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Posts That Were Thanked by NARCassist

  1. Originally posted by snab_snib except criminal scum aren't heroic or glorious. they're ALL crippled bastards. there's nothing noble for them to fight for; they're just failures. unfortunate waste of a soul and a body. the FBI and CIA are far, far superior to a bunch of fucking scammers and freaks.

    Did the FBI and CIA help you when the bullies took your lunch money, too you fucking faggot?
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  2. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Zanick I follow the Hindu moral practice of ahimsa, which means I don't eat anything from the animal kingdom, but I also don't harm them or facilitate actions that do. I do my best to follow this conviction, although the way our economy is structured makes it difficult. I may choose the vegetarian option at a restaurant, but while I am ensuring they will continue to offer the salad or veggie burger, I also pay for them to continue stocking their meat. I settle for reducing the harm I commit, both directly and inadvertently, by as much as I might consciously be able to. The moralist who thinks they can distinguish themselves by virtue of their intentions is just as much a problem as the world that indulges in killing.

    lol what a fuking fagot

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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    We're all pretty much grown up past that (I think). Anyway, what's there to say about it that hasn't already been said. Wear dark clothes. Wear a backpack. Have a flashlight. Open cars. Check garage doors. The end.

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  4. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter I used to do martial arts when I was a kid, and the one thing I was taught that always stuck with me was how to rip out someone's collar bone. That'd probably kill 'em, or at least help me.
    martial arts are literally the very opposite of intimidating. they make you look like a fag
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    keep sending her photos of Bill Krozby until she changes her number
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  6. What about.. one that shoots things?
    I hear those work well.
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  7. Industrial Houston
    i would actually try to work against those shits, i don't want to go across the street and get smashed by a broken self-driving truck, fuck are the retards thinking, their shit won't break as much as phones and laptops?
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  8. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Holy shit, these people are so ridiculous. I remember hearing about them years ago and thinking "this is ludicrous" and "they can't be serious, this has to be a joke." So, turns out this "non-profit" organization that had blown me away with their huge misrepresentations of drugs, this consortium was in fact was founded by none other than *drumroll* those crazy fuckers at The Church of Scientology. The true hilarity from the absurdness of this organization's claims & stories from "real life drug users" is hilarously topped off by their slogan, "Find out the truth about drugs"

    Links below to some of the more lolzy ones.

    Lolzy video "documentary" about abusing xtc.

    Page one of "Facts about LSD" (Just keep reading, it gets so amazingly awful).

    EDIT: I have added a lot of hilarious quotes within this thread, that way you don't have to dig for the entertaining falsehoods but you still can if you want to at

    "After taking the acid, I imagined that we had driven head-on into an eighteen-wheeler and were killed. I could hear the screeching metal, then a dark and evil quiet. I was terrified at this point, I actually thought we were dead….For a year I wouldn't go into any cemetery because I was terrified I would find my own grave. -Jenny

    “It started with the weed, then the pills (Ecstasy) and acid, making cocktails of all sorts of drugs, even overdosing to make the rushes last longer. I had a bad trip one night . . . I prayed and cried for this feeling to go away, I had voices in my head, had the shakes and couldn’t leave home for six months. I thought everyone was watching me. I couldn’t walk in public places. Man! I couldn’t even drive. Karen

    After a crazy night of "mooking" (smoking marijuana and tobacco together) this next person got so messed up that they even forgot to leave their name next to this quote in the drugfreeworld pamphlet. (seriously, this next quote doesn't even have a name next to it, just the quote by itself)

    “I ended up in the mental hospital because it had been 10 days and I had gotten 10 to 15 hours of sleep total.” - unknown mooker

    “I was given my first joint in the playground of my school. I’m a heroin addict now, and I’ve just finished my eighth treatment for drug addiction.”

    “The teacher in the school I went to would smoke three or four joints a day. He got lots of students to start smoking, me included. His dealer then pushed me to start using heroin, which I did without resisting. By that time, it was as if my conscience was already dead.” - Veronique

    “At a rave party, I saw a guy who had stuffed himself with Ecstasy repeat for hours, ‘I am an orange, don’t peel me, I am an orange, don’t peel me.’ Another guy thought he was a fly and wouldn’t stop hitting his head against a window.”


    ^^ I think we have a winner for the most apparent piece of bullshit copped off as a scare tactic. I don't know if they can get much better…or worse, than that.

    Post last edited by What_a_Kreep at 2017-07-21T13:46:12.284219+00:00
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  9. does anyone else think this might be the worst thread on the entire internet? Bill Krozby might as well have posted I LIKE CHEESE!!!! and posted a video of him fucking a monkey
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I don't fuck with banks, but I do fuck with walmart which is perhaps just as bad, but it's simple enough and it's all I need. I have the prepaid money card with them and simply take my paychecks there to stand in line with the niggers and general riff-raff to get my check cashed and displaced onto my card at my choosing. The last time I went, the worker that I dealt with was clearly new and not sure what he was doing, so I'm surprised it took me so long to check what I thought maybe..MAYBE had happened.

    I had my check for $700 of which I told the guy I wanted $200 put on the card (so I could pay my cable/internet, electric, and phone bills online, and I wanted the rest as cash. He was fussing around trying to figure out how to do that, ran my card, put in the $700 and asked me to confirm it on the little pad which I did, then he acted confused and just restarted the process, this time doing what he should have done the first time which was to just cash my check entirely and then take 200 from that and put it on the card. So yeah, if you haven't figured out what I'm getting to here, it's that he literally put $700 on my card, started over, DIDN'T CANCEL IT, and then proceeded to put another $200 on my card and give me $500 cash.

    I just stumbled upon a free $700 and it makes me want to buy strippers and cocaine but I'll probably just go buy some beer. Anyway, THANKS WALLY WORLD!! XD XD
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