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Posts by apric0t

  1. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by GGG That isn't close fitting lol. You ever been fitted nigga? Real well fitting clothes is tight and should be comfortable if it's a good material.

    To get that look on store bought clothes is hard and most often they are uncomfortable because they are not fitted exactly to your body.

    Because you shop at walmart and target for clothes. You don't need to get fitted to know whats comfortable on your own body, and there are plenty of clothing retailers out there that go beyond standard obese american sizes. IE I know 31/32 jeans are my sweet spot, depending on the "fit" which most brands have anywhere from 3-6 different "fits", to wear with a belt and not have the waistline all bunched up or crinkly looking, they dont ride up when I sit, and I don't drag the bottom when I walk, or hide 3/4s of the top of my shoe.
  2. apric0t Houston
    The weather he has been cloudy, cool, and foggy but no rain. All the shit without the satisfaction.

    My girl is like this too, we don't have blinds on the bathroom window but we are on the 2nd floor and it has a cloudy window type set up so you can't see through it but she still puts her towel up or robe up over it many times do you actively hunt through peoples windows trying to catch people taking a shit...its not a thing, stop it. Nobody wants to see you shit, stop being so weird over it!

    Ok, maybe a bunch of weirdos on the internet do..but the chances of a rando neighbor? Far less.
  3. apric0t Houston
    Nope. If you wear clothes that you arent comfortable in its only because you can't afford or don't know how to buy shit for yourself properly.

    I have tests I run. I gotta be able to sit without the bottom of the jeans legs going up over my ankles, and if I raise my arms higher than my shoulder my shirt shouldnt be showin my tummy. Two simple rules for comfy clothes, and they can still be "tight" or "close fitting" instead of loose n baggy like this.
  4. apric0t Houston
    Beauty is 100% in the face and pretty much all I look at. The rest is bonus if already desirable, but the body can easily be shaped through diet and exercise. The face takes surgery, man, or copious amounts of makeup which is basically a flaming bandaid doing more damage than good.
  5. apric0t Houston
    Sandstorm Insurgency 30% off not bad..pretty much only one i care about really.
  6. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Things should last. My XBox 360 already Red Ringed of Deathed and had to be repaired/replaced (I'm not sure which was done).

    Ideally I'd like to still be playing Skyrim and Deus Ex: Human Revolution on it in 50 years time. TBH I doubt I'll last that long, but still.

    There is literally nothing at all stopping you from doing that, as long as you keep the consoles and the games now or pay the absurd price whatever collectors charge 50 years in the future, both are single player games.

    I've experienced I think 2 RROD's. One, I played the absolute dogshit out of it and never once cleaned or took care of it in any way, shape, or form. It lasted 3 years of 8+ hours a day, every day, on carpet, on its side. Shit, my boy even shoved some sunglasses into the disc tray and they stayed there for a year, I just started playing games from the HDD when I thought it was just a broken tray and using it mostly for netflix..Eventually pulled out the glasses and got the disc tray working again lol...The second one I bought used so I think I got one that was treated similarly to mine, but it last about a year. Those were wastes of money, but I'd say partly my fault, partly the companies fault. I should've taken better care of it, like I do my PC now, but if someone pays for a 500 dollar console and its shits out due to wear and tear, you ought to replace for mega cheap or free...having to buy a whole new xbox to feed the addiction was the cashgrab there. I stopped after the 2nd RROD. Fool me twice and all that.
  7. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Ghost Why because I'm not a materialist? You need to spend that money on new trash every few years or you won't be happy.. you're a basic bitch.

    I'm just a thrifty PC master race

    Yeah, its bullshit how they want people to have their entire library on a console that won't be supported in a few years. You're the gullible retard that can't see you're being ripped off hardcore.

    They release the same games on every platform and make it so you HAVE to have the newest platform to keep playing. If you don't see the issue with that you are just a mindless consumer retard

    a 500 dollar investment for TEN YEARS of entertainment is not a hardcore, huge rip off. You're a broke faggot crying because you can't afford it, not because you abhor their business practices or cuz you're "not as materialistic" as your so pathetically trying to hide behind. I don't even own consoles, I have a toight little gaming PC, but you are not PC Master race by any play games with graphics and mechanics that predate Atari so come off your shit already.
  8. apric0t Houston
    oh no my 3-400 dollar console is going to be obsolete in 5+ years because time marches on and technology advances!??

    imagine being so jedi that 400 bucks for 5 years of entertainment is an "obvious cash grab" to you.

    you're a broke bitch with a broke bitch mind so you'll always be a broke bitch.
  9. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by Sudo no it's "all or nothing" thinking. If I can't have what I want then I might as well have nothing at all

    i fuck with this
  10. apric0t Houston
    have any of ur plurals ever fucked a race u havent yet
  11. apric0t Houston
    i know who dun did this whodunit
  12. apric0t Houston
    I've met a few, mostly regrets in that field though. Shitty people online being shitty people IRL, nahhhhhhh
  13. apric0t Houston
    not the first, won't be the last
  14. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks Imagine being yourself as a kid and finding out that shit like this is what you have to look forward to?

    this had me dying laughing, thank you
  15. apric0t Houston
    why isnt the only thing we say to this slag "why are you still alive?"?
  16. apric0t Houston
    Originally posted by gadzooks I've been gadzooks (on Totse, Zoklet, and here) since 2004, though.

    It's my brand, I guess.

    It's really a silly username, but I keep it for consistency.

    i feel like the name gadzooks fits ur avatar perfect but i dont have a reason why
  17. apric0t Houston
    nope and i never did

    literally all of these other faggots are lying though
  18. apric0t Houston
    i met one and im going to marry that girl some day
  19. apric0t Houston
    long shot
  20. apric0t Houston
    fake and gay
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