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Posts by The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0

  1. i channel all of my intelligence towards writing sexts that are worded vaguely enough to be borderline acceptable yet still insulting
  2. [FONT=Roboto]i dont know where to post this but i need to know if you felt my breathing on your neck during the show. this is very important for "personal" purposes, thanks[/FONT]
  3. isn't 3 dollars worth a hug from sploo?
  4. there are normal people

    there are psychopaths

    and then there are people who don't think cute animals are cute

    stay far away
  5. because sometimes i feel all like

    but other times i feel like

    and is evil just the desire to have control? i can definitely see that in people
  6. what do you call an IQ

    not Bill Krozby
  7. the contents of one's mind. i can't tell if everyone thinks of sick shit and the morality aspect is ignoring it, or the aspect of morality is what prevents those ideas from forming
  8. nah things were ok i cursed at her once and stole like 3$ from her then like a month later on the day the thing ended or whatever i asked for a hug and she said her mom was there to pick her up but nobody was there so tl;dr bitches are cold and this is gay to post on the internet. honestly i probably got mad over literally nothing because i tend to have extreme rages over minor shit
  9. the only person on the internet who likes getting high on wellbutrin
  10. I'm kinda schizo in the sense that im very paranoid of motives of the opposite sex in case they might be evil or that case i have the same personality trait blunderful had. idk man i think she's the one though. I'm sure in ten years all the bullshit that i say or have said will be irrelevant. its probably also pretty paranoid to think one had no influence on a fucking preteen but whatevsss. i think i'm going to start calling her my wife, even if she isnt aware of it yet,
  11. emo faggot shit
  13. And suggests violent tendencies.
  14. realistically this was probably the best possible outcome for the situation. however i should have considered going the "i love you" route and showering a 14 year old with affection before pwning, but i dont like to plan things out. i wanted to get an immediate affective reaction which i'm not totally sure if i got which makes it somewhat disappointing. i mean i guess it would be unreasonable to assume that wouldn't bother a kid. whateverrr its just like i have a young mind which i know and i could have had a lot of influence on her without realizing. i mean, i hope she secretly has a shrine for me or something. how could i have so little influence on a fucking kid, or maybe shes good at hiding it, because she's pretty hard to read. we spent like 3 months talking everyday when she was 13 i hope itl make a difference in her life!! i dont need friends but i need a companion and i think that was the closest i've ever gotten to one. us two and then everyone else, we were close i felt like she was almost my little sister...i think. i don't remember the last 2 years or so very well but either the bitch is evil, she moved on, or never cared. i want to fucking kill her sort of but i wont i just get that urge whenever there's a significant other that slights me. though im not actually sure what i'm mad about even. maybe if she cared more about me.

    stimposting on wellbutrin is decent
  15. it's repetitive, dull, lasts too long, but the hook gets you
  16. this is the wellbutrin song
  17. im uh, prescribed an antidepressant, but i snort it like coke every day
  18. roshamhabdo
  19. diactylmooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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