stein's* Attitude towards East Bay

  1. #1 Space Nigga
    He speaks as if San Francisco is a much higher place to live and that Oakland is shit?

    or does he. Did Gertrude Stein speak poorly of Oakland with her "There is no there there"

    she speaks of the windy and constant warm days of living in oakland. sweating with howling winds

    She said "There is no there there" not because of a hate for Oakland, but the sense of Nostalgia over losing her childhood house to gentrification of farming land and it's original people. the city dwellers replacing homesteaders with 10 acre lots. She was just pointing out over developement in a short period of time.

    San Francicians and their poofy hankercheif Socilialite "We're old stayed money.. puw puw" attitudes of East Bay residents used this line of the now Famous Gertrude to put down Oakland as being a lower middle class urban shithole.

    Oakland was and never will be a shithole. People who live in it might make it shitty to be around but Oakland is actually one of the few places on earth where nearly every type of plant and tree can grow because of it's temperate climate year round. it can go from gang infested and crime filled to a Paradise in a short time if people are educated and employed and kept busy.

    Oakland is Paradise. San Francisco is a bit overrated in my opinion. fucking snobs

    Gertrude Stein writes in her autobiographical novel, The Making of Americans, about her childhood in Oakland, where a child “could have all anybody could want of joyous sweating, of rain and wind, of hunting, of cows and dogs and horses, of chopping wood, of making hay, of dreaming, of lying in a hollow all warm with the sun shining while the wind was howling.” Returning to her home decades later to find it gone and to find Oakland no longer a place “of chopping wood, of making hay” struck her, and she wrote her famous “no there there” quote in response.

  2. #2
    it was fox mulder who introduced gertrude stein to me.
  3. #3
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    When I was in San Francisco it was kinda trashy tbh but maybe it was just the area I was in. I was also in Santa Clara & it was much nicer.
  4. #4 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm When I was in San Francisco it was kinda trashy tbh but maybe it was just the area I was in. I was also in Santa Clara & it was much nicer.

    it was built up pretty nice since I was a younger person but the roads and highways suck. people drive crazy as fuck down there.

    It's usually warmer and sunnier down there. it's all flatland that was once orchards and shit.
  5. #5
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    I meant literally trashy like there was garbage everywhere lol & an obscene amount of people everywhere. I guess I was picturing California as Beverly Hills & I was like what in the fuck? Lol
    Golden gate bridge was cool & we drove down this winding road that was supposed to be dangerous to drive. Do u know what I'm talking about, I can't remember the name.
  6. #6
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    I don't have any particular problem with Oakland, I'd rather live on this side but there's nothing wrong with it. Some parts of it are pretty shitty, but then so are some parts of SF. When Gertrude Stein talks about it as being like farmland and shit I'm kinda like "wut?". I mean of course it was at some point, but like a community garden was the closest thing to farm that Oakland had when I moved up here like 8 years ago and it hasn't changed since.
  7. #7 Space Nigga
    What happen to "Hope" and "Change" those Obama campaigns?
  8. #8
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Why would you even ask that question? What exactly do you think happens to politicians vague sloganized campaign promises?
  9. #9
    apric0t Houston
    i was eager to learn about lanny's aversion to the worlds leading supplier of athletic gear but found this utter horseshit instead
  10. #10 Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny Why would you even ask that question? What exactly do you think happens to politicians vague sloganized campaign promises?

    Hope and change :|
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