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Posts That Were Thanked by NARCassist

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Or don't treat it like some overly dramatic romance saga and just treat it like two people getting to know one another. Both of yas talking in such EXTREMES. lol

    Calm down.
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  2. RisiR † 29 Autism

    This is fucking retarded. "The guy you like" is a complete and utter piece of shit. This is still the best possible outcome. At least he didn't stab or poisen you. I know, not very helpful but I can't symphasize with you here. The dude is trash.

    You also do absolutely nothing to feel more attractive. You can't rely on other people to feel sexy. That shit must come from within if you aren't blessed in the physical department. Nothing is for free. The good thing is that feeling sexy comes during the process of getting sexy. You're already torturing yourself with the homone therapie. I see no reason to stop there.

    You hate yourself? Punish yourself with discipline. Stricter than anyone else could be with you. Diet. Excercise. Improve.

    You hate being your current self? Kill that motherfucker. End that nigga's existence right now. Stop the self-pity. That piece of trash doesn't deserve it.

    Break through, little angel. Phoenix style. First you have to burn down before you can rise up from the ashes. Never give up.
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  3. You're just trying to lure Malice out aren't you.
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  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by NARCassist she wants to cool it while she's in there. i think that's a good idea tbh, but still sucks kinda, if you know what i mean. she said she'll call and i said i'd write too. just getting this idea in my head that something in there will give her a change of heart or summing. i dunno, i'm prolly just being negative, we'll see i guess.


    yeah she'll feel different I'm sure after she's been there awhile (i mean in a good way where she will probably want to see you). A couple times since I've met my hen she go busy with stuff like a few months ago or so, her parents from dc bought a house here in austin for her and her gf's. So they were really busy with that and her parents coming into town and just stuff like that.

    Im sure i could of gotten her to hang during that 2 weeks or so but I can tell she's much more family oriented than me, plus she has a really good job she's busy with so we would just text and stuff until her family left. I know thats not exactly the same situation as yours but I definitely did miss her a lot.

    The last couple weeks she's been in colorado with her folks and so I just wait until she hits me up to say hi, which is fairly often compared to my last gf. My last gf and I would rarely ever text each other unless it was to make plans to hang. In fact sometimes I would text her just to say whats up, but she wouldn't ever reply back, (yet she would stalk me on zoklet/here) It was a power and control thing that I got used to, but I'm digressing.

    I guess I don't know exactly what your relationship is like with her, but it obviously sounds like you're obviously close. Just try to go do some unadulterated good clean fun with her when she gets out.
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  5. All this hulabaloo over a deliberately allowed attack, intended to allow America to take action to safeguard the petrodollar...
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  6. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL And let's not forget to celebrate the fact that the World Trade Center was shut down for "upgrades" just weeks before they came down, everyone was evacuated, all in-house WTC security was sent home, and all the alarms were switched off - a first in the entire 30-year history of the buildings! Of great cause for celebration was also the billions in gold bullion which were loaded into 18-wheelers just hours before the towers were demolished, of which has never been seen again. We can also jump for joy that the entire bulk of the incriminating evidence against Enron and the other corporate thieves just happened to be housed and destroyed in WTC7, and be happy that as a result, all criminal charges were dropped against those multi-national entities. Lots of cause for celebration!

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  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    "When the Beetus makes you piss yourself, I'll become your diaper. Love you. "
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  8. Originally posted by NARCassist i could be thinking shit here coz i'm pretty fucking high right now. i got this idea(prolly stupid, lol) for a little private joke, so i'll share here coz its anon. the joke is something along the lines of comparing her to the cia, because she's hard to get into.

    i'll explain, i've been having a bit of trouble fucking her because, and i got to admit i never saw this coming, she has the tightest pussy i have ever fucking come across. i mean considering her current profession i was half expecting the opposite. but i'm not even exaggerating, i can't even get two fingers inside her coz it hurts her, its that tight. even with just one finger, the entrance is really tight coz its like more solid flesh, but once inside its still very snugly fitting around your finger but obviously its a lot softer and stretches. i can't even remember a girl with a pussy even close to how tight this girl is.

    the first time i fucked her was such a palava it was fucking comical, we been laughing about it ever since. she insisted on using a condom, i tried to convince her not to, by telling her i was tested in jail and was clean, but she pulled the 'not on the pill' card, and said getting plan b was a hassle, so i went along with it. and she only had one condom handy, so i put it on, it was a make i never heard of, 'pasante', sounds foreign. it was very tight fitting and hard to even roll the latex all the way down. what also didn't help was this fucking gear that's going around, its not as bad as that real strong stuff the other week, but it still has a bit of an effect where you just cant get a full rock hard boner. and if you aren't constantly stimulating your cock it tends to start to go down a bit quick. so anyway she'd sucked me off for a while, i'd fingered her and licked her out for a good while and was ready to get on with fucking her. i'd put this condom thing on and she suggested we start with doggy style, so i said cool. now i'm quite tall anyway at 6'2, so i've always been slightly too higher than chicks when doing doggy style, so i'm usually coming from a bit of an angle, but i always make it work. so by the time i got this condom on and we've got into position my todger is starting to wane a bit already. but i position it to her pussy and start to push it in and its going nowhere. i'm trying to push it into this tight little hole and its slipping out of position, my cock keeps bending up, i'm trying to jerk it off a bit to get it harder again but this fucking shitty condom is coming half off as i do it. i'm trying again, and again its slipping out, getting a bit softer, again i jerk it a bit, try and pull this condom back on.

    after a few times of this i suggest she goes on her back coz i can get a better angle. so she turns over, spreads her legs and presents me this sweet little pussy, i position myself over her and go to slip it in, by this time its started going a bit soft again, so i quickly give it a tug, the fucking condom is half off again but now i'm thinking fuck it, i go to try again and its slipping out of place off towards her ass, i try again and my cock is bending up again coz its not quite fully hard, and then finally, bingo, i manage to get the tip in. i put my hand down on the bed, lean more over her and start pushing into her. its only going a little way in at first coz she's so damn tight so i start pumping to work it in. about two pumps i think and boom, its fucking slipped out again. so we go through more of the same, get it in again, couple more pushes and out it comes again. by this time the condom is practically falling off the end. now i'm thinking this thing really isn't helping, its making it worse. but i'm thinking if i tell her that she might decide its not happening and stop, and there's no way i want to give up now. so i just say nothing and carry on, letting the condom just fall off, i didn't even see where it went. so i get it in again, it slips out again, in again, out again.

    then she says have you still got the condom on? so i'm like 'it just kept slipping off and its getting in the way'. she goes 'where is it?'. i look down and can't even see it, i'm not even sure exactly when it came off coz i just stopped pulling it back on again and let it fall off itself. so now i'm thinking shit did it come off inside her, and i can see she's thinking the same thing. so i've got my finger and had a little feel inside but can't feel anything, then she starts putting her finger in to feel. i said get up a sec and as she gets up off the bed the condom is stuck to her ass, lolmao. so i says 'look this fucking thing is just getting in the way and making it worse, but i really want to fuck you so can we try without it?', and she's ok, so we try again.

    she sucks me for a bit to get me nice and hard and we go for another attempt. after a couple of little slips i manage to get it in her and actually start fucking this lovely tight pussy. i still can't get all the way in and i'm having to go real slow and easy but we're cooking on gas now. i can see she's looking like she is really starting to enjoy it. i'm sweating like a cunt by this time and i'm getting conscious that its gonna be dripping straight on her face, lol, but i don't think much did tho. i dunno if its from all the drugs she's doing but she is quite dry down there. i noticed when i fingered her and licked her out that her juices were very thick and white and creamy. and i was getting a dry mouth after all that fucking about so couldn't get much spit to help lube her up.

    anyway we were in fucking stitches after this just laughing on the bed about it, it was fucking hilarious. it was like being fucking 12 or 13 again where trying to fuck some girl but fumbling around and not knowing exactly where the fucking hole is or anthing and having trouble getting it in, lol. so now i've got some lube and i've stopped doing the gear while i'm fucking her. its much better with a proper hard on and is the loveliest pussy to fuck. still takes a bit of work to get right inside her but its worth it in the end, hah.

    i think she'll see the funny side of that joke, what you think?


    Anybody who didn't read this is missing out.
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  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    she is pretty though, narcassist
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by NARCassist i was curious as to how people imagine me to be


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  11. Originally posted by mashlehash I have been in the same fucking position for 5 years nothing is going to change

    Maybe if you actually did something with your life instead of collect government money things would change.
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  12. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    It's an interjection. All kinds of people use it.

    Originally posted by NARCassist i feelin a bit shitty after all that smack at the weekend. but on the lighter side i have got my boner back, yay.


    Originally posted by NARCassist I JUST HAD A WANK, YAY!! :D hahaah


    See? Herp derp

    Untwist your panties.
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  13. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I'm really high
    But lol, not you
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  14. i dident wont to draw tht nasty fings wot came to mind
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  15. I'd laugh if he ordered this, they sent a black one with a dick and cunt
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby actually im sure he bought this but he will never admit to it.

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  16. Faggots trying to tear my boy narcie down

    You go, boy. You fucking go get her. Sex her negro ass, boy
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  17. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    But I suppose I should be constructive, so heres something from the heart, tailored to what I know about you as a person, as a human being, as a man, a lover, a friend, and a street philosopher......

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Come back home quick
    So I can piss on you
    Or you piss on me
    Or me, you and your friend
    Or the guy you fucked Monday
    With the dodgy bell-end
    But even should you choose
    To not piss on my face
    I guess ill still like you
    If you do other degenerate shit in its place
    But no srsly what I mean
    Is this'll turn out in the end
    If we lie to get welfare
    And slang your gash for £10
    I guess Im just saying
    Youre smart and youre brave
    And amazing for doing
    What youre doing today
    At some point youll be angry
    And might want to quit-
    Tired of sitting, listening
    To their faggotty 12 Step shit
    *But its not about them
    Or their expectations
    Just your own sense of balance, joy,
    Gratitude, patience.
    And when your work is done
    You can leave there with pride, knowing
    Theres a life worth living waiting for you
    On the other side.

    p.s- And even if you relapse
    Or fuck around in there and cheat
    It'd still be nice if you'd come around
    Once a week or so
    So I can piss on ur feet.

    kthxbye <3 ur pahtna,
    Narcassist J Esquivel, Esq.
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  18. Originally posted by Joe Kane I dont know I just dont see the appeal of a penis on a woman but hey thats just me to each their own

    Do you rescind this comment yet? Because fucking LOL
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  19. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Well I don't even know who Mimi Mimi is, she sounds like an Argentinian slut ready to take my load but complain when it's in her mouth when she doesn't know what to do with it, when she knows that she has this built-in female phenomenon of swallowing.

    Just in that hot moment

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  20. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
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