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Posts by The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0

  1. lol

    he was at a friends house and took a can from the fridge without asking. voices were raised and he ended up getting beaten up by a latino because apparently the guy was an MMA blackbelt

    and it wasn't even good. it was cream soda.

    total mental retardation

    then again, i couldn't sleep because i was wondering what would happen if i ate birth control pills
  2. its not like it would be worth taking. but an eternal blackout is slightly better than suicide isnt it. and its like cheaper than sugar
  3. becoming homeless will let you carry around a pound of phenazepam in a grain sack on your shoulder and will thus cure your depression
  4. or if you're so depressed and you don't think thats gonna work, what are you hoping to accomplish? order a pound of pure syncan powder and phenazepam for like 30 bucks and you wont be depressed for a year. you wont get fuck all done but do you really need to.
  5. why don't you go all out on SSRIs like I did and maybe youll find something that works. order like 15 different SSRIs from online pharmacies and combine all of them. 50mg of zoloft a daydoesnt work? take 1000mg a day. i used up 10+ grams of antidepressants in various binges and it was eh pretty cool guy
  6. opiates in spice- rarely but it happens. mostly numbing.
    stimulants in spice- make it more euphoric, but overpowered by cannabinoid effects. makes you think you're getting sniped in your basement.
    dmt analogues in spice- probably indistinguishable from the spice
    pcp analogues in spice- disgusting retarded robotic feeling
  7. do you ever get it where it becomes hard to breathe on spice? it happened a few times and it reminded me a lot of an opiate overdose. basically, spray every drug ever on random leaves, have something that has no distinguishable effects besides making you blast off into immediate blackout territory
  8. you're mom
  9. they remind me of giant pieces of poo
  10. every single person on this site has autism
  11. if you want to relive anxiety, get incarnated as a glutamate molecule. feels bad man
  12. You fucking terrify me son.
  13. if you snort buspar you're pretty gifted
  14. can you imagine that morphing your chromosomes with bundy as a 13 year old might lead to similar personality syndromes or wahtever

    i didn't throw roshambo under the bus. have you listened to any of the sperglords records? dude lives in his own world.
  15. lol i mean i was explaining what his drawing was conveying. do you really think something roshambo drew in MS paint is going to have any relevance to real reality whatsoever
  16. well i dont actually know if she was. she looks like it though, doesn't she
  17. i tripped for the first time on lsd in an amusement park, when i was 14. with two mates
    at first it was very fun, we even met two guys who had some weed and smoked it in an amazing dreamforest, we started talkin and we completely lost track of what we were doing there, haha. we didnt even know we took acid
    we had to help eachother so much to survive there. haha i remember screaming so hard to my friends that i'm going to kill them and have a knife if this didn't stop.
    Then they would talk me out of it and someone else would say something strange and make me crazy haha.
    my two friends were of great help.
    we also walked through the park in big crowds, i remember one friend saying: listen to all those voices. you wanted to scream you did it friend held you down saying gibberish you can't understand started laughing you laugh to rolling in front of other people who look like dead people pulling you in their world you start talking to someone you don't know HELLo who are you, we took lsd, you are fucking ugly waT? oh sorry sorry o my god what the fuck are you saying to me. friend: come on lets go that guy is crazy! run away get back to the forest try to calm down. ask to a couple of girls sitting on bench if were still acting normal start drooling rolling on the ground screaming that you are being killed by yourself that you have a gun (!) and don't want to kill hahaha
    And the voices entered my head and there were voices everywhere.
    after that experience i am now mad i want to talk i want to talk directly to you all i have is this coma im dead alive hahaha
    we ended up running out of the park to the village nearby, two friends had to take care of me i was running away talking gibberish, i was in molten together reality and non reality i couldn't make things out bam there is car stopping for you, friends screaming, you're on the middle of the road in paris, there is a bus with paris on it, walk inside the bus go sit down for a ride to paris, bam you're a tramp youre carried out of the bus by your friend, look at the drivers eyes they talk to you with absolute terror bam you're on a field listening to pink floyd friends are beside you, very calm, you're tramps you fucked up wheres the heroin, i am in my birth town, hey dad, dead you're dying on a bed in the hospital while you're dead holds your hand, you jump up, where the fuck am i, friend is going inside restaurant comes outside looking depressed and crazy WHO are you!
    this fucking experience, i still know it so well, i relive it everyday haha, it was intense, that edge hahaha
    are you afraid to die?
  18. [FONT=Arial]You probably should be institutionalized.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial]no bump/reported.[/FONT]
  19. shit might still have some PI on that one. i have like 75 fake facebook accounts used to annoy people but too much effort
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