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Posts by apric0t

  1. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by CandyRein Hopping out the suicide doors with the Uzi 😱

    Lol jk eating skittles in my car about to go back inside In a min or 5

    how come black people are in their car so much. like just chilling. car off, parked infront of their house, sitting there. is it because how cramped the households are?
  2. apric0t Houston
    eating chips
  3. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by eBagger lol Agreed, its hard to find a good trolling ebb and flow when alotta mods are super quick on the ban. You saw how quick my bare ass was banned. Its hard to find a medium of not too extreme where its blatant and they know your trolling and won't even approve your cam, and trolling enough to get a response out of em'

    Hahahh yeah, str8 fuckin losers

    Especially if your not doing it to chat with users from your community.

    I thought you did it, but I think I'm thinking of Zenith. I believe last he cammed up right up after getting his ass beat by police officers lol

    It looks more loserish looking from the outside, but while alot of tinychat rooms are random losers, alot of rooms originate from some community. Like some of those rooms I invaded were from vaping forums or various hobby forums, smaller communities, alotta gay and weed rooms to fuck with.

    Same way I think all those rooms are lame, but like our tinychat room just feels kinda normal, just a different way to interact with your fellow niggas. Just a little more personal experience of hanging out with the users of the community. Like described as an online bar, you listen and share music, chat, show each other shit. Often relating to the room or community itself, with similar interests or showing a band or song somebody might like.

    I remember I was trying to skype with BradleyB like 4 years ago about some drug shit and he was like naw I'm already in this room place just come here, and I clicked a link and saw ole Bill Krozby was sittin there starin at the cam with his babyface, and bradleyB was cammed up and playin music, and I was like damn this is pretty convenient for conferencing reasons. Then you usually just end up hanging out there.

    EDIT: Oh yeah and Apric0t posting reminded me, ya get to know users better, maybe coordinate a game of online poker,enjoy actually witnessing a user you know whose a fattass sit at his desk and eat pie as he shitposts. Tinychats been around a while apparently, at least long enough for apricot to go from fatass to malnourished scrawnyboy.

    the funniest thing about that video was lillith immediately identifying you as a cuck
  4. apric0t Houston

    i lol'd so hard i had to tell you all immediately

    cool, that baby can see its mommy encourage suicide later on in life
  5. apric0t Houston
    i like his hoodie it looks DUMBBBBBBB SOFT and just the right shade of purple: not too light, not too dark.

    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning


    i like this too theres a lot of gold in this gif
  6. apric0t Houston
    Maniac is really, really good. Jonah Hill acts his ass off, so does Emma. Only one scene was kinda hard to watch(Emma Stone as an action movie spy badass?), the rest was mesmerizing.
  7. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by -mal- It was kind of cute.

    the fuck
  8. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Nil Excuse me?

    This community isn't just people in tinychat you know.

    yes it is, if you don't have the nuts to confirm existence u dont exist, fucking ALT! SIMULATION! FED!

    Originally posted by mmQ fake

  9. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ take that back

    i will never, fucking EVER rescind that inflammatory remark.
  10. apric0t Houston
    if u have normie friends they are infecting you get rid of them
  11. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ Maybe sober in lanny's case means 'not super fucked up' and sober as fuck means just barely sobering up from the last run.

    maybe ur a faggot
  12. apric0t Houston
    maybe its just me but ive noticed an obsession with cucking and a lack of girlfriends around this site and call me crazy but i wonder if the two correlate at all
  13. apric0t Houston
    yeah she sucks and i really dislike how theres so much attention on her after his death to where like its more about her defending herself than his death almost i dunno that just kinda eats at me

    and it really bothers me that she defends herself like ONLY CINDERELLA IS ABOUT ME knowing damn fucking well that's a 9 minute ballad AND that she fucking fooling herself if she really thinks thats the only song influenced by his thoughts of her on that album

    i mean i know she didnt put a gun to his head and pull the trigger but to act like them breaking up and her getting engaged within however many months is inconsequential is fucking just..god damn its so disrespectful. i dunno literally everything about her screams snake bitch, including how INSANELY hot she is. king louie the 13 here agrees with everything i say too so fuck you royalty's on my side
  14. apric0t Houston
    Wow, did you cut a hole in your hoodie and listen to music in highschool classes too!? SO REBELLIOUS!
  15. apric0t Houston
    My only knowledge of tramadol comes from either Mash or §m£ÂgØL. Maybe both. It's a weak drug, along the lines of chugging cough syrup or huffing paint imo and apparently makes you feel like puking if you take too high of a dose.

    So yeah, you'll prolly get addicted and die.
  16. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Lanny is a destroyer of words.

    Originally posted by Nil fixed.

    Ayy quite the spicy insult considering how much he labors over them titles
  17. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Lanny is a destroyer of worlds.

    Nah homie, thats Zin'rokh.
  18. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by ohfralala You edited your post as soon as a big dick trill nigga commented so who’s the real coward, CHICKEN?

    have you given up pretending to be a DHer or have you just picked up all the slang here because your an amorphous blob incapable of an actual personality?

    asking for a friend
  19. apric0t Houston
    Feminism is just another tool of division used by tptb. We've made you better. Also, didn't you just set up catering, clean and order office supplies before? What are you doing now that allows just a SMIDGE of relaxation?
  20. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by DietPiano My state's minimum wage is the same as the federal minimum. $7.25

    In reality, nobody actually pays employees minimum wage. My brother is a banker, and said there's only one employer in the county that currently pays new hires at 7.25. I know her, she's nice.

    Employers around here generally start people no lower than 9 (we're talking first job, part-time, in highschool) and that's rising quickly.

    The economy is booming, and employers can't find enough bodies to fill positions. I could get a job tomorrow at my pick of places, at a lot better pay than I've ever gotten before.

    If I applied to be a cashier at walmart, I'd probably get at least $12 considering my experience. If I looked for factory work, I would looking at about $16-21/hr to start with a $500-1500 sign on bonus.

    Keep in mind, where I live is literally one of the cheapest places to live in the country (besides perhaps the DEP SUTH), so wages are naturally lower here. I'm sure you can raise these numbers in more populated areas.

    You cannot TELL me that minimum wage is keepin' a nigga down. Some companies will pay for your friggn' college if you commit to work there.
    In reality, you're fuckin retarded.

    Sure, you can inflate those numbers that you've completely made up and unilaterally claim it must be easier somewhere else more populated just cuz, but then again that just shows how fucking stupid you really are. See, theres this thing in the world called Cause and Effect. There's more people, demand is higher, supply is lower, shit cost more. Your low populated faux min. wage works fantastic in the "DEP SUTH" but when rent is upwards of 10-15x higher, even your faux min. wage numbers you pulled from your butt wouldn't cut it out here. You don't get to live alone out here in a 1 bedroom or better until you start seeing about 50-60k a year, if you still wanna eat and have a car and some semblance of a life.
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