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Posts by The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0

  1. she's my wife. bitches dont deny hugs to their husbands. i even mentally changed her last name to my last name.
  2. she didnt give me a hug man

    something like that

    when i think really hard about why i do anything i do i'm probably just psychotic

  3. enough said

  4. [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]you know what fuck this shit[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]"i want to strangle your dog and cut him open"[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=helvetica][SIZE=12px]if i get arrested itll be worth it[/SIZE][/FONT]


  5. how would you interpret the psychology of a 14 year old girl who has this as her profile picture? autistic? sociopathic? retarded? none of the above? all of the above?

    i really do want that pussy though
  6. schleps
  7. cmon Bill Krozby objectively this thread is really fucking bad

    step up your game and post more okcupid exploits
  8. What does the color blue smell like?

  9. we're meeting up this thursday or friday. he lives like 40 minutes away. we'll record an album for you guys
  10. does anyone else think this might be the worst thread on the entire internet? Bill Krozby might as well have posted I LIKE CHEESE!!!! and posted a video of him fucking a monkey
  11. it feels like glass for a few seconds but it subsides quickly

    probably a good way to get a deviated septum though
  12. i'm going to get arrested for cyberbullying one day
  13. if you can add music put this song on loop
  14. would this script work?

    for the sprite you could use a slightly cropped version of the image i posted
  15. currently tied for first place
  16. make a game in RPG maker where you have to shoot as many ashleys as possible in under a minute. she's a gamer and it would be fucking lulz to send it to her

    for bonus points, make the boss her dog fluffy and you have to kill it by throwing chocolate at it
  17. new comedic formula

    take an inert biotoxin and consume it with any and all of your orfices. eyelids included.

    get jumped for <75 cents

    draw meaningless shit in MS paint and claim it explains everything that has ever existed
  18. smoking birth control pills off foil, spraying raid into your asshole, and slamming extracted energy drink sludge

    we have reached a new era of human degeneracy

    huffing raid will be as commonplace as cigarette smoking soon. the cool kids spray it up their butt.
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